mitsuki lover wrote:Light Rangers?Sounds from the title a bit like Power Rangers but we will see.
animedude90 wrote:Also note that Light in the title might insinuate that the rangers fight for the Lord against the evil forces of darkness that come from Satan. I don't now if thats the case, but it could happen.
Psycho Ann wrote:Hah! XD If that ever happens, Psychoteers isn't the series I want to get turned into anime anyway. (coughPaladin!cough)
But know that if LR does even somewhat well (it doesn't have to be a super mega hit or anything close to that), it will open up the doors for more Christian anime productions since investors will see that this medium wouldn't be a total waste of money. And, it's not a huge stretch to say that licensing might even happen to the online Christian manga around here--but don't hold your breath on it. XD
It's definitely going to be a shaky start like the start of Christian pro published "manga" here (argh, I cringe at the thought), but it's a start regardless! So please keep supporting us, and any other company that seriously considers this medium.
Support doesn't mean you have to say only positive things and praises regardless of quality. In fact, honest feedback is the best thing you can do to support; if something is totally off then please say it or it'll probably never be fixed. Ignoring an effort is probably the quickest way to kill it completely.
... Buuuuut I'm getting ahead of myself. While the LR anime is already in production phase, it'll be a while before it's ready to be released. Keep it in your prayers!
Christisright wrote:I Know It's Kinda Early to say this,but I hope they hire Professional Christian VA's like Steve Blum and JYB for the dub instead of using Amatures.
BTW,Psycho Ann I Love your work,Keep it up.
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