A Brush with A Criminal? o_o

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Postby Yumie » Sat Dec 02, 2006 4:02 pm

Hey, that's good news! You can rest easy now. :)
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Raise Thou me heavenward, O Power of my power.

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Thou and Thou only, first in my heart,
High King of Heaven, my Treasure Thou art.

High King of Heaven, my victory won,
May I reach Heaven’s joys, O bright Heaven’s Sun!
Heart of my own heart, whatever befall,
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Postby Doubleshadow » Sat Dec 02, 2006 4:45 pm

Holy smoke, at least they got him.
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Postby EireWolf » Sat Dec 02, 2006 4:45 pm

Huzzah! One for the good guys. :)
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Postby Hakaii » Sun Dec 03, 2006 11:16 am

well' I'm glad to hear the creep is off the streets!

on the comments made about knives...

first of all, I did state that;

[color=black]First of all, a weapon is only as efficient as its master. Your mind and spirit should be your sharpest weapons!


What I was trying to imply is that you should learn to fight first. And martial arts is a great way to do so. But don’t limit yourself to one martial art. In fact, martial arts can be a great deal different from what will help you on the streets. many martial art instructors teach with the intent that you will participate in a show, not necessaraly defend yourself with the art. there is nothing wrong with RUNNING for dear life. by all means, if you can avoid a situation completely, you've followed the way of shaio-lin more than you think!

I PERSONALLY, use throwing knives because that is what I AM proficient in. I HAVE thrown a few while I thought my life was in danger! (long story, basically, I thought someone broke into the apartment, It turned out that some badly placed kitten utensils feel down so there was no real danger at the time, but I thought it was a person, I threw 3 of them across the room and 2 of them stuck an inch and a half into the wall) I occasionally carry a sword at times that require me to be in a situation where I KNOW there is a high probability of my being mugged. These cases include; taking out trash past 10pm, answering the door past 7pm-ish, when I hear a cop-car close to my apartment, or when I hear any kind of unexpected noise at night. The reason that I carry a sword is that in these instances, there will likely be someone nearby who could pose a threat to not just me, but also my pregnant wife! And since me and my family do not allow any kind of gun in our house (I’m going to be a dad in 4 months NO GUNS!) I grab the next best thing that I own. I think that Mace and pepper-spray are a waste because when I accidentally pepper-sprayed myself, I could still barely see and was still functional. The only difference it makes is more pain for the attacker. And about weapons in general; just use what you feel comfortable with. For me, throwing knives because I practice with them frequently and happen to have plenty of them. For you, just use what works for you.

[color=black]Oh, by the way, a little lesion to all of you as far as “worst case scenarioâ€
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Postby Radical Dreamer » Sun Dec 03, 2006 11:57 am

Hakaii wrote:there is nothing wrong with RUNNING for dear life. by all means, if you can avoid a situation completely, you've followed the way of shaio-lin more than you think!

Oh, I certainly understand that running is often the best thing. But uh...shaio-lin? I'm not even sure what that's supposed to mean. XD

(I’m going to be a dad in 4 months NO GUNS!)...I think that Mace and pepper-spray are a waste because when I accidentally pepper-sprayed myself, I could still barely see and was still functional. The only difference it makes is more pain for the attacker.

So...guns can be locked, and yet you seem to think that sharp objects are better to use around small children? >_> Besides, a gun, taser, or even a ball-point pen is more efficient to use against an attacker than a set of throwing knives. Remember, not everyone takes ninjutsu classes. >_>

On mace, isn't the whole point of mace to keep your attacker from being able to see well? And if he can't see well, it gives you a chance to get away. Mace isn't used to kill your attacker or to completely disable your attacker, it's used to disorient him so you can get away. And that's pretty much all I need.

[quote]Oh, by the way, a little lesion to all of you as far as “worst case scenarioâ€
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Postby mssthang_1 » Mon Dec 04, 2006 12:08 pm

O.O prayer works doesn't it....thank God you got out okay, and some friendly advice....this is what you should do to a scary guy Q(' 'Q) go into full defence mode...cha!
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Postby SnoringFrog » Mon Dec 11, 2006 5:59 pm

ShatterheartArk wrote:Butterflies are illegal to carry. You can own one, (I own a few) But it is illegal to carry. And as a wise man once told me. If you pull a knife on someone, you better know what your doing. (And even people who do know what they are doing have died pulling knives on people) Because its nothing like the movies. 9 times out of 10 someone yanks a knife on someone they end up cut as well. Keep that in mind when you whip out a 5 dollar knife a friend sold you on some 250lb thug thats gonna beat you to death with a mailbox or somthing.

I think butterflies benig illegal depends on the state. I don't think it's illegal where I am, and I know of other places where it is.

Good point about the knives. I carry a few at a time (normally two or three, depending on what pants I'm wearing and such) but they're primarily for cutting strings or packages open or whatnot. I see what you mean about it being dangerous even if you know what you're doing. That's why I think it's unfortunate I'm known by most people I knwo to carry them, it ruins my element of surprise shoud it ever be necessary. Worst come to worst though, I'd try pullnig them on someone if I had to, although I'm not likely to do much but run if I'm the onloy one in danger. Someone else is in danger though, I'm more of the type to let my life go so they can run.

But I wouldn't trust a $5 knife for much at all. They're $% for a reason. I'd be reluctant to trust my $50 to $100 ones. Only ones I'd put much trust in are closer to arond $00+ dollars, a few up in the thousands. Warren Thomas knives I think are the cheaper ones I'd trust, and they're at least in the hundreds, nice think is they way next to nothing.

I might trust a Strider too, but those are designed even more specifically for everyday use and to be reliable for long periods of time. Until I can buy something like that though, I'll stay with what I've got. Spyderco Delica and Standard and a waved Super Seven.
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