I don't know if anyone else has ever struggled with this, but I'm the type of person that when I care about something I analyize it to DEATH (ask my friends on dA XD). Even if that something is really retarded. And when I find a show I like alot, well, I think about it alot. And a while back I started watching this show that I simply LOVED and I know I'm the type that if I let something get into my mind enough that it will become something I can't stop thinking about. But still, I let myself because almost obsessed with it, and yes I feel like a fool saying that, but I guess that's what I was.
Anyway, I woke up this morning and the show popped into my head and suddenly I felt God tugging on my heart saying "NO!". I realized that the show had become before God, which would be basically, in my mind as bad or the same as having a god before him. I felt terrible, and discusted with myself, especially when I realized how hard it was to think about what God was really asking me to do: it had gotten to the point where it wasn't really enough to just kind of stop thinking about the show, I had to stop watching it or it wasn't going to get any better. Because I'd been saying I'd stop thinking about it alot for a long time now. This wasn't going to be easy. At first I felt totally hopeless and like a total idiot, but God has really helped me through it this morning and I feel alot better, and this seems alot more do-able. I'm so glad that I serve a King that will help me through my problems.
Now that I feel stupid venting that, has anyone else felt convicted to give up something because they liked it too much? It really doesn't sound all that crazy if you think about it... God is to come first, and anything that comes before him has to go. It's like that verse where it talks about its better to cut off a sinning hand and throw it into the fire than have your whole body go in.
Thoughts? Or tips? ^^