theives + impulse = no logic?

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theives + impulse = no logic?

Postby Tenshi no Ai » Sun Oct 29, 2006 7:35 pm

It's sad that you don't know just HOW much people shoplift, until you work retail... although I thought this one story was pretty amusing (as did my co workers).

Well, it's hard being a department store (Zellers, aka Canadian equivilent to Walmart, cept we have sales) with the location in a ghetto :/ Couple weeks ago one of the big front windows got randomly vandelized, but no one took anything. Last night we also got one of the big front windows broken again. This time though, they were advertising the upcoming PS3s and had some empty display boxes in front of the window. So, some genius person(s) last night thought the systems were actualy INSIDE, and broke the window to try to take them all. Guess when the alarm rang and they found out they were trying to steal cardboard boxes, they fled :/

I just think it's funny how they would actually THINK that a store would be dumb enough to set up the actual games in front of the window... I used to think theives were alot more smarter than that, but I'm learning now that no, they aren't :/ But it really IS sad just how often people steal stuff... and they wonder why things are expensive as they are. But since it IS so easy to do if they want, and sometimes we can't even stop them if they already run away outside with an item :/ Sin is sin though, so I guess justice will prevail one way or another. Guess I sound sort of harsh and stuff, but I just hate seeing them get away with it :/

...and that's my story and thoughts.
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Postby CobaltAngel » Mon Oct 30, 2006 3:32 am

Dude seriously, my dad got his wallet stolen at a deptment store one, and the guys who took it walked right past me leaving the store and no one did anything. I didn't know it was them, but I'm pretty sure the store people did. They just couldn't really do anything about it. >.>;;

But about the cardboard box thing, yes, theifs really can be that dumb haha. I agree with your title... complete impulse haha. :P
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Postby Warrior 4 Jesus » Mon Oct 30, 2006 3:44 am

Funny story, but sadly sin prevails in this world. I wouldn't steal something (because I know the consequences of the law) and I know by moral Christian teaching that it's a sin against God and man. Easy. The temptation is strong though and for some people too hard to resist and with others even harder (those with no moral compass).
Still a funny story.
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Postby Doubleshadow » Mon Oct 30, 2006 10:10 am

What a bummer. My aunt makes crafts that she sells through a craft store. They have to keep careful track of everything that is bought and sold because people will steal the crafts and then try to sell them back to the store claiming they made them themselves. Because people who sell their crafts also work as employees, sometimes the theives show the merchandise to the people that actually made the craft!
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Postby ashfire » Mon Oct 30, 2006 10:33 am

I remember when I was in a K-Mart many years back which was connected to a mall and seen a young teen sneak around through the store and waited until the right time to walk out the entrance with a LP record acourse he seen me and the coat I wore had patches for my fire dept on it and my station patch looks like a state police patch. He kept walking down the mall and kept looking back toward me. Finally he went out one of the entrances while I kept walking to the other end of the mall.
I went back to K-Mart and told them about the kid walking out with the record and how he did it.
Then today I was in Borders Books store and was looking through the manga section and on the shelve was the little device they stick in the book to set off the alarm at the door. I figure someone pulled it out and walked out with a book.
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Postby Stephen » Mon Oct 30, 2006 2:38 pm

Thats because the laws are designed to protect the thief and not the victim. Work retail any amount of time and you will learn this. I have seen countless cases of it at the grocery store I work at. From old men stealing candy, to kids stealing alcohol. To parents *having* there kids steal things for them. We are failing as a society to teach our children right and wrong, and its really starting to show.
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Postby Tenshi no Ai » Mon Oct 30, 2006 3:00 pm

Ark wrote:Thats because the laws are designed to protect the thief and not the victim. Work retail any amount of time and you will learn this. I have seen countless cases of it at the grocery store I work at. From old men stealing candy, to kids stealing alcohol. To parents *having* there kids steal things for them. We are failing as a society to teach our children right and wrong, and its really starting to show.

The laws designed to protect the thief? Well yeah, I guess so... I just know that we as associates can't really do anything, to protect ourselves from possible harm. I knwo I was dissapointed once because this one guy/girl took off down the street carrying a large item in a bag, and they didn't contact the police or anything about it >_< It was like... so easy and they got away!

And yeah it's sad with what parents teach kids. I have several friends that seem to think sampling bulk candy and stuff is ok, one sayign "my mom would give them to me when I was little" -_-; Oy... And another thing I hate is how in court children have a specific age where they "know the difference between right and wrong", but logically they do once they learned it... unless their parents told them otherwise :/ So letting them get off because they "didn't know better" teaches nothing :/

Ok, I'll stop my rant here^^
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Postby mitsuki lover » Mon Oct 30, 2006 3:29 pm

Once when I had bought some anime at Borders the cashier forgot to take the
anti-theft device off and it set off the alarm as I walked out.He apologized and said he forgot to take it off when he was supposed to.
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Postby Tenshi no Ai » Mon Oct 30, 2006 3:36 pm

mitsuki lover wrote:Once when I had bought some anime at Borders the cashier forgot to take the
anti-theft device off and it set off the alarm as I walked out.He apologized and said he forgot to take it off when he was supposed to.

Happens ALOT. Our Walmart seems to be partciularily bad for it, with people wearing the clothes they just got there and then walkign into our store, and having it go off on entry :/ As for the people that walk out of the store and don't get their bags checked, they wonder why it beeps in other places when they enter :/
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Postby mitsuki lover » Sun Nov 05, 2006 1:31 pm

I told the story when I was at Barnes & Nobles the next time after it happened and the clerk in the DVD/CD department said that it's happened to him before to,when he got so busy he forgot to take the security tags off.I guess it must be one of those things that you have to remember if you're working with music or DVDs these days.
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Postby Stephen » Sun Nov 05, 2006 4:30 pm

I say the laws protect the thieves because of this. The grocery store I work at, is like this. Lets say Thief walks up to me while I am working, and says "I am stealing this cereal" They then walk out the door. I cannot stop them. And unless the manager saw them take it, they can't stop them. Everything is so full of loop holes, you have to actually see the person holding it the entire time. The laws are so whatever, that it basicly makes one time thieves unstopable. All we can do, is in the future ask them to leave the store. -.-
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