Radical Dreamer wrote:I saw a clip from this when Samuel L. Jackson was on Leno several days ago. Doesn't look like something I'll be too interested in, but whatever. *shrugs*
Tom Dincht wrote:You're just saying that because it looks like Samurai Champloo with "Samurai Jackson. See, SAMUel Jackson. SAMUrai. I love it."
I'm sick of these -badword-'n afros!
kaemmerite wrote:Just finished watching the first episode on Spike TV. That was about the coolest thing I've ever watched.
I can't really recommend it to most people on CAA. Here's a breakdown of content:
Language: Actually not as bad as most people expected. They said a lot of "freaking," and a couple of instances of "son of a" without a word at the end. One instance of the d-word, one of the a-word, and one of the s-word.
Sexual content: When one of the bad guys is talking, a girl in a bikini is present. It shows her rear for a few seconds, and a shot of her chest pressed up against him.
Violence: This is, by far, the biggest in terms of content. The first scene shows the major bad guy of the series cutting off another character's head. And when I say "shows," I mean it. Also a scene of Afro Samurai killing about 20-30 people by cutting off various limbs. Lots of blood.
So yeah. While I can't really completely recommend this, I loved it, I thought it was a blast, and I'm definitely going to be following this series.
Tom Dincht wrote:In the trailer he said the F word and the N word so it's aparantly cleaner than I thought.
I checked Spike TV last night and CSI was on when Afro should've been on.
I'm confused.
Wingzero22 wrote:I think they change those words, so that it was a little cleaner. I think they had to edit some of the bad words in it and we will see an uncut dvd later.
freerock1 wrote:Spike is apparently running this with a TV-MA for language and violence (per their website). So while there's some stuff that they probably won't get away with because of being a basic cable network, Afro Samurai will probably run almost uncut.
Nate wrote:That's what I'm thinking, since they don't have to comply with FCC regulations the violence and language will probably be identical between the TV and DVD versions. Still, I'll play it safe and the official review I'll submit will be the DVD version, because I have a feeling they might throw in some nudity or something just to raise interest in the DVD.
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