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how did you find out about Santa? - CAA: Christian Anime Alliance

how did you find out about Santa?

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how did you find out about Santa?

Postby Tenshi no Ai » Thu Dec 21, 2006 7:57 pm

First off if there happens to be anyone under age 10 on this site...
[spoiler] Santa isn't real... [/spoiler]
And now that's cleared up, onto the topic!

So, how did you finally figure out who the true identity of Santa Claus really was?

When I was really little, my older cousins would be like "he doesn't exist..." and I would be like "NO!" and everything. Soon, enough I discovered presents that I later received as "from Santa" (and "Santa" was writting in very messy, scribbly letters on the tags) and found presents already wrapped days before that said "from Santa" on them. My mom told me that he just dropped the gifts off early and I was like "oh". But, despite my cousins spoiling the "magic", (and as to where the oranges and beer we put out for Santa and reindeer, rather than milk and cookies... :/) I figured it out on my own with year after year of present searching in the house, with them later beign labeled by Santa (and my mom sayign they weren't for me :/)

So that was my story... any others or interesting ones?
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Postby RedMage » Thu Dec 21, 2006 8:01 pm

I never believed in Santa because my parents never tried to sell me on it.
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Postby Agent Anderson » Thu Dec 21, 2006 8:13 pm

RedMage wrote:I never believed in Santa because my parents never tried to sell me on it.

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Postby Puritan » Thu Dec 21, 2006 8:30 pm

Ditto RedMage. My parents never wanted to lie to my sister and I for any reason, even if it was considered normal, so I was never told Santa was real. I wasn't a militant anti-Santa kid either, but I never thought Santa was real.
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Postby Mr. SmartyPants » Thu Dec 21, 2006 8:38 pm

My parents never attempted to... I just saw him one day in preschool class, and I was shocked! Amazed! Bedazzled!
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Postby Blitzkrieg1701 » Thu Dec 21, 2006 8:38 pm

Huh, my parents told us the truth from the start too. I for one am glad to have been spared the disillusion. That would have sucked.
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Postby Doubleshadow » Thu Dec 21, 2006 8:52 pm

My parents never encouraged it, and by the time I was old enough to read, I was old enough to recognize the hand writing on the presents at my grandma's from Santa was the same as the hand writing on the gifts from her.
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Postby Radical Dreamer » Thu Dec 21, 2006 8:58 pm

Yeah, I was never told Santa was real. I knew like, who he was and everything, but I always knew my presents were from my parents, and likewise, they never tried to make me believe otherwise, except for in a joking manner.

So...I guess that kinda puts a downer on the thread, huh? XD
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Postby ChristianKitsune » Thu Dec 21, 2006 8:59 pm

What are you talking about guys, Santa Claus IS real!

I can't believe you are trying to tell me he isn't!
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Postby RedMage » Thu Dec 21, 2006 9:03 pm

Hmm, I thought I was in the minority, but I guess not in this crowd. :cool:
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Postby Tenshi no Ai » Thu Dec 21, 2006 10:10 pm

Aww looks liek i'm in the minority :/ Well, guess that's what happens when you weren't raised in a Christian home :/ Guess I thought there might be more out there? *shrugs* I do know some Christian families do practice the whole Santa act.
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Postby Kiba-kun » Thu Dec 21, 2006 11:04 pm

The 'rents sold it to me for a few years. Then after, "Look kids, it's Rudolf leading Santa again" year after year when I knew good and well it was the water tower, I confronted them about it and they tried blowing it off. After that, I just made up my mind my parents are retarded. On the side note; my dad still tries to sell it to me and my brothers.
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Postby Ingemar » Fri Dec 22, 2006 12:04 am

God, I can't believe that my mother had to tell me when I was nine.... I must be an idiot--an idiot that happens to go to such-and-such a prestigious university.

Thing is, I never believed in the Easter Bunny (I found the entire idea sacreligious) and was suspicious about the tooth fairy.
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Postby Doe Johnson » Fri Dec 22, 2006 12:52 am

I never believed in Santa. I can't remember my family ever telling me he was or wasn't real, I just always remember knowing he wasn't and that some little kids were told he was. Not like my family never mentioned Santa, actually, I saw him at least 3 times each Christmas, once at church, once at the little house on main street, and once at my grandpa's house. :P Last year Santa was my cousin! I got a kick out of that.
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Postby wingedfox » Fri Dec 22, 2006 6:14 am

I found out santa wasn't real in 3rd grade. but now has any noticed that santa with the letters rearranged is satan?
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Postby KBMaster » Fri Dec 22, 2006 6:44 am

Some girls in my youth group were talking about how santa wasn't real(I think I was eight or nine) and then I asked my oldest sister about it and she told me(and then she was reprimanded by my second oldest sister ;) ).
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Postby CrimsonRyu17 » Fri Dec 22, 2006 7:16 am

wingedfox wrote:I found out santa wasn't real in 3rd grade. but now has any noticed that santa with the letters rearranged is satan?

That's like saying if you rearrange the letters in "live" it can change to "evil." Does this mean that we're evil if we live? No. Same thing with Santa. He isn't Satan. He's a bearded guy who wears a red suit and delivers presents to children. What's wrong with that?

I really don't see anything wrong with believing in Santa. I don't believe in him but my grandparents tried to sell it to me, and they still do. XD; Just as long as you know the true meaning of Christmas, what's wrong with having a little fun, eh?
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Postby rocklobster » Fri Dec 22, 2006 7:24 am

[quote="CrimsonRyu17"]That's like saying if you rearrange the letters in "live" it can change to "evil." Does this mean that we're evil if we live? No. Same thing with Santa. He isn't Satan. He's a bearded guy who wears a red suit and delivers presents to children. What's wrong with that?

I really don't see anything wrong with believing in Santa. I don't believe in him but my grandparents tried to sell it to me, and they still do. XD]
:jump: Well said, Crimmy! As a Catholic, I applaud you for this! For those of you who don't know (and since Tenshi has already spoiled you), Santa Claus was once a real person! He was St. Nicholas, and in Catholocism he is the Patron Saint of Children. (this may be part of the reason he is associated with Christmas) Below is a link to a wikipedia article about the actual Saint. A good read, especially this time of year.
The Real St. Nicholas!
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Postby Tenshi no Ai » Fri Dec 22, 2006 7:42 am

rocklobster wrote: He was St. Nicholas, and in Catholocism he is the Patron Saint of Children.

I quite liked the depiction of him on Narnia... not only does he look authentic, and scrapped the Coca Cola red suit, but he gave out cool presents (c'mon, wouldn't all little kids want things like daggers, swords, and bows and arrows for Christmas?) AND he did it in the name of Aslan, which was pretty close to the orginal too.

Back on topic though, I just remembered a semi-funny story I heard a while back...

In grade 7, one of the teacher's whose known to crack jokes all the time (and just found out a couple weeks ago that he goes to my friend's church), said somethign about Santa not beign real, and someone left the room in tears becase she still believed >_< I heard a phone call followed by the angry parents who was still playing along with the whole thing :/

I mean that's just... wow :/
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Postby rocklobster » Fri Dec 22, 2006 7:48 am

Tenshi no Ai wrote:I quite liked the depiction of him on Narnia... not only does he look authentic, and scrapped the Coca Cola red suit, but he gave out cool presents (c'mon, wouldn't all little kids want things like daggers, swords, and bows and arrows for Christmas?) AND he did it in the name of Aslan, which was pretty close to the orginal too.

Back on topic though, I just remembered a semi-funny story I heard a while back...

In grade 7, one of the teacher's whose known to crack jokes all the time (and just found out a couple weeks ago that he goes to my friend's church), said somethign about Santa not beign real, and someone left the room in tears becase she still believed >_< I heard a phone call followed by the angry parents who was still playing along with the whole thing :/

I mean that's just... wow :/

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Postby mitsuki lover » Fri Dec 22, 2006 11:24 am

In The All-New Tenchi Moyu! manga vol.#4:Girls Get Busy the final story is called
Intercept,in it it details the ridiculous extremes that Washu,Ryoko and Ayeka go to
prevent Sasami from learning the truth about Santa,but in the end Sasami wisely notes:"Santa Claus brings gifts to those who have faith in him...but moms and dads
have to do it for the kids who don't believe.I'm glad the REAL santa will come to my house!"
And as another wise person once wrote:"Yes Virginia,there is a Santa Claus."
The fact that the belief in Santa Claus brings joy to children is enough to make him real,even though he himself is fictional.
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Postby Blitzkrieg1701 » Fri Dec 22, 2006 12:58 pm

I dunno. I mean, I'm obviously not in favor of any fuddy-duddies running around and dashing little children's dreams, but it'll happen one way or another eventually. I for one am very glad that all my Christmas joy was brought by means that didn't involve any fiction, mainly because it means that I still get it the exact same way now :)
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Postby Bobtheduck » Fri Dec 22, 2006 2:03 pm

I never believed in Santa, easter bunny, tooth fairy, boogie/bogey/booger monster... My parents taught their natural children that, but they stopped the practice with me.

My nephews (who were really more like cousins, because they were my age) believed, and I was told never to tell them the truth... I'm not sure if I was the one that revealed it to them or not... I may have gotten in one argument about it, but I can't remember.
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Postby FarmGirl » Fri Dec 22, 2006 2:37 pm

Can't remember ever really believing the whole dealie. Paytah believed, and my parents allowed him to do so, but they weren't the ones who started it. Heh, I was the one who "dashed his dream." I'll be nice when in contact with those who do believe, but won't encourage it.
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Postby Psycho Molos » Sat Dec 23, 2006 10:12 am

Ingemar wrote:God, I can't believe that my mother had to tell me when I was nine.... I must be an idiot--an idiot that happens to go to such-and-such a prestigious university.

Thing is, I never believed in the Easter Bunny (I found the entire idea sacreligious) and was suspicious about the tooth fairy.

Tooth fairy kinda scares me....I mean a person that rewards you for losing teeth and looking ugly? No way. Besides I look ugly all by myself why should I want to look uglier (if that's possible) and get money for it? lol
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Postby Psycho Molos » Sat Dec 23, 2006 10:34 am

FarmGirl wrote:Can't remember ever really believing the whole dealie. Paytah believed, and my parents allowed him to do so, but they weren't the ones who started it. Heh, I was the one who "dashed his dream." I'll be nice when in contact with those who do believe, but won't encourage it.

you reminded me of this Inuyasha summary movie that I saw on dA months ago... "...she came along and she...CRUSHED MY DREAM! SHE CRUSH IT SO HARD!!" lol
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Postby mitsuki lover » Sat Dec 23, 2006 11:18 am

I think it has to be a logical process.You can't just tell a child that Santa doesn't exist they have to learn to use logic to find out for themselves.
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