mitsuki lover wrote:He committed suicide over 61 years ago and his Thousand Year Reich only lasted a decade,so why is Hitler still so important to us today?I ask this question after noticing that History Channel is once again hosting several
shows on Hitler today,including Hitler's Family.
With most tyrants and dictators once they're dead and gone we really don't care much any more.Some how Adolf Hitler seems a bit different in that department.So I ask again,why does he still matter to us?
Ashley wrote:I would say to forget Hitler and his atrocities is to tell the families of 6 million Jews--not to mention other "hated" groups: "your suffering is not worth remembering."
I would say to forget Hitler and his atrocities is to tell the families of 6 million Jews--not to mention other "hated" groups: "your suffering is not worth remembering."
Pascal wrote:Granted, but we do that to almost every other group to which atrocities have been done. Instead, I think its' because a lot of old people watch the history channel and like it when the television gives them a pat on the back every single day of the week about their position in world war 2. Notice that world war 2 has generally been the primary focus of the history channel, despite the fact that it is such a small segment in retrospect of history. Anybody notice them going through Pre-Edo Era Japan? What about the history of England? Lithuanian history anyone? With history being so very very broad (Accross time and cultures), I think that in the end it all has to come down to them giving old people pats on the backs... which is probobly a large portion of their viewing audience.
Some may criticize this and say they were indeed worthy of such things, indeed. But as much as they are reffered to as the greatest generation, does that mean those who fought in WW1, WW2, the Franco-Prussian War or the forests of ancient Germany died any less terrible deaths? Or is World War 2 the only war that REALLY mattered in history? What about Charles the Hammer who saved all of Europe from being conquered in the Islamic expansion? Let's not fool ourselves, there are ALOT of important things other than simply Hitler and WW2 within history. In this respect I was kind of disgruntled that the History Channel seemed so foccussed on the subject without giving fair reign to the others... I wonder if they will vanish from the air waves when the WW2 ventrans all pass away?
-End Rant
Ingemar wrote:2. Although Stalin and Mao killed more people, they did not start any world wars.
Pascal wrote:I wonder if they will vanish from the air waves when the WW2 ventrans all pass away?
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