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Am I OK?

Postby Needle Noggin » Tue Oct 24, 2006 4:24 pm

I have a few concerns.

1. There are a three styles of spoon in my house, and I always rummage through my cabinent looking for my favorite one.

2. I always try to imagine what people will say before they actually say it.

3. I eat nothing but junkfood, yet I am of good weight. ( 130lbs 5' 10")

4. I still play the Pokemon GBA games and I am eagerly awaiting the DS versions.

5. I use my PSP as a paper weight.

6. I have at least 7 versions of "The Hobbit" including a comic book adaptation.

7. There are 3 GBCs, 2 GBAs, 1 GBA SP, 2 GBA micros, 2 DSs, and 1 DS lite in my home.

8. I own a Deku Mask.

9. Once I find a style of shoe I like I get them everytime I get new shoes. (of course, I have broken this pattern 3 or 4 times since I was 6, or it wouldn't really be a pattern)

10. I bought an Xbox 360 controller for my PC.

11. I am a horrible procrastinator. I almost always do school projects and homework on the day they are due. Usually at lunch or on the bus.

12. I often start reading books but then stop in the middle.

13. I play a MMORPG that was realeased in 1999 (EverQuest).

14. I read specialized dictionaries like The British Slang Dictionary, The Misused Mispelled and Misunderstood Words Dictionary, and Webster's Legal Dictionary.

15. I buy EGM and Nintendo Power off the newsstand because I'm too lazy to purchase a subscription.

16. I bought Earthbound for 50$ a few years ago.

17. I shot a pencil out of my slingshot and it hit me on the wrist.

18. I tie my tie every thursday (as opposed to leaving it tied.)

19. I am a very bad drawer.

20. I bite my nails.

21. I pick at scabs until they bleed again.

22. I bite skin off my lip.

23. I rub my eyes.

23. I only own one music CD, which was a gift

24. I went to military school last year.

25. I own more than 350 video games, more than 250 books, and more that 100 DVDs. However I can only afford all this by only having 3 pairs of pants, 5 t-shirts, one pair of shoes, and not eating lunch every single day. I am also forced to make money; by selling ink cartridges that I find in school dumpsters.

26. I love the smell of gasoline.

27. I have two SNESs and two N64s.

28. In the time since 11-18-01 at 9:36 AM two Gamecubes of mine have broken. I have also gone through 1 PS2 (didn't work out of the box), and zero Xboxs (never had a problem with it).

29. I don't really like cats or dogs. Cats are better though.

30. I have 3 alarms set in my room. (not OCD. They are set at 5:15AM, 8PM, and 9PM. I do this so I can sleep from 8PM to 9PM and still catch "Mythbusters".)

31. I got a 27'' flatscreen TV on my last birthday and yet no videogame consoles or even DVD players are hooked up to it, making it pretty much useless.

32. I like McDonalds.

33. Out of the ten power outlets in my room I'm using 9.

34. Videogames are my life.

35. I don't really want to go to Australia or New Zealand.

I think that's it.

So what do you say? Am I OK? Yea or nay?
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Postby Mega.EXE » Tue Oct 24, 2006 4:44 pm

32. I like McDonalds.

that is the only problem just get off that junk an' you'll be fine XD (JK)
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Postby GracefulRocker » Tue Oct 24, 2006 5:05 pm

Actually, you seem like a fairly normal, interesting guy. Ok, well, not entirely normal, (seriously, only 1 cd???), but you seem alot like the kind of guys I date. :lol:
Yes, I know I've been gone a while. Forgive me, and if it makes you feel better, blame it on college and chickens.

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Postby Needle Noggin » Tue Oct 24, 2006 5:15 pm

GracefulRocker wrote:Actually, you seem like a fairly normal, interesting guy. Ok, well, not entirely normal, (seriously, only 1 cd???), but you seem alot like the kind of guys I date. :lol:

36. I don't date, nor I plan to. Infact, I think I'll get myself cloned in South Korea to avoid finding a mate.
Go young wildebeest
for you must gallop yonder
mayonaise amen
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Postby Puguni » Tue Oct 24, 2006 5:17 pm

Everyone has their own quirks, what can I say?

This one's a bit farfetched though:

25. I own more than 350 video games, more than 250 books, and more that 100 DVDs. However I can only afford all this by only having 3 pairs of pants, 5 t-shirts, one pair of shoes, and not eating lunch every single day. I am also forced to make money; by selling ink cartridges that I find in school dumpsters.

I thought I had no clothes...*complete lie*
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Postby GracefulRocker » Tue Oct 24, 2006 5:20 pm

Needle Noggin wrote:36. I don't date, nor I plan to. Infact, I think I'll get myself cloned in South Korea to avoid finding a mate.

You can't seriously be that afraid of girls, can you?
Yes, I know I've been gone a while. Forgive me, and if it makes you feel better, blame it on college and chickens.

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[SIZE="4"][color="Green"]"Conviction is a luxury of those on the side lines."[/color][/SIZE]

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Postby ChristianKitsune » Tue Oct 24, 2006 5:52 pm

wow... you sound like fun!!!
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Postby Yumie » Tue Oct 24, 2006 6:16 pm

Add a new one.

36. I took the time to compile this list.

Other than that being something most people don't do, I say there's nothing wrong with you. Everyone has their little quirks, so it only makes sense that you'd have yours. So, no worries. :thumb:
Be Thou my Vision, O Lord of my heart;
Naught be all else to me, save that Thou art
Thou my best Thought, by day or by night,
Waking or sleeping, Thy presence my light.

Be Thou my Wisdom, and Thou my true Word;
I ever with Thee and Thou with me, Lord;
Thou my great Father, I Thy true son;
Thou in me dwelling, and I with Thee one.

Be Thou my battle Shield, Sword for the fight;
Be Thou my Dignity, Thou my Delight;
Thou my soul’s Shelter, Thou my high Tower:
Raise Thou me heavenward, O Power of my power.

Riches I heed not, nor man’s empty praise,
Thou mine Inheritance, now and always:
Thou and Thou only, first in my heart,
High King of Heaven, my Treasure Thou art.

High King of Heaven, my victory won,
May I reach Heaven’s joys, O bright Heaven’s Sun!
Heart of my own heart, whatever befall,
Still be my Vision, O Ruler of all.
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Postby CobaltAngel » Tue Oct 24, 2006 6:21 pm


typical teenager. I know alot of people who would not raise an eyebrow at your list. ;)

Haha, you like video games, like most kids your age, therefor you procrastinate because you have "so many other things to do" (aka video games to play).

Like Puguni said, we all have our quirks. We can celebrate the good ones, fix the bads ones and... uh... don't know how to finish this sentense gracefully! You get the point.
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Postby Raiden no Kishi » Tue Oct 24, 2006 7:39 pm

1. There are a three styles of spoon in my house, and I always rummage through my cabinent looking for my favorite one.
Hmm. Nope, nothing seriously wrong there.

2. I always try to imagine what people will say before they actually say it.
That's fun. I should try that.

3. I eat nothing but junkfood, yet I am of good weight. ( 130lbs 5' 10")
You're an ectomorph like my best friend. Junk food will still kill you, but you won't see it as easily.

4. I still play the Pokemon GBA games and I am eagerly awaiting the DS versions.
If you like 'em, play 'em.

5. I use my PSP as a paper weight.
Muahaha. That's pretty funny.

6. I have at least 7 versions of "The Hobbit" including a comic book adaptation.
Hey, Tolkien is the man. Don't be ashamed to show it.

7. There are 3 GBCs, 2 GBAs, 1 GBA SP, 2 GBA micros, 2 DSs, and 1 DS lite in my home.
. . . sell those Game Boys. Right now. That's an order, rookie!

8. I own a Deku Mask.
I want a Fierce Deity Mask.

9. Once I find a style of shoe I like I get them everytime I get new shoes. (of course, I have broken this pattern 3 or 4 times since I was 6, or it wouldn't really be a pattern)
If it isn't broken, don't fix it.

10. I bought an Xbox 360 controller for my PC.
Xbox 360 controllers are cool. But Wii-motes are cooler.

11. I am a horrible procrastinator. I almost always do school projects and homework on the day they are due. Usually at lunch or on the bus.
You're human. Work on it.

12. I often start reading books but then stop in the middle.
: : Mortal Kombat announcer voice : : FINISH THEM!

13. I play a MMORPG that was realeased in 1999 (EverQuest).

Ahem. The first step is admitting you have a problem . . . ^_~

14. I read specialized dictionaries like The British Slang Dictionary, The Misused Mispelled and Misunderstood Words Dictionary, and Webster's Legal Dictionary.

15. I buy EGM and Nintendo Power off the newsstand because I'm too lazy to purchase a subscription.
And you still have enough moneys to buy all those Game Boys? SHAME!

16. I bought Earthbound for 50$ a few years ago.
Ow. And it's going to be out for Wii Virtual Console for a lot less. eBay that sucker and see if you can get some ROI.

17. I shot a pencil out of my slingshot and it hit me on the wrist.
Ball bearings are for slingshots, not pencils.

18. I tie my tie every thursday (as opposed to leaving it tied.)
Real men tie their own ties every time. Hoo-rah.

19. I am a very bad drawer.
: : am a very bad drawer too : :

20. I bite my nails.
Keep them clipped, and you won't be as tempted.

21. I pick at scabs until they bleed again.
. . . don't do that.

22. I bite skin off my lip.
: : has done that : : Don't do it!

23. I rub my eyes.
. . . not the eyeballs directly, I hope.

23. I only own one music CD, which was a gift
Well, if you'd get a subscription to those magazines and sell your outdated consoles, you might not have this problem.

iTunes cards are your bright, cheery friends.

24. I went to military school last year.
. . . okay. : : makes over-the-head motion : :

25. I own more than 350 video games, more than 250 books, and more that 100 DVDs. However I can only afford all this by only having 3 pairs of pants, 5 t-shirts, one pair of shoes, and not eating lunch every single day. I am also forced to make money; by selling ink cartridges that I find in school dumpsters.
Budget much?

26. I love the smell of gasoline.
: : does too : :

27. I have two SNESs and two N64s.
With Virtual Console on the way? SHAME!

28. In the time since 11-18-01 at 9:36 AM two Gamecubes of mine have broken. I have also gone through 1 PS2 (didn't work out of the box), and zero Xboxs (never had a problem with it).
I broke a friend's PS2.

29. I don't really like cats or dogs. Cats are better though.
Yes. Yes they are.

30. I have 3 alarms set in my room. (not OCD. They are set at 5:15AM, 8PM, and 9PM. I do this so I can sleep from 8PM to 9PM and still catch "Mythbusters".)
I reject your reality, and substitute my own! Rock on.

31. I got a 27'' flatscreen TV on my last birthday and yet no videogame consoles or even DVD players are hooked up to it, making it pretty much useless.
. . . it looks cool. It'd look cooler in MY room, however.

32. I like McDonalds.
I did too. Go get you some Steak n' Shake.

33. Out of the ten power outlets in my room I'm using 9.
[adrianmonk] One short of a perfect ten . . . [/adrianmonk]

34. Videogames are my life.

35. I don't really want to go to Australia or New Zealand.
I don't really want to go to Australia, but New Zealand's interesting. I'd rather go to Japan like a good anime fan, though.

36. I don't date, nor I plan to. Infact, I think I'll get myself cloned in South Korea to avoid finding a mate.
That's cool.

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[color="Indigo"]"I believe whatever doesn't kill you simply makes you . . . stranger."[/color]

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Postby jon_jinn » Tue Oct 24, 2006 8:14 pm

that's nothing to be ashamed of. it's just the way God created you to be. in his own image.
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- Westminister Confession of Faith (Chapter 5, Section 1)

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- R.C. Sproul

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- Mark Driscoll

"Believers do not pray with the view of informing God about things unknown to Him, or of exciting Him to do His duty, or of urging Him as though He were reluctant. On the contrary, they pray in order that they may arouse themselves to seek Him, that they may exercise their faith in meditating on His promises, that they may relieve themselves from their anxieties by pouring them into His bosom; in a word, that they may declare that from Him alone they hope and expect, both for themselves and for others, all good things."
- Martin Luther

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- Dr. Joseph Ton, the exiled Romanian pastor (quoted by James Montgomery Boice)

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Postby Ryupower » Sat Oct 28, 2006 5:00 pm


You have WAY tooo much money to buy all those video games! XD

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Postby KhakiBlueSocks » Sat Oct 28, 2006 5:09 pm

jon_jinn wrote:that's nothing to be ashamed of. it's just the way God created you to be. in his own image.

Agreed. You are who God made you to be, and you should be glad and thankful for it.

19. I am a very bad drawer.

20. I bite my nails.

27. I have two SNESs and two N64s.

32. I like McDonalds.

These can be said about me too, so you rock!
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Postby rii namuras » Sat Oct 28, 2006 5:26 pm

1. There are a three styles of spoon in my house, and I always rummage through my cabinent looking for my favorite one.
(I will not use a spoon (or any utensil, for that matter), unless I deem it sufficiently clean. That means no stains, yo!)

2. I always try to imagine what people will say before they actually say it.
(I subconciously do that. Which means I never know I do until they actually say what I guessed (which is about half the time).)

3. I eat nothing but junkfood, yet I am of good weight. ( 130lbs 5' 10")
(I don't know what to say.)

4. I still play the Pokemon GBA games and I am eagerly awaiting the DS versions.
(I want to play the the second Zelda game because I think it looks fun.)

5. I use my PSP as a paper weight.
(As fitting a use as I have ever seen.)

6. I have at least 7 versions of "The Hobbit" including a comic book adaptation.
(That sounds like something I would do.)

7. There are 3 GBCs, 2 GBAs, 1 GBA SP, 2 GBA micros, 2 DSs, and 1 DS lite in my home.
(Oh yes.)

8. I own a Deku Mask.
(I want a Keaton Mask. So. Very. Badly. And then I want to re-paint it to make it an ANBU Inferno Squad mask.)

9. Once I find a style of shoe I like I get them everytime I get new shoes. (of course, I have broken this pattern 3 or 4 times since I was 6, or it wouldn't really be a pattern)
(I like certain types of shoes and tend to stick to them (unless my mom says otherwise).)

10. I bought an Xbox 360 controller for my PC.
(Um. Okay.)

11. I am a horrible procrastinator. I almost always do school projects and homework on the day they are due. Usually at lunch or on the bus.
(I know a guy who's a procrastinator. He's also a debater, and he came in third place with his partner at Nationals.)

12. I often start reading books but then stop in the middle.
(So do I. Unless I love the ending, which is only in a few books, and in those I tend to just read the end.)

13. I play a MMORPG that was realeased in 1999 (EverQuest).
(I don't play MMORPGs.)

14. I read specialized dictionaries like The British Slang Dictionary, The Misused Mispelled and Misunderstood Words Dictionary, and Webster's Legal Dictionary.
(I read random dictionaries and thesaruses for fun. Especially Japanese dictionaries. Oh yes.)

15. I buy EGM and Nintendo Power off the newsstand because I'm too lazy to purchase a subscription.
(I just read all my magazines at the library because I'm too lazy to buy them.)

16. I bought Earthbound for 50$ a few years ago.

17. I shot a pencil out of my slingshot and it hit me on the wrist.
(Someday I am going seriously injure myself with a go stone. I just know it.)

18. I tie my tie every thursday (as opposed to leaving it tied.)
( ::cannot tell the difference, but is also a girl and doesn't care about ties:: )

19. I am a very bad drawer.
(Aren't we all?)

20. I bite my nails.
(My nails taste bad.)

21. I pick at scabs until they bleed again.
(What else do you do with them?)

22. I bite skin off my lip.
(I can't tell you how many times I've been asked, "Is your lip bleeding?" after preforming aforementioned action.)

23. I rub my eyes.
(I just lay on that side with a pillow. Works better.)

23. I only own one music CD, which was a gift
(I pity you.)

24. I went to military school last year.

25. I own more than 350 video games, more than 250 books, and more that 100 DVDs. However I can only afford all this by only having 3 pairs of pants, 5 t-shirts, one pair of shoes, and not eating lunch every single day. I am also forced to make money; by selling ink cartridges that I find in school dumpsters.
(Gasp. I wish I had that many books. I would so skip breakfast for them, too.)

26. I love the smell of gasoline.
(Only if it's biodiesel.)

27. I have two SNESs and two N64s.
(That would solve many problems in this house.)

28. In the time since 11-18-01 at 9:36 AM two Gamecubes of mine have broken. I have also gone through 1 PS2 (didn't work out of the box), and zero Xboxs (never had a problem with it).
(Gasp. Is that backwards, or what?)

29. I don't really like cats or dogs. Cats are better though.
(You have obviously never met my dog.)

30. I have 3 alarms set in my room. (not OCD. They are set at 5:15AM, 8PM, and 9PM. I do this so I can sleep from 8PM to 9PM and still catch "Mythbusters".)
(Hah. I'd do that if there was a show on TV that I wanted to watch.)

31. I got a 27'' flatscreen TV on my last birthday and yet no videogame consoles or even DVD players are hooked up to it, making it pretty much useless.
(Bah. Hook 'em up or sell it.)

32. I like McDonalds.
(So do I. Or rather, I like their french fries, which motivates me to eat there even if I don't care for their other food.)

33. Out of the ten power outlets in my room I'm using 9.
(I didn't know there could be that many in a room to begin with.)

34. Videogames are my life.
(That can be good or bad, depending upon which you play.)

35. I don't really want to go to Australia or New Zealand.
(Me neither, though I'll probably wander there anyways someday.)
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Postby Myoti » Sat Oct 28, 2006 5:35 pm

Meh, you're normal. Actually alot of those sound like stuff I would do. =p
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Postby Warrior 4 Jesus » Sat Oct 28, 2006 5:55 pm

No, one wants to go to Australia? Shame on you! (lol)
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Postby SnoringFrog » Sat Oct 28, 2006 6:06 pm

1 - Somewhat understandable.
2 - I do that all the time.
4 - I do as well, althoguh I can't say I'm very much eager for the new ones.
5 - Hey, why not get extra uses out of it, right?
6 - Dang. I'm still trying to finish my copy.
7 - Can I get one of those DS's?
8 - Sweet.
9 - I try to do that sometimes, but it never seems to work out.
11 - I put them off, but not normally that late.
12 - I would die if I tried to do that.
14 - I read the normal dictionary, but those sound interesting too.
15 - You know it's cheaper for the subscription, right?
16 - I tried to get a copy for $40 on ebay once, but I got outbid. I would love to have one though.
17 - ...
18 - I've got a zip tie, unfortunately my friends know that and often pull on it.
19-22 - Same here.
23 - I was like that for a while. I only recently started buying some of my own.
25 - That's a lot of games, and books, and dvds.
26 - I kinda do.
27 - THose are awesoem systems, but I've only got 1 of each.
28 - I've never had a system completely quit on me.
29 - Can't agree, I like them both, and dogs are better.
31 - *shakes head*
32 - Same here.
33 - Okay.
34 - Use to be mine to, bu tI got away from them for a while, and now I'm gravitatoin back towards them.
35 - I don't really care if I go or not.

Yeah, I'd say your okay.
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Postby Wave » Sat Oct 28, 2006 6:48 pm

No I will not lie to you I do not think You are normale. But nither am I. (Have I ever toled you about my colection of old hp test equipmet or my unding fasitaion with colord wire (the teflon inselated stuff with the little colored strips that they use in airplay electronic equiment is the coolist!)) Yah so um dont wory about it. But just out of curiosisy whats with you avatar! is that a USSR flag?

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