How do you watch anime?

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How do you watch anime?

Postby Kura Ookami » Mon Sep 03, 2007 12:02 pm

Do you watch it one episode at a time or watch several episodes together? Do you concentrate on one series or watch several series at the same time? Do you mainly watch movies, OVA's or tv series? Do you watch lots of different genres at the same time or just go with a single genre? In short, how do you watch anime?
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Postby uc pseudonym » Mon Sep 03, 2007 1:51 pm

I mostly follow series airing on television, so I watch one episode per week.
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Postby ADXC » Mon Sep 03, 2007 4:34 pm

I watch the anime that comes on TV which is one episode per week like UC. Although I do buy different types of anime at the store and watch them as soon as I can. So therefore I watch them all at once. So here it is in simpler terms,
TV anime-I watch as they come on television.
Anime bought-I watch them as soon as possible.
I do like to watch different genres of anime just so Im well rounded. But sometimes I may just stick to one type. And there are some genres that I don't like, but I like most of them.
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Postby Rev. Doc » Mon Sep 03, 2007 4:35 pm

Do you watch it one episode at a time or watch several episodes together?

I usually watch volumes at a time as they are released. So that anywhere from 3 to 5 episodes of each title straight through.

Do you concentrate on one series or watch several series at the same time?

Several at a time. I do go back many times after completing a collection and watch the whole series stright through again.

Do you mainly watch movies, OVA's or tv series?

Mostly TV series, but I also purchase movies and OVAs as they come out.

Do you watch lots of different genres at the same time or just go with a single genre?

While I do have my favorites I'm not locked into any given type.
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Postby Radical Dreamer » Mon Sep 03, 2007 5:09 pm

Do you watch it one episode at a time or watch several episodes together?

It sort of depends on the series. If I'm watching fansubs being released on a weekly basis, I'll stick with one episode per week or so; if I'm watching a DVD, however, I'll usually watch all four or five episodes contained on the DVD, which takes about as long as it does to watch a movie. Unless I'm marathoning a series, though, anywhere from one to four episodes.

Do you concentrate on one series or watch several series at the same time?

That depends on whether or not I actually have more than one series to watch. XD Sometimes I'll just watch one series, other times I'll be keeping track of two or three.

Do you mainly watch movies, OVA's or tv series?

Generally speaking, TV series, though in recent weeks I've been watching a few anime movies that I happened to come across, and I enjoyed that just as much. Also, I've watched the occasional OVA or movie in the past, but overall, my collection mainly consists of series.

Do you watch lots of different genres at the same time or just go with a single genre?

I'm discovering that I enjoy a fairly wide range of genre in both manga and anime, so I'd definitely say that I don't limit myself to one genre. Besides, that'd be boring anyways. XD
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Postby Blitzkrieg1701 » Mon Sep 03, 2007 10:22 pm

I watch a lot of anime on TV, which requires me to watch a lot of shows one episode a week. When I have a choice, though, I'll usually gravitate towards movies or OVAs over a show. When I DO pick up a show, I usually try to get the whole thing at once so I can plow through in one blast. As for genre, I confess that I've watched a lot of anime more because it was my beloved Sci Fi than because it actually looked good. However, when something really does look impressive to me, I'll check it out regardless of what genre it is.
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Postby Kura Ookami » Tue Sep 04, 2007 8:51 am

I'll answer my own questions.

Do you watch it one episode at a time or watch several episodes together?

Usually I'll watch one episode at a time.

Do you concentrate on one series or watch several series at the same time?

Usually I'll watch several animes at the same time.

Do you mainly watch movies, OVA's or tv series?

Mostly I watch TV series, but i do sometimes get OVA's and movies

Do you watch lots of different genres at the same time or just go with a single genre?

It depends on any given period of time and what I'm feeling like. If i feel like watching several action series I'll do that. Usually though, it's a mix of different genres.

Also as for how long i wait between episodes usually about a week though sometimes I'll take longer savouring each episode, perhaps watching it a few times before going on to the next one. Sometimes, I'll marathon an entire series and watch every episode one after the other.
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Postby Doubleshadow » Wed Sep 05, 2007 9:47 am

I usually watch one episode at a time on TV unless a marathon is on. Otherwise I wait until I have an afternoon to watch a bunch of episodes together of whatever series I'm watching.
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Postby Smile:) » Tue Sep 11, 2007 12:09 pm

I watch anime whenever it's on, so once a week.
If they're on late at nigth, then I tape them and watch the next day.
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