my brand new digital camera v_v...

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my brand new digital camera v_v...

Postby Tenshi no Ai » Tue Oct 24, 2006 7:34 pm

I don't get it! Ok, so I've been using regular batteries and have heard that digital cameras just gobble them up, but I'm confused...

So I have a Sony Cybershot (if anyone even has one) and took quite a few pics, and then suddenly, it would just turn off when I flicked my options from viewing pics, to taking a pic :/ And that's not fun since the lens is still poking out and uncovered :/ So, after havign to turn it on a couple times, the lens finally went back in, and if I quickly switched options to pic viewer, things were fine. I changed the batteries anyways, and even now with fresh batteries in, it's still doing the same sort of thing :/ And according to the battery icon on the camera, my batteries are still fully loaded :/

So any clue as to what's happening? I haven't even dropped it or anything (although I've already had my new DS Lite slip out of my hands onto the floor twice >_< Luckily there's some carpet to cushion it :/ But yeah that survives fine still!)
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Postby Mr. SmartyPants » Tue Oct 24, 2006 7:36 pm

Are you using alkaline batteries? If so that is a MAJOR no no. Use Li-Ion rechargeable AA batteries.
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Postby Tenshi no Ai » Tue Oct 24, 2006 7:41 pm

*checks battery package* Didn't say they were. I know the first set of batteries were just some Sony's I believe it was that the camera came with.

EDIT: well, went into my garbage can (clean^^) and found the first set of batteries it came with... apparently they WERE alkaline, AND non chargable. According to the warning label, they can explode if recharged >_< My friend's Sony came with rechargeables, and safe to say these ones are NOT^^ I do have some rechargables though, but too lazy to open the package and use them... I just don't get why it would say that I still have a full battery on the icon...
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Postby Roy Mustang » Tue Oct 24, 2006 11:26 pm

It could be the batteries. Another note is, switch to view your pics on the camera screen will cause the batteries life to shorting. Not much, but as long as you have the power on, it will drain the batteries.

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Postby samuraidragon » Wed Oct 25, 2006 9:21 am

What does it say in your manual under batteries?

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