mitsuki lover wrote:Geez guys when I was born Eisenhower was still President.
" wrote:RustyClaymore 11:27 - Ah yes, Socks is the single raindrop responsible for the flood. XD
Hahha, sorry, RD! Yeah you're right.... there are people who don't know the name N'Sync. I was never into them, but at least I know the name and that they were a boy band. Actually, I guess now I can empathise with the people who are aghast I haven't heard of.. (asks an older work --but still young, she insists-- colleague for examples) Three's Company, Magnum PI, Gem....Radical Dreamer wrote:Geez, if I didn't feel old coming in here, I sure feel old now. XD
Heh, if I was an American that would be funnier. It's still funny though.Mitsuki Lover wrote:Geez guys when I was born Eisenhower was still President.
CreatureArt wrote:Don't laugh, Eirewolf! Remember, you were once here too. ~_^. Hahahaha yes, thirty is old. I'm glad you remember being in this position. Yes, its the technically being an adult and all the responsibilities that freak me it. Its like they all suddenly jumped on me when I wasn't looking.
" wrote:RustyClaymore 11:27 - Ah yes, Socks is the single raindrop responsible for the flood. XD
IMHO, you only really count as being old if you remember blowing the cartridge on the Original Nintendo Entertainment System!
Yeah I absolutely identify. I'm working a full time and a part time job. I'd like to have more free time... but I like money. :sighs:
But at least you know what DOS is, too, Myoti! Good on you for making characters in your stories older!
Some of them just irritate the heck out of me, and I feel like swinging a cane at them and rambling on about how it was different back in my day. >_>;
KhakiBlueSocks wrote:IMHO, you only really count as being old if you remember blowing the cartridge on the Original Nintendo Entertainment System!
EireWolf wrote:I think you're only "old" if you know what an 8-track is.
CreatureArt wrote:
I log onto deviantArt every now and then and watch myself get outdone in terms of artistic talent by ten year olds. There's something about watching younger people outdo me that both makes me want to support them and to declare myself old and obselete and join MS DOS in a corner.
Myoti wrote:It's also odd to think that I'm technically as old as the Megaman series. >.>
" wrote:RustyClaymore 11:27 - Ah yes, Socks is the single raindrop responsible for the flood. XD
EireWolf wrote:I think you're only "old" if you know what an 8-track is.
CreatureArt wrote:Ah them were the days. I've pull all nighters for Uni... but I'm noticing the dire need for triple shot cups of coffee afterward. @_@
Mr. SmartyPants wrote:Am I one of the few that enjoys getting older?
QtheQreater wrote:Good lord, that's not fair! People my age can actually do that?!?!
EireWolf wrote:Just wait 'til you're THIRTY... Now, THIRTY is OOOOOOOOOOOOLLLLDDD.....
kaemmerite wrote:I had a 5 1/2 inch floppy. It was for my Apple II computer. 640 KB hard drive. Man, that thing was cool.
I think you're only "old" if you know what an 8-track is.
If you remember when your computer's operating system was on a 5 1/2 inch floppy disk...then you're old!
And a record player... <.<;;
Coffee works for you? It doesn't for me...
Animus Seed wrote:When did we become adults?
knivesmominlaw wrote:Did you REALLY have to define it that way?!
KMIL not only knows, but has owned one. Gahh! Noooo! I'm old?
kaemmerite wrote:I own an 8-track player... >.>]
You do? Why?
Ultra Magnus wrote:Well I am heading that way in three years' time, so tell me, is it any good?
QtheQreater wrote:NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!
You just HAD to say it...
It was my parents, I swear! They showed me!
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