oldphilosopher wrote:> the first RahXephon DVD had 5 episodes on it, then the second, 4 and third, 3...
Well, this may not only be a marketing gimic. The DVD encoding scheme is non-linear. A 30 minute clip of someone talking and staying relatively still will take WAY less space than a 30 minute action packed anime. If you want to know the technical specs, PM or AIM me and I'll explain it further. Suffice to say, just because the episodes are the same length doesn't mean they will fit on the same DVD. The 'length limits' on DVDs are only estimates. Plus, there's the issue of quality. Some anime are released for VCD and use MPEG-1 encoding, or roughly 1/4 the space of MPEG-2. I can look up all the specs if someone wants a complete analisys, but I suspect that would just bore people.
The general rule of thumb is this: anime that has lots of action or panning will take more space then anime that has lots of stills/slow mos/dialigues. Since lots of anime start out slowly and build at the end, it's relatively common to have serious compression issues in the latter DVDs. Gee, sounds like I'm teaching a class in compression again...
Technomancer wrote:(and it also means the companies are able to provide higher quality video)
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