Saint Kevin wrote:Funky looking pair of scissors on page 4 (and 5). Also, it's probably not your fault, but almost all of chapter 5 is way too dark. If I hadn't turned the gamma all the way up on my monitor, I wouldn't have been able to follow it all. My biggest advice (and what do I know about art anyway) is that there could have been more backgrounds. That's more like an icing on the cake kind of thing really - they don't really add much plotwise, and probably take a long time to do. Other than that, this is great stuff. That, and beggars can't be choosers . Keep up the excellent manga Ink, can't wait to see what happens next.
EDIT: I couldn't get it right on the chapter 5 (not 4) thing either. *sigh*
madphilb wrote:BTW, care to discuss your problem with backgrounds, you seem to be doing fine.
(oh, and don't forget to check the bottom of MY signature )
Chapter was a little on the short side compared to the last two chapters...
So, have you finished chapter 6 yet?
inkhana wrote:The main thing I have problems with (in ref to backgrounds) is perspective.
Very well, I do have some constructive criticism. Plan things out quite a ways before hand so you can get an issue 14-22 pages in length (by "plan things out" I mean the number of pages various events will consume). Consistancy doesn't matter greatly in webcomics, but is more important for a manga. Every chapter does not have to form a coherent whole, nor do the endings have to be suspenseful every time.
inkhana wrote:Hi WillieDoc! Long time no see!
>Do you have plans on publishing this or keeping it all on the web?
No, I don't have any plans to publish it...I'd like to keep it all on the internet so anyone may read it. When I started SB, this was something I told myself - I wasn't going to publish it. (maybe the next story I do? haha ).
I like to have the hardcopy of great works and this would be one of them. And nothing is wrong with making a profit for the talent God has given you. My PM to you from way back still stands.
Will Smith, Jr wrote:Hey Phil, is Megatokyo Christian based or something?
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