Special Annoucement concerning Millyfan and CAA--New development see last page

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Postby Ashley » Wed Feb 18, 2004 8:02 pm

Ok everyone, I am digging this up for a reason. Millyfan obviously decided that forget what we told her, she was going to come back and try to infiltrate in again under the user name "Faye Valentine". I have sufficient evidence I will provide to anyone who wishes to see it.

As many, many of you know, we seriously do not like it when members have multiple user-names for specifically this reason. If we ban you it's for a reason and we want you to stay gone. It is unfortunate that she refuses to leave this staff and this site alone, and it's very possible that she may continue to come after us with multiple user names. I don't know if she thinks she's going to get our sympathy or what, but I can tell you this right now: after what she did and the multiple exceptions and pardons we made for her, she is never going to be allowed back in. So Milly, or whatever your alias is for the moment, if you read this please, for the sake of this community you supposedly loved, stay away. We will continue to pursue action against you if you keep persisting with us. We forgave you for your actions, yes, but that does not mean you are welcome here any longer.

To all you users, I'm sorry this has become such an ordeal. Never in the history of my experience online or with CAA has a user ever caused me so much personal pain, grief and trouble. I sincerely hope this is the last of the issues concerning her. I ask you that if you know of an alias she is using to please tell the mods and admins; this is our job guys. We don't like doing this--banning people really breaks our hearts and I wish you guys could see it--but it's our responsibility. And it's yours to tell us any information concerning her and this site.

Any questions, comments, concerns or the like should be directed to me and me alone.
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Postby Ashley » Fri Feb 20, 2004 2:29 pm

Alright, everyone should have seen this by now, so I will unsticky it now and let it sink again. Any questions should be pm'ed to me, thanks.
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