mitsuki lover wrote:Yeah,we've been having snow in eastern Washington as well.Usually starts either right after Halloween or right around Thanksgiving so it was pretty much on schedule.
mitsuki lover wrote:Yeah,we've been having snow in eastern Washington as well.Usually starts either right after Halloween or right around Thanksgiving so it was pretty much on schedule.Though we could do with a bit more warmth.
Mr. SmartyPants wrote:I want snow =(
CreatureArt wrote:I love having Christmas in summer. But I do hope those of you in winter enjoy the snow for the holiday.
Tenshi wrote:Oh yeah, sometimes I forget about you Southern Hemispherians and your backwards ways^^
Kaemmerite wrote:In Soviet Russia, Christmas celebrates YOU!
kaemmerite wrote:It's snowing at Zelly's house...the freaking DESERT gets snow before I do. The world sucks. *mopes and is emo*
Puritan wrote: In fact I'm planning on using my few vacation days (outside of going home for Christmas) to visit somewhere with an odd version of most people's vacations to warmer climates.
CreatureArt wrote:Do any of you who live in places with snow still enjoy making snowmen, snowballs and snow angels or has the fun kind of worn off with familiarity?
ikimasu wrote:Just once I'd like to have a white Christmas. Just once.
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