Rant on Myspace Chain Letters

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Rant on Myspace Chain Letters

Postby Stephen » Mon Oct 30, 2006 2:56 pm

If you, or someone near and dear to you creates or sends myspace chain letters....go to the Bump Thread rather then continue reading this.

Now, having said this. It has hit me today...that as a society...we are gullable idiots. I know Myspace is not the "know all, end all" website of the internet. But I rather like it, and I like talking to friends and classmates from years gone by. But when I sign on, I am bombarded with little posts that people I know have made. Such as "Send this to 50 people, and Myspace will pay to save starving children" "There is a killer prowling myspace! Warn your friends!" "Send this to 50 people and you will save a life!" These are just random examples. Seriously. Myspace has no way of knowing how many people see somthing. Be real people. And if a killer is prowling, you should not have your info posted on Myspace anyway. I don't know if people just need to feel important by making these things...or if they actually belive them. Btw. Pass this on to 50 people, or your head will explode.

Only if you make more chainletters though. :thumb:
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Postby Tenshi no Ai » Mon Oct 30, 2006 3:13 pm

Well, just the same as any email and even on MSN Messenger every once and a while.... I just like never forward any form of forwards, unless they are actualyl comical. And now there's all these new thign my friends sign up for like birthday calendar sites, test sites and all that, and just like the forwards I still get sent, it still has the same message of "if you don't sign up/send this back ____ will think that you aren't her friend!" Oh please... The other ones that make me :/ like that are the Christian ones where they make it sound liek if you don't send the message to xpeople, then you're either not a Christian and don't love God and are denying him and stuff :/ Oy.... forwards/chain mails... BAH!
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Postby Stephen » Mon Oct 30, 2006 3:30 pm

I got one a while back saying if I did not reply, the person would remove me from there friends list. Buh Bye now.
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Postby FarmGirl » Mon Oct 30, 2006 4:11 pm

Ah, yes. Joy unspeakable.

A personal favorite: This kid in Something, Somewhere has this disease and Make-a-Wish has agreed to donate this much per repost of this thing, and here's the kid's number, call it if you don't believe.

Y'know, a great way to turn people from the chain mail things is to reply to the poster, break it apart word by word, and question the very existance of the bulletin. It doesn't take much, but does the job rather well, as far as I'm able to see.

The "join me!" e-mails are just plain annoying.
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Postby Denimcat » Mon Oct 30, 2006 4:12 pm

I'm with you.

I was especially fond *sarcasm* of one about how if you don't forward it, some murderer who was abused as a child will come into your house, torture you, and kill you that night.
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Postby Radical Dreamer » Mon Oct 30, 2006 4:14 pm

Ugh, chain letters. I'm not even a part of MySpace and I've had my fair share of e-mail chain letters. XD Awful things. I remember reading this one where it was like, some girl's boyfriend cheated on her and she killed herself, and if you didn't send it to X-number of people, said dead girl would haunt you forever. XD The other ones I really hate are the ones that Tenshi mentioned--the ones that tell you some inspirational story and then say, "If you really cared about Jesus, you would send this to 10 people" or "Jokes get passed around on the internet faster than the blink of an eye...why don't e-mails like this one do the same, you devil worshiper?"

Yeah. I hate chain letters. XD
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Postby Warrior 4 Jesus » Mon Oct 30, 2006 4:23 pm

Ha, no skin off my nose. I HATE chain letters/mail/etc. The worst are the 'Christian' ones that say you will burn in Hell if you don't send it to someone within a given time, or those that say you deny Jesus etc, or generally make you feel guilty and crap in general.
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Postby Tenshi no Ai » Mon Oct 30, 2006 4:25 pm

Heh yeah I remember those haunting ones...

I think it's funny that I still get ones that's like "answer these questions, make a wish *scroll down a large portion of the page* if you send this to xpeople, you're wish will come true, if you sent it to xxpeople, you're crush will say you he likes you tonight, if you send it to xxxpeople, somethign magical will happen at 11:46 tonight" :/ Mostly amusing with the "crush" ones because it's like "umm... I have a boyfriend already..."

And then there's ones that's like "if you send this to 7 people, a cute video will appear on your screen. I REALLY enjoyed it, so I hope you do too!" Like, video? From uhhh where? Someone keeping track and then hacks into your comp to send it to you? People are illogically funny...
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Postby Warrior 4 Jesus » Mon Oct 30, 2006 4:46 pm

Those 'crush' ones are very annoying, aren't they? And they don't seem to work very well - especially when I've never had a crush.

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Postby Stephen » Mon Oct 30, 2006 7:43 pm

As far as responding...I have tried it. And most people have the attitude "well...I figured it was fake" Which just makes me want to scream. THEN WHY PASS IT ON?? *laughs* It is good to see most people feel the same way about them though.
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Postby Mr. SmartyPants » Mon Oct 30, 2006 8:07 pm

When I was younger, and my friend sent me one. I believed it. So I started to scream at her. I was like "LEAH I HATE YOU I HATE YOU I HATE YOU SO MUCH!" Because if I didn't send it to like 15 people I would have gotten bad luck.

I was like 9 years old too XD
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Postby Felix » Mon Oct 30, 2006 8:10 pm

You should be glad we're not doing chain threads or something like that, Ark. That could get messy.. :drool:

Anyway, I hate chain letters, too. With a passion that rivals the flames of the underworld, actually.
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Postby Red Jester » Mon Oct 30, 2006 8:16 pm

uh. i hate chain letters a lot...
i used to use the bulletian (sp?) system on myspace to just tell people that I was going away for the weekend or something, because no one on my freinds list even used it more then once a week. then, school came around again, 100 people i dont even know all that well friended me within a week! ._. now there is a new bulleitan evey five minutes.

My personal favorite: If you don't send this out, ___ will fly through your window tonight and kill you with an axe just like she died.
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Postby That Dude » Mon Oct 30, 2006 8:27 pm

As soon as I see that it is a chainletter it goes right in the bin with all the other deleted trash. Oh yeah!
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Postby samuraidragon » Mon Oct 30, 2006 9:11 pm

Some of the Chains are actually decent, and I even occasionally repost them, but I ALWAYS remove the chain part of it. The "before 11:34, or you'll never get kissed!" part. But I want to beat the ones who send all the repeated stupid ones, over, and over, and over.

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Postby Myoti » Mon Oct 30, 2006 9:17 pm

"If you don't send this on to ten of your friends, a drunked hunter with a deer head will come to your front door, asking for circus peanuts. He will then taunt you with a duck call before shooting you in the back with a arrow, and in your last dying moments, you will see a singing fish."

A cookie to the next five people who get that reference (or else we'll ban you!!111 Xp ).

Naturally, yes, I think they're pointless as well.
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Postby Nate » Mon Oct 30, 2006 11:09 pm

To Myoti: Myspace the Movie. :p
Warrior 4 Jesus wrote:*sings 'Unlucky in Love'*

Well, you know what they say. Unlucky at love, lucky at cards.

*remembers his trip to Vegas*

Dealer: "You lose again!"

I guess I'm not lucky at love OR cards. Which is why I almost became a priest.

And anyone who gets THAT reference gets a delicious cookie from me.

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Postby Warrior 4 Jesus » Mon Oct 30, 2006 11:10 pm

But I'm hopeless at cards too. Nate, your not helping! (lol)
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Postby Roy Mustang » Mon Oct 30, 2006 11:29 pm

Myoti wrote:"If you don't send this on to ten of your friends, a drunked hunter with a deer head will come to your front door, asking for circus peanuts. He will then taunt you with a duck call before shooting you in the back with a arrow, and in your last dying moments, you will see a singing fish."

Sounds like something that would happen only in Georgia!

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Postby agasfas » Tue Oct 31, 2006 8:24 am

Yes, I agree. Any type of chain letter: email, myspace what-have you, I just delete. What really annoy me are the ones stating, "send this to 10 people including the one who sent you this letter if you truely Love God. "
That one really gets under my skin. That has nothing to do w/ ones love for Christ.

I have deleted so many that if they were true, I should have already been dead 10x over, lonely for the rest of my life, unhappy/unlucky etc.... But I'm still around- being my cheerful self ^_^
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Postby Yahshua » Tue Oct 31, 2006 10:13 am

Boy I hate those too.
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Postby Mr. SmartyPants » Tue Oct 31, 2006 10:37 am

Myoti wrote:"If you don't send this on to ten of your friends, a drunked hunter with a deer head will come to your front door, asking for circus peanuts. He will then taunt you with a duck call before shooting you in the back with a arrow, and in your last dying moments, you will see a singing fish."

A cookie to the next five people who get that reference (or else we'll ban you!!111 Xp ).

Naturally, yes, I think they're pointless as well.

Myspace movie!
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