Fate/Stay Night ventilation (Spoilers)

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Fate/Stay Night ventilation (Spoilers)

Postby John the Roman » Sun Oct 21, 2012 12:57 pm

Ermehgersh... I can't remember which episode it was that this happened but this show annoyed me haha.

When I first saw it, I guessed that Saber was Joan of Arc. I mean, that makes the most sense doesn't it? I can't think of many other heroines of lore that are like Saber besides Joan of Arc, and the saber is a European sword, so I figured it could be kind of a French thing or whatever.

Then again, I guess Joan of Arc wouldn't have "an obligation left unfulfilled" that I can think of.

But no, this couldn't make sense for Saber, being a woman, to be a personality who was historically female. She had to be some feminist King Arthur wannabe!

The whole thing was pretty ridiculous to me and even though I loved the story I couldn't help but laugh when she or others called her/herself "a king."

King Arthur... a woman... honestly? lol
John the Roman
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Joined: Wed Oct 03, 2012 4:56 pm

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