Multi-thread topic: National Geographic Airs "Secret Lives of Jesus" on Sunday

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Postby GrubbTheFragger » Thu Dec 28, 2006 9:24 pm

Hakaii wrote:ok, I watched it and most of it was crap. seriously, Jesus didn't kill...period. but the Idea of Judas possibly doing what he did out of faith instead of greed is at least plausible. I think that if Jesus Married, then it would have appeared in other texts. thats kind of something that would be hard to overlook. but the fact that Mary Magdeline (spelling?) was not a prostitute is confirmed and the idea of her being close to Jesus and even an Apostle is Plausible. why wouldn't Jesus have told her things privately? he did so with other Apostiles. and I've seen other documentaries that have stated that Paul was very much against women in religion. I also watched some of the other Documentaries the NGC showed that day. one was focused of Revelation. did anyone know that for John to have written it, he would have to be over a hundred years old? hardly anyone lived that long, or even close to, in those days. just something to think about. not trying to start anything TOO theological or controversial, just reporting my thoughts on what I saw.

I agree with Hakaii. I watched part of and for that part i thought i was watching the comedy channel.
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Postby mitsuki lover » Fri Dec 29, 2006 2:24 pm

Depends on when you believe Revelation was written.And yes people did live just as long back then as they do now.Roman and Greek medicine was actually rather
advanced.I remember watching the History Channel once when they were talking about Galen and they showed some of the equipment he would have used and it was very much similiar to what modern American doctors use.
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