How The House Selects Leadership

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How The House Selects Leadership

Postby mitsuki lover » Wed Nov 08, 2006 11:41 am

It appears that Americans need a remedial course in how Congress runs.
Herewith is how the leadership in the house of represenatives is selected:
When the next Congressional session begins both the Republicans and
Democrats will go into Caucus and nominate candidates to fill the new
leadership roles.Technically speaking ANY Congressman or Congresswoman who has been in officie a given length of time is eligible to place their name in nomination for these posts.
The Republicans will nominate candidates for House Minority Leader and
Minority Whip.Then they will vote on them.The winners will then become the new minority leader and whip.Hopefully they will be able to help the G.O.P.
retake the House in '08.
Now here's the important thing to remember,at the same time the Republicans are having their vote on the minority leadership and whip
the Democrats will be in Caucus voting on who will be the next Speaker,
Majority Leader and Majority Whip.
It is NOT A GIVEN that Nancy Pelosi will be the next Speaker of the House.
She still has to put her name in for Nomination and get elected by THE
MAJORITY OF DEMOCRATS in Caucus.IF and ONLY IF she is elected by the
majority of Democrats does she become Speaker of the House.It is not
an ipso facto thing.Any Democrat can still technically declare for the Speakership as long as they have been in office long enough.
So let us stop this nonsense and wait until the Democratic Caucus officially
select their leadership and we OFFICIALLY KNOW who they have voted on.
Until then there is NO OFFICIAL NEW SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE. :shady:
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Postby Dante » Wed Nov 08, 2006 12:27 pm

Hmm... Political thread... I wonder if this will actually get locked.

Hopefully they will be able to help the G.O.P.
retake the House in '08.

But why can't they help the socialist party take the house in '08 :P, and why would I hope for it? I support the communist government of Queen Temulin, she's not G.O.P. right?
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Postby Nate » Wed Nov 08, 2006 12:31 pm

I want the Libertarian Party to take the House in '08!

EDIT: I'm half-joking. XD

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Postby Slater » Wed Nov 08, 2006 1:16 pm

I bet that the OP was full of good content, but... why do you do such weird and painful linebreaks whenever you post? o.o;

Anyhow... Forrest Green for president 08!

PS: Also joking... just thinking it's funny that a Green representative is named that :3
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Postby termyt » Wed Nov 08, 2006 1:47 pm

Good point there, ML. For clarification, the individual parties vote on their own party's leader and whip, but the whole house votes on the speaker. Each party nominates a candidate, but any member can vote for anyone they wish to - whether they have been nominated or not. It is just extremely rare for a representative to vote against the party since doing so will likely result in some form of punishment such as loss of committee seat or being forced to wax the speaker’s car.

So, while Pelosi was minority leader, she may not necessarily win her party's nomination for speaker. Even if she is, it is possible for someone else to be elected if enough of her own party break ranks.
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Postby Stephen » Wed Nov 08, 2006 7:57 pm

And I am sure if you find a board on politics, someone may find it of use. Brush up on the FAQ please. Thanks.
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