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This sux..T.T

Postby Kurama » Fri Dec 15, 2006 4:35 pm

I was Just called a Kabuto Obsesser on myspace and I needed to get a life...... now I feel depressed...........I`m a beloved fan but not obsessive....-_-; just kind of pray for me about this...i don`t want my week end ruined over this. Thank you for reading. *bow*

...and if no one uinderstands why I`m depressed a lot of things have been happing latly. I`m being shunned pratucly by my Homeschool group, I have been getting emotional on a lot of nights because of the lose of my Dog!
(whitch = in braly any sleep!)
My dad has been working like crazy Latly, My Mom Never gets a break to even take a nap whitch makes her grouchy, I never get a break from my brothers, I get glares every time I leave the house and I never wne to a real chuirch where the pastor acually cares about me!!!!

I feel really depressed this christmas

<Mod Snip: We do not call other members down personally on the boards. Remember, the things people said about you on the internet hurt you deeply, didn't they? Remember that other people, including this person you told not to yell at you, might be just as sensative as you are. Be careful that you do not do the very thing that hurt you in the first place.>
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Postby Warrior 4 Jesus » Fri Dec 15, 2006 4:54 pm

What do they teach in English these days? It's 'Obsessive' not 'Upsessive.'

Don't let it get you down mate. It's trivial in the long run. You'll be fine.
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Postby fantasygeek » Fri Dec 15, 2006 5:01 pm

Don't worry about it, people are always going to say mean things, you just be yourself and follow the Lord and don't worry about what other people think. Cheer Up! =)
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Postby Evangeline-San » Fri Dec 15, 2006 5:14 pm

Who cares! If you like something and you're REALLY into it Keep on lovin' it! No matter what anyone else thinks. :D
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Postby KBMaster » Fri Dec 15, 2006 6:00 pm

Maybe the person who said that was having a bad week and decided to lash out at you?

Or maybe this person isn't as crazy about Kabuto as you are?

Either way, you shouldn't let it get to you. You're you - you can't help it and you can't be someone else and you shouldn't want to be something you're not. If someone has a problem with you, then let them be the one who's suffering about it, not you!
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Postby termyt » Sat Dec 16, 2006 6:14 am

Try to work at not letting other people's off-hand comments affect the way you feel about yourself. Allowing other people's negativity affect you so severely is a recipe for a pretty miserable life and sets you up to be a doormat for others.

If the people who know you and love you are reacting negatively to something you are doing, then you ought to pay attention and re-examine what you are doing. But when random people you don’t know insult you for no other purpose than to put you down or build themselves up, try not to let it bother you. They don't care about you, so why care about what they say?
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Postby Puguni » Sat Dec 16, 2006 6:32 am

This loser is just trying to make himself feel better by lording himself over you. I have a nasty experience with these things, and I'm just going to tell you to shake it off. Yes, it stings, but at least you're not the loser who wastes time on MySpace looking for people to insult. Now THAT person needs a life.

It'll pass. Meanwhile, try thinking of some positive things about you. :]
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Postby Kurama » Sat Dec 16, 2006 9:32 am

Hmmmmm..........Thank you guys for the prayers. Another friend of mine talked to me as well. I think I was just shocked cause that was the first time I have ever gotten a Hate Comment on My Space.. I get a lot on i was used to it on there. Mean people are weird. *Shakes head* I will say again, Thank you all for thinkin about me. :hug:
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Postby Yahshua » Sat Dec 16, 2006 10:43 am

Eh You ok Kurama and normal
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Postby Lochaber Axe » Sat Dec 16, 2006 9:30 pm

Its better to just disregard what people say on popular internet sites like Myspace and Youtube. Anonymity plus large audience equals a attention-seeking brat. On the best way to deal with attacks like this, simply put, kick it out of your mind. "Shrug and bear it" works when you don't bottle it up.

Its easy to get emotional if you, your beliefs, or your interests are attacked. Don't. Give it to the Lord, and let it exit your mind.
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Postby Hakaii » Sun Dec 17, 2006 2:37 pm

hey, its myspace... just myspace... most of the people that will insult you on myspace are to cowardly to say it to your face. for example, a person on myspace put out a bulliten about me and my wife. it was so nasty that I would NEVER quote it. especially here. well, it turns out that it was a Jealous girl from our school who was alone and wanted to make people who weren't.... miserable. (the anti-cupid) she basically lied through her teeth and tried to turn people against us when my wife and I married. well, instead of lowering myself by doing the same thing.... we just walked up to her and my wife talked to her in front of all her friends about it while I just stood there and glared at them all. long story short... she had a Huge mouth on myspace but didn't utter anything in person and she lost a lot of friends for what she did. so don't worry about some punk on myspace. there are only 2 oppinions in this life that should matter to you... Gods and yours.

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Postby Kurama » Mon Dec 18, 2006 8:29 am

I know how bad myspace is. I just did not know I would get "Comments" like that already. o.o but whatever. Thank you, Hakaii and Lochaber Axe.

and Hakaii sorry to hear that that happend to you. :hug:
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Postby Agent Anderson » Mon Dec 18, 2006 6:35 pm

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Postby Kurama » Tue Dec 19, 2006 7:35 am

BWAHAHAHA!!! I LOVE IT!! o.o did you make it?
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Postby USSRGirl » Tue Dec 19, 2006 5:25 pm

[quote="Kurama"]I was Just called a Kabuto Obsesser on myspace and I needed to get a life...... now I feel depressed...........I`m a beloved fan but not obsessive....-_-]

Uh... are you serious? With all the problems in our world today you actually want your fellow Christians to take time out of their personal meditations with God to pray for you because some pervert(most people on that site are anyway) on MySpace called you a 'Kabuto Obesser?' Ooooook... now I've heard stupid prayer request but this one takes the cake.

Get over it, girl. God is not going to strike them dead for unjustly accusing you of being obssessed. Go hire a bouncer, or write to Santa on your Christmas list. If you are still dwelling on this, then I second them in telling you to get a life.

Geeez......... I just strongly think the whole prayer request thing should be treated with more respect.
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Postby RubyJewelStone » Tue Dec 19, 2006 5:41 pm

It happens. That's what happens online. Many people just suck, period.

What's wrong with being called an obsessed? You like it and you know you do have a life so that's all that matters. Besides, you can delete comments.

Heck, just the other day this kid got in trouble with a teacher and was all upset. And I walk to him in the hallway and said.

"Here, let me give you some advice for future ref-"


Mind you, this brat...err...kid doesn't even know me like that, just my name and he's in middle school while I'm in high school so he has no valid reason to "hate" me as it were but I just shrugged and laughed it off with some friends over how angsty he was being because the teacher wouldn't let him out of study hall.

Beside, that person needs a life more if they need to go around and insult people. Probably low self-esteem or some rubbish like that.

You'll live. <3
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Postby Radical Dreamer » Tue Dec 19, 2006 5:47 pm

USSRGirl wrote:Uh... are you serious? With all the problems in our world today you actually want your fellow Christians to take time out of their personal meditations with God to pray for you because some pervert(most people on that site are anyway) on MySpace called you a 'Kabuto Obesser?' Ooooook... now I've heard stupid prayer request but this one takes the cake.

Get over it, girl. God is not going to strike them dead for unjustly accusing you of being obssessed. Go hire a bouncer, or write to Santa on your Christmas list. If you are still dwelling on this, then I second them in telling you to get a life.

Geeez......... I just strongly think the whole prayer request thing should be treated with more respect.

...You know...there are about a million better ways to say that. She was asking for prayer because the comment made her somewhat depressed. I mean...your whole comment about having Christians "take time out of their personal meditations with God" really just gets to me. We're supposed to pray for others when they're going through tough times. Now, I agree that I don't think what someone says on MySpace is really something worth getting worked up over, but who's to say that she doesn't deserve prayer anyways? Perhaps she's more sensitive when it comes to people insulting her than you are. The way you said things in your post really just made it sound like your prayers are too "important" to include her, which just sounds really arrogant to me.

I dunno, maybe you really weren't trying to come across like this (though the tone of your post really indicates otherwise), but in the future, I'd advise that you don't take people's feelings so lightly. :shady:
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Postby Kurama » Tue Dec 19, 2006 5:48 pm

USSRGirl wrote:Uh... are you serious? With all the problems in our world today you actually want your fellow Christians to take time out of their personal meditations with God to pray for you because some pervert(most people on that site are anyway) on MySpace called you a 'Kabuto Obesser?' Ooooook... now I've heard stupid prayer request but this one takes the cake.

Get over it, girl. God is not going to strike them dead for unjustly accusing you of being obssessed. Go hire a bouncer, or write to Santa on your Christmas list. If you are still dwelling on this, then I second them in telling you to get a life.

Geeez......... I just strongly think the whole prayer request thing should be treated with more respect.

.....its really not helping me! There has been a lot of other things that I can not say that have been happing! And YOU Are NOT Helping!!! T.T My Brothers call me a Kabuto Obsesser and Now People on CAA are telling me to get a Life. God I want to die! My Home school group is Shunning me! I only get a life by ANime! My Schooling has been hard! CAN`T I GET A BREAK!!!
No one talks to me people glare at me all the time!! And recently my Mom said I was Full of Crap!!! SO SHUT UP!!!!
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Postby Radical Dreamer » Tue Dec 19, 2006 5:56 pm

Hope you see my point now, USSR. You never know what's going on in someone else's life at any particular time, so keep that in mind next time you tell someone their prayer request isn't important enough to "interrupt your meditations" with God. :/
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Postby Kurama » Tue Dec 19, 2006 6:01 pm

:hug: Radical Dreamer I hope God blesses you. :hug:
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Postby USSRGirl » Tue Dec 19, 2006 6:12 pm


Radical, I wasn't saying her prayers were not important enough for me. I was saying that's an awfully silly thing to be posting, ranting, and asking people to pray for you on. Just recently at church I heard about someone's two-year-old who was nearly paralyzed after a fall. My heart absolutely bleeds for that poor family. How can you possibly find the nerve to mention something as petty as someone teasing you over an anime character when so many people have so many REAL burdens to deal with? In my opinion, we have a responsibility, as Christians to treat prayer requests with some level of respect or else it just becomes a forum for any petty, humanist, whiny comment. I'm sorry if I sound harsh here, but it really bugs me to see prayer taken so lightly and treated like a Christmas list. >.>;; Yes, God cares about all our needs, we can talk to Him about anything. But before asking an entire forum of Christians to prayer for you, one should ask if this is *REALLY* important. Otherwise, we may as well prayer that my sink will unclog itself from that hair that's stuck in the drain.

Kurama, I'm sorry if there is more to this than meets the eye, and I will pray for you if you are truly that sensitive a person. My brother gives me grief for anime everyday. (Reno obssesser, Reno's a drunk, "Anime[insert title here] is so psycho!!", Miyazaki is a rock-worshipping treehugger, ect., ect.) Not to mention my dad. ("The grays!! Call Roswell!!" (in reference to Kodama from Princess Mononoke) In fact I think it's what sibling were born to do. He's just teasing you. Take a breath. Calm down. Have a cup of green tea or something. Your mom saying your full of crap on the other hand does sound pretty bad... I don't know your situation but I'll pray for you anyway. Sorry if I offended you...don't get so worked up over someone name-calling... who cares what they call you? Kabuto obssesser? Ok... fine. If you, then don't be afraid to show it. Whatever they say will only hurt you if you let it.
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Postby USSRGirl » Tue Dec 19, 2006 6:15 pm

Radical Dreamer wrote:Hope you see my point now, USSR. You never know what's going on in someone else's life at any particular time, so keep that in mind next time you tell someone their prayer request isn't important enough to "interrupt your meditations" with God. :/

I said THEIR. Not MY. The point was that it's one thing to pray to God about whatever you want, it's another to make silly prayer requests.
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Postby rii namuras » Tue Dec 19, 2006 6:20 pm

(Gaspeth! Kayla, you're homeschooled? That's awesome. We have like, no homeschoolers that I'm friends with here aside from my speech & debate group. That is so cool. But yeah, we stopped going to co-op (Tampa's equivalent of homeschooling groups - I know of none others) because it was weird. Though it was by far a better environment than public school would have been at that age - speaking from taking driver's ed this past semester.)

(The only advice I could give you right now is to not take it to heart, but I realize that not everyone can do that easily, so I will be praying for you.)
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Postby CobaltAngel » Tue Dec 19, 2006 6:23 pm

USSR Girl, I see where you are coming from, but like Radical Dreamer said, there are definitly nicer ways to say that.

I have my friends tell me the stupidest things at school everyday and I listen because it matters TO THEM. If I really feel they're being shallow, I'll tell my closer friends, because I know they can take it, but you don't know Kurama that well, and that seemed a little uncalled for. I know someone very close to me who is senstive much like her and sometimes she just needs to get stuff like this off her chest.

But I know you're just trying to help. Just word a little more carefully next time, kay?
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Postby USSRGirl » Tue Dec 19, 2006 6:28 pm

CobaltAngel wrote:USSR Girl, I see where you are coming from, but like Radical Dreamer said, there are definitly nicer ways to say that.

I have my friends tell me the stupidest things their at school everyday and I listen because it matters TO THEM. If I really feel they're being shallow, I'll tell my closer friends, because I know they can take it, but you don't know Kurama that well, and that seemed a little uncalled for. I know someone very close to me who is senstive much like her and sometimes she just needs to get stuff like this off her chest.

But I know you're just trying to help. Just word a little more carefully next time, kay?

Understood. However (and I'm not saying Kurama's like this) some people think of prayer request time as a kind of social club... time to share your 'worries' and get pity from people. That's just not right when so many people have real issues going on in their lives.

Again, Kurama, sorry for being harsh on you. I hope you start feelin' better soon...
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Postby Radical Dreamer » Tue Dec 19, 2006 6:42 pm

[quote="USSRGirl"]Radical, I wasn't saying her prayers were not important enough for me. I was saying that's an awfully silly thing to be posting, ranting, and asking people to pray for you on. Just recently at church I heard about someone's two-year-old who was nearly paralyzed after a fall. My heart absolutely bleeds for that poor family. How can you possibly find the nerve to mention something as petty as someone teasing you over an anime character when so many people have so many REAL burdens to deal with? In my opinion, we have a responsibility, as Christians to treat prayer requests with some level of respect or else it just becomes a forum for any petty, humanist, whiny comment. I'm sorry if I sound harsh here, but it really bugs me to see prayer taken so lightly and treated like a Christmas list. >.>]

The issue here isn't that she was being teased about liking an anime character. There's obviously more going on than you or I know about, and that may have been the last straw for her. The point, though, is that the comment made her somewhat depressed (and yeah, that is a "real" burden). Every problem that we have is big to God...not just the ones that humanity deems big enough. What I'm saying is that it's not our place to say whether or not someone's prayer request is worth saying or not. If the person is having a big enough problem with it, we should pray for it anyways.

The thing you say about making sure the request is important enough before "asking an entire forum of Christians to pray for you"...If there's an entire forum of Christians, shouldn't one feel encouraged to ask for prayer? What you're suggesting would no doubt make people think they couldn't ask for prayer because their prayers were "not important enough". The more I think about this, the more I think, "who are we to deem what prayers are important or not?" It's not our place to decide what people should and should not ask God.

I guess I just want to reiterate the fact that God cares about ALL of our problems, not just the ones that society deems important. It's simply not our place to put someone down because you feel their prayer request isn't important enough.
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Postby Kurama » Tue Dec 19, 2006 6:43 pm

its ok :hug: I hope you will have a merry Christmas and I am sorry I did not explain a little more about my life. I was not sure about posting all of it. but I only posted some of it. XD;; anyway. its ok. I did not know I made it sound like that.
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Postby White » Tue Dec 19, 2006 10:15 pm

Is it your job to choose what prayer is more important than the next USSRGirl? NO! Its our job as a Christian to pray for whoever needs prayer, no matter how "petty" it may sound to you, you do it anyway, maybe you don't think it sounds important but I'm sure you'd like to hear someone was praying for you even over the littlest trouble in your life...

Now I am in no way trying to fan the flames any higher here but I'm just trying to defend someone who needs some prayer, so give her a break USSRGirl, if you have the energy to critisize someone of posting a "petty" prayer request then you also have the energy to "take time out of your meditations" to pray for her...

You're definitely in my prayers Kurama, I know how badly stress and other things can pile up over time ;)
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Postby ChristianKitsune » Tue Dec 19, 2006 10:43 pm

not to cause any more problems...but some people have a mound of dirt in front of them...and they can walk right over that...and others have a gigantic mountain they have to climb.. God made us all Different, he gave us all feelings and emotions for a reason. Some people (like moi) are REALLY sensitive. others are like a duck. They can take whatever is thrown at them. Sometimes WE need to be supportive of other people's needs because thats what being a Christian is all about. Loving our Brothers and Sisters the way CHRIST would.

I think just like sin (in the fact that there is no bigger sin than another) there is no greater prayer request than another. They are all important to God.

Kurama, I am with ya chica. just remember God will not give you more than you can Handle.. take this as a learning experience. God won't abandon you..

here is a passage that might help ya!
James 1:2-8
2Consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds, 3because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance. 4Perseverance must finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything. 5If any of you lacks wisdom, he should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to him. 6But when he asks, he must believe and not doubt, because he who doubts is like a wave of the sea, blown and tossed by the wind. 7That man should not think he will receive anything from the Lord; 8he is a double-minded man, unstable in all he does.

I hope you feel better anyway, Kurama! God bless and take care!


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Postby Nami » Wed Dec 20, 2006 6:26 am

*huggles Kayla* It's ok, don't worry, it's ok.. God is there for you! And so am I! If you should ever need anything please let me know! I would be more than happy to talk to you! *hugs*

I want you to have a very merry christmas! Ok? :jump: And I think you Rock! :rock: :rock:
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