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Re: Post-apocalyptic [Winter 2013] anime

PostPosted: Thu Jan 17, 2013 9:41 pm
by blkmage
I wasn't expecting Sasami-san to come out and infodump it all out.

Re: Post-apocalyptic [Winter 2013] anime

PostPosted: Fri Jan 18, 2013 12:49 pm
by MangaRocks!
Tamako Market ep.'s 1-2:

I guess it's pretty cute so far. :) It didn't really grab me like Disappearance..., Hyouka, or Chuunibyou... all did; but it's certainly amusing (especially that 'bird,' LOL :grin: ), and I did enjoy the second episode more than the first, so we'll see how it goes. :)

Re: Post-apocalyptic [Winter 2013] anime

PostPosted: Sun Jan 20, 2013 8:54 pm
by Mouse2010
So, is anyone else still watching Maoyuu ? I really like the economics plot--it is actually more interesting to me than the microeconomics of Spice and Wolf. But I am already tired of all the bouncing . . . body parts . . . and I kinda hate the romance.

I think I agree with the maid, actually:
SPOILER: Highlight text to read: The hero and the demon king are essentially married to each other, given the nature of their contract. (Giving yourself to someone entirely for an unlimited time . . . that's a marriage) So they should quit blushing and stammering and whatnot and resolve all that annoying sexual tension so that we can get on with the plot that really interests me. I want to see if they are able to find a way out of the war!

Normally, I LIKE a good romance, so this is an unusual response from me.

Re: Post-apocalyptic [Winter 2013] anime

PostPosted: Sun Jan 20, 2013 8:57 pm
by Crossfire
Uh, isn't it supposed be a demon queen? Because otherwise, it would make for an... awkward setting.

Re: Post-apocalyptic [Winter 2013] anime

PostPosted: Sun Jan 20, 2013 9:36 pm
by goldenspines
Would a rose by any other name smell as sweet?

"Demon King" is just a title that carries over regardless of gender, I think.

Anyway, I'm still watching Maoyuu and liking it as much as I liked Spice and Wolf (not in love, but enjoying it). Though, I have the opposite opinion of the romance than Mouse does, so I dunno, maybe I'm weird?

SPOILER: Highlight text to read: The two main characters are put into a difficult situation that neither are fully comfortable with; a marriage with barely knowing one another very well and you expect some sort of quick resolution like everything is great and wonderful so we can get on with life? The stammering and blushing fits their characters quite well and it would be weird if they didn't have all this embarrassment, I think. For one, both of them are still pretty young. The hero is only used to fighting demons and hunting (which he's good at) and the demon king has been living by herself for most of her life and though she's quite knowledgeable, she's not good with relating to other people. And the maid is creepy, but probably means well....I think.
Meanwhile, in the midst of this awkward situation which both parties are trying to make work, they are seeking to find a resolution for the war and find out what really is on the other side of that hill! =D

Side note, the introduction of the hero's original "party" is quite interesting.

So far, it's pretty okay, overall. I hope it doesn't go one for 50+ episodes though. XD;

Re: Post-apocalyptic [Winter 2013] anime

PostPosted: Sun Jan 20, 2013 9:46 pm
by Mouse2010
Goldenspines beat me to it. Yeah, my understanding from the first episode is that "Demon King" is a traditional title regardless of gender, apparently.

And, Goldenspines, in the abstract, I'd agree with you. SPOILER: Highlight text to read: It's basically an arranged marriage romance, and arranged marriages stories often do take time to resolve the romance. And yes, they're both young and kind of shy around each other, and if I think about it rationally, that's probably quite realistic. In fact, normally, I think I'd find this to be a sweet and realistic romance. (Compare Bride's Story). As I think about it, I am not sure what it is that irritates me about it. Maybe it is the way the sweet-blushing-romance gets juxtaposed with the Demon King's bouncing breasts? It's a jarring clash of innocent romance and entirely unnecessary fanservice. (Admittedly, the fanservice is not NEARLY as bad as it could be. It just feels out of place in this particular show to me.) Or maybe the dialogue between them just isn't strong enough to carry the romance for me. I am not sure what the problem is. Either way, I don't think it will stop me from watching the series.

Maybe I'll try to be less critical about it. As I said, normally I like stories that have a good romance.

Re: Post-apocalyptic [Winter 2013] anime

PostPosted: Sun Jan 20, 2013 9:59 pm
by Crossfire
I can't tell if I'm loosing interest in anime, or if my tastes are just horrible... because I don't see anything this season that appeals to me. I suppose I might give Maoyuu a try since Spice & Wolf was enjoyable.

Come to think of it, Magi is supposed to continue throughout January and February right?

Re: Post-apocalyptic [Winter 2013] anime

PostPosted: Sun Jan 20, 2013 10:10 pm
by goldenspines
Mouse2010 wrote:Goldenspines beat me to it. Yeah, my understanding from the first episode is that "Demon King" is a traditional title regardless of gender, apparently.

And, Goldenspines, in the abstract, I'd agree with you. SPOILER: Highlight text to read: It's basically an arranged marriage romance, and arranged marriages stories often do take time to resolve the romance. And yes, they're both young and kind of shy around each other, and if I think about it rationally, that's probably quite realistic. In fact, normally, I think I'd find this to be a sweet and realistic romance. (Compare Bride's Story). As I think about it, I am not sure what it is that irritates me about it. Maybe it is the way the sweet-blushing-romance gets juxtaposed with the Demon King's bouncing breasts? It's a jarring clash of innocent romance and entirely unnecessary fanservice. (Admittedly, the fanservice is not NEARLY as bad as it could be. It just feels out of place in this particular show to me.) Or maybe the dialogue between them just isn't strong enough to carry the romance for me. I am not sure what the problem is. Either way, I don't think it will stop me from watching the series.

Maybe I'll try to be less critical about it. As I said, normally I like stories that have a good romance.
SPOILER: Highlight text to read: Oh man, I wouldn't even compare this to Bride Story, which does a better job in many ways and is on a much higher level of quality than Maoyuu currently, even as a manga. Granted, the ages don't really work well for a comparison. The hero and the Demon King are more the same age while Amir and Karluk are at a 6 year difference. XD But you bring up an excellent point! The interactions between the two characters in Maoyuu are, while cute, kind of blah-ish thus far (not really going anywhere, either good or bad), even for the awkward situation. The fanservice is probably the main cause of this, though. I can only hope it improves over time.
Actually, I probably don't even really need a spoiler, but oh well.

Re: Post-apocalyptic [Winter 2013] anime

PostPosted: Mon Jan 21, 2013 7:59 am
by blkmage
The whole gist of Maoyuu is reverse-importing modern advances into template fantasy JRPG-land. The romance was always the weakest part of the story. It seems like the anime is focusing a bit more on it than the manga did, and I don't know that it's a good idea.

Maou is often translated as Demon King in the fantasy JRPG context but remember that we're dealing with templates, so it probably makes more sense to think of it as something like the final boss, which mirrors Yuusha, the protagonist/hero/player character.

Re: Post-apocalyptic [Winter 2013] anime

PostPosted: Mon Jan 21, 2013 11:22 am
by Falx
Yeah the romance seems really forced.

In other news looks like we're finally getting some Hosaka-senpai in Minami-ke. Oh Hosaka, oh I've missed you, you crazy diamond.

Re: Post-apocalyptic [Winter 2013] anime

PostPosted: Mon Jan 21, 2013 2:05 pm
by Vii
Tamako Market Ep. 2 - SPOILER: Highlight text to read: I ADORED the Can-and-Wire telephone bit. It was so cute.

Re: Post-apocalyptic [Winter 2013] anime

PostPosted: Mon Jan 21, 2013 2:37 pm
by mechana2015
Tamako markets fun, nice and slapstick. And I find the bird quite funny.

Re: Post-apocalyptic [Winter 2013] anime

PostPosted: Tue Jan 22, 2013 2:44 pm
by MangaRocks!
Amnesia episode 3:

Still great art and music, and still fairly interesting. :)

Re: Post-apocalyptic [Winter 2013] anime

PostPosted: Tue Jan 22, 2013 11:18 pm
by Crossfire
I, uh, take back what I previously said. I...


SPOILER: Highlight text to read: ...legitimately like Maoyuu. URUSAI. I was a blind fool!

Re: Post-apocalyptic [Winter 2013] anime

PostPosted: Thu Jan 24, 2013 4:16 pm
by Vii
Amnesia 2-3: Okay, I think the only thing keeping me interested is that I want to know just what the heck is going on with the parallel-universe-time-warp-thing. And that green-haired bishie is just way to over the top. I can't take him seriously. In fact, it's hard to take anyone seriously with those technicolor eyes. They are incredibly distracting.

Koutura-san 1: Well, wasn't that a somber start. I think I got whiplash from the change to the OP.

Re: Post-apocalyptic [Winter 2013] anime

PostPosted: Thu Jan 24, 2013 8:22 pm
by MangaRocks!
Tamako Market episode 3:

LOL at the teacher, the class introductions, and (as always) that bird. :grin:

As mentioned before, though this is personally not (yet) as engaging for me as the previous KyoAni shows that I've seen, it's been cute and amusing enough so far. :)

Re: Post-apocalyptic [Winter 2013] anime

PostPosted: Thu Jan 24, 2013 9:16 pm
by Mr. Hat'n'Clogs
I'm going to make an assumption here and say that shows that don't have a plot aren't really going to be your thing. Tamako Market is great but many of the qualities that make it so are different from Hyouka or Chu2Koi, where we have clear character drama and events going on. I don't think I'll be making a big leap to say that Tamako Market is going to remain the day-to-day adventures of the shopping district, so since you're not really into stuff like Aria or Yotsuba&! I don't think you're really going to find this show to be something you dig.

Re: Post-apocalyptic [Winter 2013] anime

PostPosted: Fri Jan 25, 2013 12:49 pm
by MangaRocks!
^ Actually, I think you're exactly right! In fact, I've never even really thought about that before-- it actually seemed kinda weird to me how I would really enjoy some slice-of-life-type-stuff and then some others not so much, because I don't mind in the least if the watch/read is 'slow,' as is the (IMO silly) complaint you often hear about that type of story (for example, Hyouka, Time Of Eve, Whisper Of The Heart, Ocean Waves, Natsume's Book Of Friends, Silver Spoon, Nineteen, Twenty One, Kimi to Boku., and etc. are all examples of slice-of-life-type-stuff that I've loved); but, now that you mention it, it does indeed appear that the slice-of-life stuff that I really enjoy all have *some* type of progression-- even if it's subtle-- with either plot, romance, or character development. (Not to say that I *dislike* Yotsuba&! or Tamako-- I do like them, actually :sweat: -- it's just that I don't *love* them, and they don't engage me as much. But now I see why. Thanks, Hat! :) )

Re: Post-apocalyptic [Winter 2013] anime

PostPosted: Fri Jan 25, 2013 1:04 pm
by Neane
I only saw one episode of Tamako Market and This is the definition of a soulless anime. Boring, cheesy, painful to watch. It has absolutely no value in anything it does, anything at all. Maybe only its animation techniques. But the character art is absolutely dreadful, and the backgrounds are generic real life photographs, photoshopped to look 2D (and if a few aren't, I don't care, they suck either way, clear picture doesn't mean anything tbh). You don't care for the plot, you don't care for the characters. Seriously, just looking on the screen, while this anime is playing, makes me feel bad for myself.

Whoever wants me to define what a soulless anime is:
"The characters don't seem to be interracting with the setting or each other, but putting on a show for the watchers."
And a low quality one, on the top of it.

Maoyuu Maou Yuusha episode 3

So, they've perfected a crop ideal for cold growing conditions (the potato). I guess this is supposed to address how the Southern nations can't grow enough to feed themselves.

Now she's contacted the Merchant guild, sent them a compass because... she wanted them to contemplate killing her to monopolize the innovation?

Anyway, the relationships are boring, and it doesn't help how the show itself shined a light on the fact nothing's happening, though I wouldn't have cared if anything was. Any hint of honest characterization was shoved away when they introduced the Maid. I'm also starting to suspect that the "Hero" was in reality just a mook, I'm not seeing anyone sing songs of his epic exploits here.

Sasami-san@Ganbaranai eps 1 - 2

Did not keep me interested enough to continue watching.

AKB0048 ep 16 (2nd Stage ep 3)


so wait

Hearts = idols
Aces/Diamonds = graduated idols
Spades = fake/evil idols?
Clubs = uhhhhh... idols that have joined the post-mortal musical hivemind?

This symbolism is getting too deep for me.

So yeah, that was a good episode that was nearly all about low key character interaction and buildup for next week. I didn't expect the series to get to Elections so soon - I guess this means we'll get two or then the second cour will not revolve even remotely as much around the plot device as I thought.

Nice to see plot moves forward a bit too and though it's obviously not surprise I'm kind of disappoint Akimoto monolith of nonsensical prophecies hasn't apparently eaten the disappeared Center Novaes to satisfy his cosmic hunger. (Virgin Human sacrifices for the Win.)

So AKB0048 is still strong.

Chihayafuru 2

Very happy this is back. I really enjoyed the last season and since it didn't really end I was very pleased when a second season was confirmed. 2 episodes in and it's just as enjoyable so far.

Re: Post-apocalyptic [Winter 2013] anime

PostPosted: Fri Jan 25, 2013 2:40 pm
by Zeldafan2
Neane wrote:I only saw one episode of Tamako Market and This is the definition of a soulless anime. Boring, cheesy, painful to watch. It has absolutely no value in anything it does, anything at all. Maybe only its animation techniques. But the character art is absolutely dreadful, and the backgrounds are generic real life photographs, photoshopped to look 2D (and if a few aren't, I don't care, they suck either way, clear picture doesn't mean anything tbh). You don't care for the plot, you don't care for the characters. Seriously, just looking on the screen, while this anime is playing, makes me feel bad for myself.

Whoever wants me to define what a soulless anime is:
"The characters don't seem to be interracting with the setting or each other, but putting on a show for the watchers."
And a low quality one, on the top of it.


Maybe this is why I felt so off about it when i watched the first episode (although, this may have been because it was very unfunny). But just, wow.......

Re: Post-apocalyptic [Winter 2013] anime

PostPosted: Fri Jan 25, 2013 3:07 pm
by goldenspines
Neane is also known for not liking much of KyoAni's stuff anyways, soooo, it's a given he probably wouldn't like Tamako Market. XD
Though, even I'll admit it's not a show everyone will enjoy.

Good to see you back though, Neane. It makes me happy that at least someone enjoys the AKB0048 anime.

Re: Post-apocalyptic [Winter 2013] anime

PostPosted: Fri Jan 25, 2013 3:49 pm
by blkmage
The lovely thing about this week's Tamako Market is that it brought us the perspective of the outsider. So far, because it's been introductory stuff, all we've seen is how Tamako interacts with her close friends and family and a weird bird. This time, we get to see what it's like looking into her group of friends. We also see how much the people running the shops around her home love her and care about her as the new girl walks through over to the shop. It was the nice little detail that stood out for me this week, like the string/cup telephone from last week.

Re: Post-apocalyptic [Winter 2013] anime

PostPosted: Fri Jan 25, 2013 4:24 pm
by Mr. Hat'n'Clogs
MangaRocks! wrote:^ Actually, I think you're exactly right! In fact, I've never even really thought about that before-- it actually seemed kinda weird to me how I would really enjoy some slice-of-life-type-stuff and then some others not so much, because I don't mind in the least if the watch/read is 'slow,' as is the (IMO silly) complaint you often hear about that type of story (for example, Hyouka, Time Of Eve, Whisper Of The Heart, Ocean Waves, Natsume's Book Of Friends, Silver Spoon, Nineteen, Twenty One, Kimi to Boku., and etc. are all examples of slice-of-life-type-stuff that I've loved); but, now that you mention it, it does indeed appear that the slice-of-life stuff that I really enjoy all have *some* type of progression-- even if it's subtle-- with either plot, romance, or character development. (Not to say that I *dislike* Yotsuba&! or Tamako-- I do like them, actually :sweat: -- it's just that I don't *love* them, and they don't engage me as much. But now I see why. Thanks, Hat! :) )
I haven't seen Ocean Waves or read Nineteen, Twenty One, but all the other things you've mentioned are dramas. Silver Spoon, for instance, has day-to-day shenanigans with Life At Farm School but the whole thing is about Mikage and these other kids figuring out what they're going to do with their lives and their talents. Similarly, Time of Eve isn't about the daily life of the coffee shop so much as it is looking at robot sentience and what kind of rights they'd have, are they the same as a person, etc.

Meanwhile, what makes Tamako Market (or for some other similar things, YKK, Yotsuba&!, or Aria) good is different from getting involved in the characters and their struggles but they're not really comedies the way something like Nichibros or Arakawa Under the Bridge are because their goal is not to have you suffocating from lack of breath. Instead, what they're primarily concerned with is getting you mixed up in the world they're set in. This is not to be confused with, say, Xam'd or Eureka Seven, where the setting makes an exotic feeling where the viewer is interested in the world because it's different. Rather, because they are set in a calm, peaceful location that is very similar to your own place, they get you swept up in the day-to-day lives of the people residing in the place and you feel relaxation and joy at the beauty of regular life. Usually, they have some sort of catalyst (Yotsuba's adorable innocence, Akari's profession as a gondolier) but the position is mostly there to help you explore the setting as you see the various things that make it beautiful.

Part of why KyoAni is so excellent at this is because they have such excellent animation that the characters we're watching feel real because the way they move reminds us more of human beings than the typical limited-animation we see in low-intensity TV anime. Similarly, the way the backgrounds are so fantastic really help make the background part of the show as we get swept into the magic of watching the events transpiring to this background. The next time you watch Tamako Market, try to pay attention to the way people move around and how much they move around. Rather than expecting to be lol'ing or being swept up in the characters, try to instead let the show transport yourself to the shopping district to feel like you're part of this wonderful place where everyone belongs and the nice crossdresser at the floral shop will give you a free flower if you're a shy new girl or the two old guys are going to argue over whether it's better to keep up with trends or to stick with tradition, but no one (including their children) actually pay them any mind.

Re: Post-apocalyptic [Winter 2013] anime

PostPosted: Fri Jan 25, 2013 4:29 pm
by goldenspines
Finally got around to watching some of the anime I had queued, but hadn't watched. For Tamako Market, Blkmage and Hat pretty much covered most of it, but the scene in the coffee shop was also very nice this episode. Actually, I really loved the whole episode mainly for the new character finally being fully introduced. (maybe it's just because I've been through that same rehearsal scene that Shiori was doing in front of the mirror. XD)
I'm still curious to see how the story continues to develop, especially with the bird's "mission".
I forgot to mention this earlier, but in my short trip to Japan last year, I ended up visiting a shopping district like in Tamako Market, so all the visuals make me reminisce. :3

Small note about Amnesia, because I forgot to make it here earlier. Crazy colored eyes whyyy, of course, but that aside, the story still remains interesting. I worry they're trying to complicate it too much though with SPOILER: Highlight text to read: not only time jumps, but alternate time lines as well? Still, it's kind of nice someone else besides her knows about her memory loss now and even try to help her out.

Also, Senyuu is still pretty funny. Even for 4 minute episodes.

Re: Post-apocalyptic [Winter 2013] anime

PostPosted: Fri Jan 25, 2013 7:22 pm
by MangaRocks!
goldenspines wrote:Small note about Amnesia, because I forgot to make it here earlier. Crazy colored eyes whyyy, of course, but that aside, the story still remains interesting. I worry they're trying to complicate it too much though with SPOILER: Highlight text to read: not only time jumps, but alternate time lines as well? Still, it's kind of nice someone else besides her knows about her memory loss now and even try to help her out.

As for the spoiler there: SPOILER: Highlight text to read: Eh, IMO it's not really complicated so much as just alternate timelines that always 'begin' from a certain date (and yes, there is a reason for this). :)

Mr. Hat'n'Clogs wrote:I haven't seen Ocean Waves or read Nineteen, Twenty One, but all the other things you've mentioned are dramas. Silver Spoon, for instance, has day-to-day shenanigans with Life At Farm School but the whole thing is about Mikage and these other kids figuring out what they're going to do with their lives and their talents. Similarly, Time of Eve isn't about the daily life of the coffee shop so much as it is looking at robot sentience and what kind of rights they'd have, are they the same as a person, etc.

Meanwhile, what makes Tamako Market (or for some other similar things, YKK, Yotsuba&!, or Aria) good is different from getting involved in the characters and their struggles but they're not really comedies the way something like Nichibros or Arakawa Under the Bridge are because their goal is not to have you suffocating from lack of breath. Instead, what they're primarily concerned with is getting you mixed up in the world they're set in. This is not to be confused with, say, Xam'd or Eureka Seven, where the setting makes an exotic feeling where the viewer is interested in the world because it's different. Rather, because they are set in a calm, peaceful location that is very similar to your own place, they get you swept up in the day-to-day lives of the people residing in the place and you feel relaxation and joy at the beauty of regular life. Usually, they have some sort of catalyst (Yotsuba's adorable innocence, Akari's profession as a gondolier) but the position is mostly there to help you explore the setting as you see the various things that make it beautiful.

Part of why KyoAni is so excellent at this is because they have such excellent animation that the characters we're watching feel real because the way they move reminds us more of human beings than the typical limited-animation we see in low-intensity TV anime. Similarly, the way the backgrounds are so fantastic really help make the background part of the show as we get swept into the magic of watching the events transpiring to this background. The next time you watch Tamako Market, try to pay attention to the way people move around and how much they move around. Rather than expecting to be lol'ing or being swept up in the characters, try to instead let the show transport yourself to the shopping district to feel like you're part of this wonderful place where everyone belongs and the nice crossdresser at the floral shop will give you a free flower if you're a shy new girl or the two old guys are going to argue over whether it's better to keep up with trends or to stick with tradition, but no one (including their children) actually pay them any mind.

Yeah, you're right-- and that's a good tip. I'll keep that in mind for the rest of the episodes. :) Thanks again, Hat!

Re: Post-apocalyptic [Winter 2013] anime

PostPosted: Sat Jan 26, 2013 7:57 am
by minakichan
Oh man, I came back and saw a bunch of text walls, anime is serious business.

Still watching Amnesia, although I think I am now over the fact that this isn't quite at the "so bad it's good" level. I'm having a lot of fun just realizing how silly it is at times-- shocking that the boys really dress like that in public, making fun of their hilarious fashion choices.

Also watching Maoyuu-- to be honest, I think it's a little slow, and I'd rather read a novel or manga so I can speed up the pace... It's not that slow economics anime is bad for me or anything, just that I think it's the type of show I need to multitask to watch properly.

Also marathoned a bunch of Space Brothers last week-- really is my subjective best anime on television right now.

Hetalia 5 came out yesterday-- SO SHINY. I kind of wish it had always looked like that. I'm really falling behind on everything else.

Re: Post-apocalyptic [Winter 2013] anime

PostPosted: Sat Jan 26, 2013 1:44 pm
by Crossfire
Wait, the new season of Hetalia is out?!

Re: Post-apocalyptic [Winter 2013] anime

PostPosted: Sat Jan 26, 2013 9:50 pm
by Neane
Finished AKB0048 Next Stage Episode 4.

Probably the best episode so far. So much emotions,
I think I get it now. AKB0048 is basically a love story.

Next episode is the Star wars episode.
I don't think I'm ready for the full-blown space warfare in the next episode.

Re: Post-apocalyptic [Winter 2013] anime

PostPosted: Tue Jan 29, 2013 10:09 pm
by MangaRocks!
Amnesia episode 4:

Yep, I knew it-- SPOILER: Highlight text to read: they're going with the bad ends first. :sweat: That *is* the only way the story really makes sense in the end, though, so it's actually a good thing. :)

Also, LOL at Ikki's innuendo. :forehead: :grin:

Re: Post-apocalyptic [Winter 2013] anime

PostPosted: Wed Jan 30, 2013 9:05 am
by Neane
From fighting street rapists to fighting God himself 65 million years in the past in only 6 episodes?

Is there even any point to making new anime anymore? Nothing will match the sheer perfection of Inferno Cop.

I'm also keeping up with Jojo - the appeal of the show is that it is honest shounen series with candid visuals and notable voice acting. It just makes all of the characters cool. The first arc was good with the perfect timing of Roundabout every ending but the second arc just takes the story on another level with Sugita's voice acting.

In the end, Inferno Cop wins by default but my other top favorite airing anime are Jojo and SSY (From the New World is what happens when Akira meets Higurashi in a Princess Mononoke setting, with the philosophical and mysterious backdrop of Haibane Renmei).