I Hate Getting Old

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Postby EireWolf » Wed Dec 13, 2006 12:02 pm

*pats Pascal on the hand*

It's alright. I will listen your ravings, old man. Someone who has survived to the age of 99 deserves some respect, I say. :angel:

Have you taken your pills like a good boy? There, now, the pudding will make the yucky taste go away.

*hopes Pascal isn't actually 99... if so, that was cruel instead of funny*
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Postby Bobtheduck » Wed Dec 13, 2006 12:11 pm

TriezGamer wrote:I'm turning 24 at the end of the month. It's depressing. :P

I'm 24... Nearly a quarter-century old... And I still have 8-tracks, hahaha! Most of them are warped beyond use (sat in the sun too long, I guess) and I'm unsure of the CONTENT of most of them (because the labels are long gone) and I don't quite remember the way they work, but I've got them and I have a player... I was going to transfer them to CD a while back, but that never materialized (as that would require a lot of work with a payout I was unsure of, heh)

I don't mind getting older, except the older I get, the more annoying it is when people say "You're still young, you don't need a girl now!"

25 is actually when it starts getting weird to still be single. Up to that point you have excuses: School, establishing yourself in the work world, youth or college group obligations... Things that made it ok to be Single... About the age of 25, the only reasonable excuses for being single are people who have a desire to be single, say to devote themselves to ministry, or people who were recently involved in a breakup... I am neither of those, and that day approaches fast... So, it's that more than the aging itself that bothers me.
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Postby mitsuki lover » Wed Dec 13, 2006 12:21 pm

Ok to make everyone feel young or old,depending:
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Postby Tigerchu » Wed Dec 13, 2006 12:51 pm

Warrior 4 Jesus wrote:I'm 23 and I don't feel old. Though my 'confused' teenager years never really happened and now I'm having to pick up the mess (early 20s are proving to take a lot of trusting God for the future).

This is a good chance, maybe, to put up my something. I'm 20(just turned 20). I'm a late bloomer. I was upset about leaving my teenage years, or I should say my "society classed teen years". It could have been that I wasted them myself, or (or maybe and), I just didn't want to say good bye to being a "teen". I went through(unless I'm still going through) my female mood swings (I"m still going through those) and my "teenage confusion"(might still be going through it), when I was.. around 19-20(still ongoing maybe), I'm not sure when I started. I was probably thinking in the past that I wanted to call myself a "twenteen", or consider myself going through my "teenage state of mind" umm what was it? Later maybe.
I get upset a lot when I see/hear/read about teenagers in like 13 or so, "young teenagers" maybe, because they're going through their "teenage" ness younger than I did. I"m rather short, and I admit, I wish I were taller, most of the time. I look young in the face(I think still), and how ever many of those young teenagers are going through it, are getting matured in the face earlier than me. But then again, on a happier note, I look younger than how ever many people. And I realize, that if it was God given(which I think it probably was) that I was to mature later, it was awsome, because it gave me more time to get my religion of Christianity in check, and get on the right road. Can I say religion about it?
I was able to get it into gear before(I think) my "teenage mind confusion" came on.

[/quote]Have you taken your pills like a good boy? There, now, the pudding will make the yucky taste go away.

*hopes Pascal isn't actually 99... if so, that was cruel instead of funny*[/quote]

Yucky taste? Do elderly people get yucky tastes in their mouthes? If they do, why?
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I've recently been learning that I don't need to be "loud and pushy" to Evangelize; just living it out is enough witness. The problem was that I grew up around strong Evangelists (Korean Christians) and they were really into getting people involved and setting out to Evangelize, and me being a a yes-man (or yes woman) I was into trying to convert people.
I've been learning this lesson over the years, but have been trying to be pushy. Now I'm trying to ease off.
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Postby CreatureArt » Wed Dec 13, 2006 1:49 pm

Wow. So you had the other end of the stick, Tigerchu; looking younger instead of older and being a 'late bloomer'.

After reading through what's been written so far (and after getting a rant about getting old out of my system, too)... I've had a thought of something to do that has encouraged me.

And this is not a cup of coffee, although for some reason I feel a lot chirpier with one of those.

I've started to think about why I don't like becoming old. Is it because I feel like I'm going to be locked into a system of mindless hard work and a need for an income? Is it because I fear being trapped into a mundane box of everyday life?... is it just because I don't want to be an 'adult?'

Taking cue from Pascals post, I've started to think about what kind of adult I want to be. There are a lot of adult people I can admire who retain their passion and committment, their ideals, goals, dreams and visions of what could be. There are a lot of adult people of varying ages older than me who still get excited and have a good sense of fun, humour and play.

I want to be an adult with those qualities: someone who is vibrant, infectiously cheerful, encouraging, creative, passionate and playful. I want to continue to follow and walk in God regardless of what comes my way, and to bring fun and passion into whatever workplace I enter. I want to be someone who brings Christ's life, love and vibrancy into the places I go. I want to face hard times and see them pass by by God's abundant Grace and strength.

I'll set these goals and ideals in front of me as I look at adult life... and go from there. It might be weird to enter into the adult phase and see the world change from the one I've grown up in. But I'll take each day at a time and look to God's grace to get me through and pick me up when I've fallen.

I think I'm becoming ok with the idea of being an adult now. Thanks for letting me work through this, everyone. Hope this sudden rant isn't too intruding. ^^ :lol:
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Postby Puritan » Wed Dec 13, 2006 2:50 pm

Bobtheduck wrote:25 is actually when it starts getting weird to still be single. Up to that point you have excuses: School, establishing yourself in the work world, youth or college group obligations... Things that made it ok to be Single... About the age of 25, the only reasonable excuses for being single are people who have a desire to be single, say to devote themselves to ministry, or people who were recently involved in a breakup... I am neither of those, and that day approaches fast... So, it's that more than the aging itself that bothers me.

Waitaminute, the fact I've never dated (and not from desire to not date, mind you) becomes weird a year from now? Oh my, this is going to be awkward...:P

Seriously, I don't feel at all old. My industry peaked in the 1970's, about 50-75% of the people at my work are in their 50's and 60's, and many of them seem to have half a foot out the door. Things are changing (we're hiring alot more people now), but the sheer number of people within five to ten years of retirement makes me feel young. Even on the net I don't feel old, I may know MS-DOS, Linux, Unix, and FORTRAN, and I may be able to remember when my parents voted in the 80's using the same West Palm Beach ballot boxes that became an issue in 2000, but that doesn't mean I'm outmoded because I don't use a cell phone and refuse to keep up with the trends of the youth. Gilbert and Sullivan are still classic after 110 years, Bach after 250, and Ayu after 8, why should I change now?

As for the ravings of Pascal...*sigh* You needn't worry, EireWolf, if he's in his 90's he's aiming for a college degree whilst in his 90's, and I somehow doubt that's the case. As for his ravings on life...I am an adult, Pascal, and in the true spirit of Prussian Sensibility I am working a steady job and saving for retirement. Someday you'll realize that you actually come to enjoy such things, and you can even have fun along the way! Some people take up golf, others have 2.45 children, but I, however, would like to join the men in mirrorshades. Be forewarned and cut the subversive chatter before I have to haul you off.
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Postby MorwenLaicoriel » Wed Dec 13, 2006 2:57 pm

Bobtheduck wrote:25 is actually when it starts getting weird to still be single. Up to that point you have excuses: School, establishing yourself in the work world, youth or college group obligations... Things that made it ok to be Single... About the age of 25, the only reasonable excuses for being single are people who have a desire to be single, say to devote themselves to ministry, or people who were recently involved in a breakup... I am neither of those, and that day approaches fast... So, it's that more than the aging itself that bothers me.

Well, I know I'm a bit young to be commenting on marriage matters, but if people are rude enough to ask *why* you're single, the answer is simple: God hasn't led you to the right person yet. Not everyone is led to be married, but just because you're single NOW doesn't mean that you won't meet the person God has planned for you five or ten years down the road. It's one of those things you just have to not worry about too much (I'm preaching to myself more than you at this point--I'm starting to get frusterated that practically no one has shown any interest in me yet!)

I am starting to get a bit weirded out at how "old" I sometimes feel. Logically, I know I am NOT old--just the opposite. But when I start to realize that there are kids who don't remember when Gundam Wing was on Toonami, or those old, clunky Gameboys with the green screens...or when Disney was making GOOD theatrical movies...It's a bit creepy. XD Society feels like it's moving so fast--the age gap seems to be even bigger than it was just ten years ago, even as kids insist on being treated like adults. Mind boggling. :dizzy:
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Postby EireWolf » Wed Dec 13, 2006 3:25 pm

Bobtheduck wrote:About the age of 25, the only reasonable excuses for being single are people who have a desire to be single, say to devote themselves to ministry, or people who were recently involved in a breakup...

... or people who haven't found the right person yet... Really. You're putting too much pressure on yourself. Or letting others put too much pressure on you. Don't date just because you "should." That's just begging for heartache -- on both sides.

Tigerchu wrote:Yucky taste? Do elderly people get yucky tastes in their mouthes? If they do, why?

Oh, it's entirely possible they do. But I was referring to the pills. :) It could be that I'm projecting... I just had to take some foul-tasting antibiotics for a week -- the kind of pills that start dissolving before you can swallow them. Blech!

CreatureArt wrote:I want to be an adult with those qualities: someone who is vibrant, infectiously cheerful, encouraging, creative, passionate and playful. I want to continue to follow and walk in God regardless of what comes my way, and to bring fun and passion into whatever workplace I enter. I want to be someone who brings Christ's life, love and vibrancy into the places I go. I want to face hard times and see them pass by by God's abundant Grace and strength.

Good for you! Those are admirable goals! :thumb:

Puritan wrote:As for the ravings of Pascal...*sigh* You needn't worry, EireWolf, if he's in his 90's he's aiming for a college degree whilst in his 90's, and I somehow doubt that's the case.

I dunno... There was a lady at my university in her 80s. Stranger things have happened....
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Postby Mave » Wed Dec 13, 2006 3:33 pm

Bobtheduck wrote:people who have a desire to be single

devote themselves to ministry


people who were recently involved in a breakup


25 is actually when it starts getting weird to still be single.



Wow....creepy. :lol:

But I do agree with Eirewolf. Those "excuses" are not bad, and we haven't found the right one. In this age of breakups and divorces, I'd rather not be married than to have married the wrong person for the wrong reasons. XD

Additionally, I don't understand why some individuals are so obsessed over growing old, or rather over youth. Don't get me wrong, being young is great but I find it odd for ppl to look down on the concept of growing old gracefully...under God's grace. It's like undermining the value of experience and wisdom that older ppl have. I'm not saying that young ppl aren't wise but as a whole, I believe that God designed things in a way that there are wonderful blessings in different phases in life and among those phases, includes the "old" phase. If God thinks it's the right time for you and I to be "old," I say "Let it roll and may God continue to use us regardless of how old we ever become."
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Postby Mr. SmartyPants » Wed Dec 13, 2006 3:34 pm

MorwenLaicoriel wrote:Society feels like it's moving so fast--the age gap seems to be even bigger than it was just ten years ago, even as kids insist on being treated like adults. Mind boggling. :dizzy:

The reason is that technology is developing at a faster rate now; and it's only going to keep getting faster and faster. Nowadays something that is 6 months old would be considered "Outdated" by many.

Edit: I just totally read your post wrong...
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Postby EireWolf » Wed Dec 13, 2006 3:39 pm

Mave wrote:Additionally, I don't understand why some individuals are so obsessed over growing old, or rather over youth. Don't get me wrong, being young is great but I find it odd for ppl to look down on the concept of growing old gracefully...under God's grace. It's like undermining the value of experience and wisdom that older ppl have. I'm not saying that young ppl aren't wise but as a whole, I believe that God designed things in a way that there are wonderful blessings in different phases in life and among those phases, includes the "old" phase. If God thinks it's the right time for you and I to be "old," I say "Let it roll and may God continue to use us regardless of how old we ever become."

YEAH!! :jump:

I will say it... Young people are not very wise, on the whole. How could they be? They have less experience than older people. Of course there are exceptions, and certainly not all older people are wise. But it is something to look forward to when one is young.

Or when one is "old" like me and still needs some wisdom. :grin:

Seriously, I only just now feel like I'm starting to become an adult, internally. And I still have a ways to go. Thank God He's never finished growing us up.
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Postby Ingemar » Wed Dec 13, 2006 4:18 pm

I not only know what an 8-track is, but I have a roommate with a crate full of them. I think he has 45's, too.

When I turned 21, I had a glass of ice wine because I knew that my drinking would be extremely rare (the last alcohol I drank was three weeks agao, a rather bland Spanish wine that is probably vinegar right now). I spent Christmas in Toronto two years ago where the drinking age was lower and I did not care at all for alcohol. So my coming-of-age in the States was not marked with a binge drinkfest like is standard, but with a sit down dinner. Life continued as if nothing monumental happened.

Now that I am older, I get to worry about bills. Hooray.....
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Postby That Dude » Wed Dec 13, 2006 7:12 pm

It's amazing how much wisdom and life experience just one year adds.
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Postby KhakiBlueSocks » Wed Dec 13, 2006 10:41 pm

That Dude wrote:It's amazing how much wisdom and life experience just one year adds.

Some people can learn more in one year than others can in an entire lifetime! But the one thing you can always count on--God is still God, He's always on time.
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Postby Nate » Wed Dec 13, 2006 10:49 pm

*is 26 and single, has always felt weird* -.-

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Postby Warrior 4 Jesus » Wed Dec 13, 2006 10:52 pm

*is 23 and always been single, and can't even be defined as 'weird', even stranger than that*
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Postby KhakiBlueSocks » Wed Dec 13, 2006 11:14 pm

::is a 21 year old African American male who loves anime, Star Trek, and sushi among other things -- weirdness indicator: off the freaking scale::
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Postby GrubbTheFragger » Wed Dec 13, 2006 11:28 pm

KhakiBlueSocks wrote:::is a 21 year old African American male who loves anime, Star Trek, and sushi among other things -- weirdness indicator: off the freaking scale::

XD Khaki you never cease to amaze me with stuff you say.

As far as getting old i think getting old means that you all of a sudden have interest in Buick's XD just kidding i can't say much about getting old cuz i am young
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Postby KhakiBlueSocks » Wed Dec 13, 2006 11:34 pm

GrubbTheFragger wrote:As far as getting old i think getting old means that you all of a sudden have interest in Buick's XD just kidding i can't say much about getting old cuz i am young

BUICK?! HECK NO! I may be 21, but I REFUSE to gain ANY sort of interest in Buicks! Like the dude said on "Pimp My Ride"...I'm not a granny--I'm a dude."

GrubbTheFragger wrote:i can't say much about getting old cuz i am young

Just give it a few years. When you start recalling the "Good ol' days" when video games and movies were played on those outdated things called "disks", and when a computer display can be projected directly into your optic nerve, you'll have LOADS to say about the subject--dattebayo! (Believe it!)
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Postby Dante » Thu Dec 14, 2006 12:05 am

Some people can learn more in one year than others can in an entire lifetime! But the one thing you can always count on--God is still God, He's always on time.

For some reason I thought of the following odd possible reply when I saw this...

God: The God of all creation is not late, nor is he ever early, he arrives precisely when he intends to.

modified quote from The Lord of the Rings- The Fellowship of the Ring

As for the ravings of Pascal...*sigh* You needn't worry, EireWolf, if he's in his 90's he's aiming for a college degree whilst in his 90's

Erm, oh wow, that's ironic (flips age back to 20). Yeah, I was just trying to see how high the CAA timer went... oddly I feel older for going with the more traditional 20 years of age thing... resists urge to flip back... And it's a graduate degree (Masters and Doctorate), not just a Bachelors degree that I'm seeking... YAY!!! I FINALLY HAVE A PHYSICS DEGREE!!! No... you may not send me all your fisics xuestions.

Now I have to get to sleep... I like sleep, its the best thing that was EVER invented... I just need to do it more often, especially considering that I will be woken up by rude screaming noises to wake up at 8 AM tomorrow morning... I wish I could sleep ALL DAY!!! That would be great... yeah... zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
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Postby Sammy Boy » Thu Dec 14, 2006 1:11 am

EireWolf wrote:Not bad, not bad. Your body starts to fall apart, but your head is just starting to come together.

Darn it, looks like no more Ha-Dou-Kens for me. :o
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Postby KBMaster » Thu Dec 14, 2006 5:29 am

Man I'm only 16 and I feel old. It's like, in a year and a half, I'll be out of school. I try to take things as they come, but realizing that was hard for me. Is that weird, feeling so old, at 16? I mean, I don't know what half the things mentioned in this thread are(cept' the record player. My dad has one of those)!
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Postby EireWolf » Thu Dec 14, 2006 10:21 am

Ultra Magnus wrote:Darn it, looks like no more Ha-Dou-Kens for me. :o

No more whosiswhat? :o
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Postby Lochaber Axe » Thu Dec 14, 2006 11:05 am

Bah! When I was your age we didn't have cell phones! We used to take a rock, tie a note to it, and chuck it at the person. Now that was wireless technology!

Lol... I used to have a Commodore 64 as my first gaming pc. To me, that beat the crap outta Atari.
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Postby mitsuki lover » Thu Dec 14, 2006 11:27 am

When I was your age we had to walk all the way to wherever we were going because the horse hadn't been invented yet!
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Postby CreatureArt » Thu Dec 14, 2006 11:37 am

Ha! Back in the old days before any of you were an atom in your Mother's eye, I had to walk to school over three mountains, a glacier and a desert because we had only got around to inventing the 'long way round'. And I had to do it in bare feet, too, because we had no shoes! And on the way home we had to all band together and kill a mammoth just sos we could all survive the winter with our familys.

'Course, yall weren't around then, sos yall wouldn't know. But I do.

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Postby Nate » Thu Dec 14, 2006 12:12 pm

CreatureArt wrote:You kids got it eeeasy today.

You think that's hard? Try walking to school before God invented light. That's what we had to do in my day. And we liked it!

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Postby Taliesin » Thu Dec 14, 2006 12:44 pm

In my day we all ahd ta swim to school because god hadn't raised the land out of the water
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Postby EireWolf » Thu Dec 14, 2006 4:34 pm

kaemmerite wrote:You think that's hard? Try walking to school before God invented light. That's what we had to do in my day. And we liked it!

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Postby Puritan » Thu Dec 14, 2006 6:11 pm

Walking to school? Don't complain to me, young'un. I had to propel my ethereal form to "school" through sheer willpower because matter wasn't existent yet. You ever tried moving through sheer willpower, boy? Walking, Bah! You kids are all alike, complaining about not having light when you could just walk to school...
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