Radical Dreamer wrote:So. According to the Lost commercial that I just saw, one of the survivors will die on Wednesday. Theorize with me! Who do you guys think it's gonna be...? :O
Mr. SmartyPants wrote:It's not gonna be Hurley. He is just too cool.
It's not going to be Desmond. They need to develop his "thing more"
Unless he dies prophesizing something.
He'll most likely take part with who dies, trying to save him or whatever.
I can see Locke dying. (Unfortunately)
Charlie I can see dying.
Sawyer.... I dunno most likely not.
Possibly Sayid.
toolegit wrote:What about the "Alien" they showed on the previews. Who thinks it's an alien? I don't!
Radical Dreamer wrote:Theoriiiieeesss!
[SPOILER=last night's episode]Ok. We've heard Locke say it a thousand times. "The Island demands a sacrifice." Well, my mom and I were talking this over, and she has a darn good theory.
How many of The Others have died? Six, count them: Ethan, Goodwin, the two that Eko killed in the Jungle, the one that Kate shot, and the one that Sun shot.
Now, how many of the Survivors have died? Also six. The first to go was one of the more nondescript characters, killed by Ethan after Jack and the others decided not to return Claire to him back in season one. After that, Boone died, Shannon died, Ana and Libby died, and now Eko has died.
Is anyone else seeing a pattern here? Anytime one of The Others is killed, one of the Survivors is "sacrificed" as well. It's certainly worth thinking about. [/SPOILER]
Mr. SmartyPants wrote:[spoiler]That is only assuming that the others are a part of the island, thus having a connection with the "black thing" which is killing people. But the others are not necessarily bad people, I don't think they are going out purposefully killing people.[/spoiler]
Radical Dreamer wrote:[SPOILER]My brother's theory is that the "black thing" is a colony of nano-robots, because apparently, in one of the literary references that Lost has, nano-robots are able to take on many forms, are attracted to smoke, and are able to calculate people's pasts. If it's nano-robots, rather than a supernatural force, then it's very plausible that it could be somehow attached to The Others and their own calculations of the survivor's pasts.[/SPOILER]
Yumie wrote:[spoiler]Well, I was really dreading the infamously inevitable scene between Kate and Sawyer, so, I'm just glad it's over. But, at least it had a purpose (so that Jack could see them and realize exactly how things stood and decide to do the surgery) unlike Sayid and Shannon, who were just for the heck of it. But I was sooooo freaked out when I thought they were going to kill Sawyer. In that moment, I decided that if they killed him, I'd never watch the show again. So, thank goodness they didn't. Even if he does really dumb stuff sometimes, he's still one of my favorite characters. I love Jack for saving him, but I'm bummed that he's wanting to leave. Doesn't he realize that if he, the almighty doctor, leaves, then everyone will die? Besides, I really like him, he's a good guy.
I can't believe we have to wait until February for more episodes, but I'm at least glad that we'll have sixteen straight weeks without interruption. That's exciting. And it looks like it's going to be super good.[/spoiler]
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