Should I do it?

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Should I do it?

Postby Slater » Wed Oct 25, 2006 7:12 pm

Today, my mom more or less ordered me to tell my boss that I'm not going to do portions of my job any more.

Now, what does that mean? I'm the only one thus far who has been selfless enough to shake a sign with our company name on it out on the freeway, occasionally. Usually, this goes smoothly... can be kinda boring and tiring, but I always put up with that.

However, today someone going about 60 mph threw a beer bottle at me, which is a first. Thankfully they missed, right over my head. I also have to deal with macho guys who think it's funny to swirve as if they're going to hit me and then veer away at the last second (happens about once every other time I go out there). Well, my mom caught wind of these things and gave me an earful, saying that I'm not allowed to do that job any more because its too dangerous.

I'm wondering, should I listen to her? Would I be justified in skipping out on this due to the things involved? I feel kinda bad about it because the boss just sent out a memo saying that everyone has to do their requested jobs or else its terms for firing, and I don't really wanna let her down as she's my friend...
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Postby jon_jinn » Wed Oct 25, 2006 7:18 pm

well, if your boss really is your friend, then she'll probably understand why you don't want to do what your suppose to do if you tell her what some of the drivers have been doing. it would also be wise not to hold up the sign on the freeway as that is EXTREMELY dangerous (as you probably already know) and isn't it illegal anyways? maybe you could suggest another place to hold up the sign that's not as dangerous.
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Postby mai » Wed Oct 25, 2006 7:20 pm

I'd say listen to your mom. You can try just suggesting at work that you don't want to do it any more, see how that goes over. If your job is really important to you, you can see if you could do it at a different location so you’re not so close to the cars.
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Postby Yumie » Wed Oct 25, 2006 7:22 pm

Um, that sounds dangerous to me too-- so common sense suggests that you respectfully go to your boss and tell him that it's not that you minded doing it, until it came to your attention that it could be life-threatening. After all, wouldn't your boss get in a lot of trouble for making you do that if you caught a beer bottle in the face? Anyways, it doesn't seem like it could hurt to ask, and if it does, there are probably lots of other job opportunities out there where your life and limb wouldn't be in danger.
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Postby Hakaii » Wed Oct 25, 2006 7:53 pm

personally, I think your boss is abusing his/her workers and I wouldn't put up with it. however, that is just me. It all depends on what matters to you. If you really like this job and think that you can cope with it, thats fine. If you think that you can do better (and if your 20 years old like your profile thing says, you could easily get a job at a local community college) then tell off your boss (or be nice and request respectivly) and don't worry if your boss will fire you. also, your 20 years old and there is no reason why your mother (or anyone for that matter) should be "ordering" you to do anything. take it from me, you don't want to live your life in the shaddow of someone else. my step-mother verbally and physically abused me since I was 12. one day, I decided that I'd had enough and cut my losses. I moved in with a life-long friend and left a great deal of stuff behind. I didn't say good-bye, I just left and restarted my life. and that was when I was 19. I am now 20, Married to a wonderful loving wife and am expecting a child. and I have no regrets for what I did. now I'm not saying to up and pack up your things and leave your family. I'm just saying that your family shouldn't be treating you in a way that they give you orders. also, your boss shouldn't be doing this too you either. the worst thing that your boss can do to you is fire you. and that isn't as bad as it sounds. now that I think of it, If I were in your shoes, I'd give all parties involved a pice of my mind. Long story short....STANDING UP FOR YOURSELF IS NEVER THE WRONG THING TO DO!!!
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Postby Mithrandir » Wed Oct 25, 2006 8:02 pm

I'm with the group saying, "That's dangerous." If your boss fires you over not doing a VERY dangerous job, you can call OSHA and get him shutdown likity split. If the boss is going to be a jerk about it, I'd threaten a lawsuit.

Don't play around with your life - or anyone else's. You can always call the police and ask if it's OK to perform duties that are pretty distracting near a FREEWAY. They tell your boss, "Sorry, the COPS told me not to..."

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Postby Mr. SmartyPants » Wed Oct 25, 2006 8:09 pm

You DO know that your boss is required by law to have you safe during your job? Doesn't mean you can't hold a sign outside, but if you are gonna do that, you need like another person with you or something.

And if you don't get justice, get OSHA to back you up.
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Postby samuraidragon » Wed Oct 25, 2006 10:06 pm

I heartily agree with everyone else so far. Your safety isn't worth any job. Unless you became a ninja or something.

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Postby Roy Mustang » Thu Oct 26, 2006 12:33 am

Think of it this way. Do you want to take the chance and get hit in the head with another beer bottle?

This could be a sign that for you to stop doing that kind of work.

You should listen to your mom. Mothers know best! :thumb:

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Postby termyt » Thu Oct 26, 2006 5:48 am

Well, choosing between your boss or your mother is easy. Mom wins. Of course, you are telling us you are 20, so the mom argument has less potency, so you need to come up with an answer for yourself.

How do you feel about it? I assume by freeway, you mean a divided road that has a speed limit of 55-60 MPH and intersections. How close to the road do you need to stand? Are you standing on company property or public? Is there a curb or a sidewalk? Standing on the road's apron is very dangerous and some times illegal.
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Postby Warrior 4 Jesus » Thu Oct 26, 2006 6:22 am

Road's apron? What's that?
Slater, I hope it works out for you mate. Got to remember safety first!
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Postby Hakaii » Thu Oct 26, 2006 1:18 pm

yea, I agree on the whole safety thing too. and as far as choosing between your mother and your boss. just remember, the persons oppinion (other than God) that should matter most to your own. you are the final authority on what you believe and what is right to you. so follow your gut.
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Postby Yojimbo » Thu Oct 26, 2006 6:52 pm

What do you think your boss would rather do? Deal with the liability issues of you getting pelted with a 60 mph beer bottle in the face or losing a small bit of advertising that nobody can probably read anyway driving on the highway?
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Postby Link Antilles » Thu Oct 26, 2006 8:38 pm

Heh, I second Mith on finding out the legality of standing on the side of the freeway first. If that does not get you out of it, talk with your boss.

Now, if your boss still tells you to go out there, I would rather start hunting for a different job then deal with OSHA or even threaten a lawsuit. I just think the policy of avoiding the feds and not burning bridges is a good one. That's just me, though.
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Postby Slater » Fri Oct 27, 2006 9:43 pm

thanks guys, they said they wouldn't ask me to do it again and that they agree that it's too dangerous
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Postby Mithrandir » Sat Oct 28, 2006 7:59 am

Cool! I'm glad to hear it worked out with no extra nastiness needed. :D
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Postby samuraidragon » Sat Oct 28, 2006 8:48 am


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