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Postby the_lizardqueen » Thu Mar 15, 2007 3:34 pm

Alice wrote:I saw an article in the paper over the weekend about how some fans thought there was (or wanted there to be!) links between Lost and Heroes. The makers basically said no, it was a coincidence, but how cool, and it would be fun to have an episode with a crossover character, but the networks were different, etc., so it's unlikely to ever happen. The makers of both shows knew each other though, I believe.

I don't watch Lost, but I thought I'd throw it out there for all you Lost fans. Perhaps you can find more info (and conspiracy theories!) by searching the grand ol' web.
Ugh. I don't know what to think about that. I had actually thought it would be pretty funny if Hiro randomly teleported to the island, he's pretty much built for crossovers what with the dimensional time bending and random teleportation.

But lately Lost has really been taking a nosedive. I adored Season 1 and stuck by Season 2 staunchly, but I've found that I can't quite care about the characters in Season 3 like I used to. The writers have been playing fast and loose with the characterizations and thier 'grand scheme' is getting a little tiring, I'm beginning to doubt that they actually know where the series is going. Then again, the plot has been getting so strange and convoluted that maybe a random appearance by one of the Heroes wouldn't be too out of place. Especially now that Lost seems to have it's own Precog ]Aliiiice, embrace the Eccle-fangirling, you know you want toooo *has already fallen for the guy herself* ^_~ [/spoiler]
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Postby rocklobster » Thu Mar 15, 2007 6:38 pm

NO, I mean just make up superhero-style names for them.
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Postby mitsuki lover » Sat Mar 17, 2007 1:13 pm

It was weird hearing George Takei speak in Japanese.
I was also thinking while watching yesterday that it was interesting how Sulu was the first really break out role for an Asian-American on television.Sulu was the first
Asian character that wasn't either a houseboy or a kung fu fighter.
Yes it is true that Charlie Chan was a detective but he was always played by a
White in all of the movies.So Sulu was the first pivotal Asian character on tv and after that they were able to start giving Asian-American actors more meaty roles
to the point where we now have Hiro and Ando on Heroes and Boomer on Battlestar Galactica.(Not forgetting Harry Kim on Voyager and Hoshi on
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Postby the_lizardqueen » Thu Apr 19, 2007 8:40 am

Heroes is almost BACK! Huzzah for the 23rd!!! *runs around giddily*

In the meantime here's some links to tide us over. Uh, presuming y'all are still alive out there. It's hard to believe it's been six weeks O_O

An amazing new promo (possible spoilers):

And now for something completely different:

The best Heroes fanart ever, in my humble opinion:
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Postby Ingemar » Mon Apr 23, 2007 10:11 pm



Uh, yeah. Isaac dying is just about as surprising as what happens to a newspaper when you put it over an open flame. In other words, I think this whole "someone is gonna die!!" is becoming a really tired gimmick, since so far all of the dead characters are people we barely care about. (Yes, in retrospect Isaac is quite a lame character with no redeeming qualities.)

So I guess it is established that object in brain = dead (temporarily). Still trying to find out how Claire is instrumental in saving the world.

And Linderman... can heal? So there is yet another character whose power doesn't seem to "fit"--the first one I can think of is Nathan.

And again Mohinder is the dumbest smart person in the world. Peter is the dumbest dumb person in the world for not high-tailing it while invisible. Mohinder for not killing an unconcious Sylar. What happened to his lust for revenge?[/spoiler]

Second season?
[spoiler]All that we know for sure is that Sylar is in season 2.

Frankly, I don't like that. Sylar is not getting any weaker as time progresses and frankly all that this means is that any new hero is potenial fodder for Sylar. And people complain that Peter is overpowered....[/spoiler]
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Postby Aka-chan » Tue Apr 24, 2007 6:22 am

asdfjkl;Lizardqueen, that FUN video is so much win and awesome. So hilarious!

Hm, hm, I think you're allowed to be overpowered if you're the bad guy. Because you're gonna go down eventually.

Also, apparently Claire dyes her hair next episode, and some of my guy friends are upset.
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Postby ashfire » Tue Apr 24, 2007 3:56 pm

mitsuki lover wrote:It was weird hearing George Takei speak in Japanese.
I was also thinking while watching yesterday that it was interesting how Sulu was the first really break out role for an Asian-American on television.Sulu was the first
Asian character that wasn't either a houseboy or a kung fu fighter.
Yes it is true that Charlie Chan was a detective but he was always played by a
White in all of the movies.So Sulu was the first pivotal Asian character on tv and after that they were able to start giving Asian-American actors more meaty roles
to the point where we now have Hiro and Ando on Heroes and Boomer on Battlestar Galactica.(Not forgetting Harry Kim on Voyager and Hoshi on

I think the woman who played Hoshi is now a police officer on the new show "Raines"
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Postby rocklobster » Tue Apr 24, 2007 5:43 pm

[spoiler]I want to know what happens if Future Hiro kills Current Hiro. [/spoiler]
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Postby Alice » Tue Apr 24, 2007 6:04 pm

:mutter: So there's going to be a second season? :/ I was hoping the last few episodes would solve everything. Looks like they're going to drag it out. :stressed:

Aka-chan wrote:Also, apparently Claire dyes her hair next episode, and some of my guy friends are upset.

She is more recognizable with blond hair. I'm sure they'll change her hair back.
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Postby Eaglestrike » Thu Apr 26, 2007 1:40 pm

[spoiler]You guys REALLY need to read the graphic novels. You would understand with the latest chapter how Claire was already instrumental in saving the world. If you don't want to read the novels, I'll tell you here: Sylar killed Claire, Sylar was the original bomb, Sylar could not be stopped because he killed Claire. The now future Hiro is personally (and alone) attempting to save the world from Sylar, he's 5 years in the future, putting pieces together to see who and where he has to go to. He thought that by keeping Claire's power from Sylar, the bomb would not happen. But things have seemingly changed.

The next episode will be in a future where Sylar is the bomb, I think, which means Sylar would have Claire's power? I dunno if the way they have time changing in that saving Claire means Sylar has lost that power or not. There is a 4 minute sneak peek out about it, but you'll find more info in the graphic novels, namely the latest one (titled String Theory). Sneak peek is here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wlz_UGEFhqw

I love hypothetical theories and stuff, I just hope they are still going to keep things somewhat logical, although superpowers are not, time travel is a tricky thing and there is always some drawback.[/spoiler]

Link that the spoiler tags do not cover is to a 4min clip of next weeks Heroes.
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Postby IantheGecko » Thu Apr 26, 2007 8:07 pm

Oh, yes. I only missed a couple episodes toward the beginning of the season, but now I don't miss a show. I'm freakin' HOOKED!

The shape-shifter chick creeps me out. And I hope Ted doesn't kill everyone.

Whatever happened to Claude, though? He was awesome.
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Postby the_lizardqueen » Fri Apr 27, 2007 1:08 pm

[spoiler]I'm neutral towards the idea of Sylar in the second season, but it's not a bad idea to keep him around. The writers are going to have a heck of a time resolving the bomb plotline in the next four episodes, it might only complicate matters to throw Sylar in too. It probably would be more satisfying if they took a few episodes in the next season to properly take the guy down. Either that or they could seemingly defeat and depower him in the finale and have him come back for vengeance or redemption, who knows?[/spoiler]
Alice wrote:So there's going to be a second season? :/ I was hoping the last few episodes would solve everything. Looks like they're going to drag it out

Law of the TV networks, if it's a hit, keep it going as long as possible 9_9 Evidently Tim Kring is still pushing to end the series around the fifth season. I do believe that they are going to resolve the NY explosion in the next four episodes and then they'll introduce a new plotline and a few new characters next season. Quite like comic books really. Evidently initially they were thinking about introducing an entirely new cast next season but then they had a reality check and realized that the fans are very fond of the current characters.

Haha, also, HRG, Matt and Ted = the new roadtrip buddies of doom. And I thought Sylar and Mohinder were funny. It's quite amusing when you combine a volatile exploding lunatic with an average joe that can unfortunately read said lunatic's thoughts, meanwhile HRG is wondering why he's stuck with them.

Also Eaglestrike, that's quite interesting about the graphic novels, I have been trying to follow them lately. BUT, I hope that they factor that explanation into the show. I'm still rather bitter about the way that Lost introduced the 'magic numbers' and then copped out and explained them away in a spinoff book that nobody read :/
IantheGecko wrote:Whatever happened to Claude, though? He was awesome.
Indeed he was, indeed he was. I just hope he doesn't end up swooping back in to die, apparently the actor has bad luck with that happening to his characters >_<
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Postby Eaglestrike » Fri Apr 27, 2007 2:04 pm

The Graphic Novel has 30 chapters (it keeps going even when Heroes is not on that week) and has explained the very beginnings of the Organization as well as tied in who is doing what and where when they're not on screen. I highly doubt that they even have the time to throw in some of this information on screen, there isn't much "filler" time as it is and they are probably rushing to fit as much info in as it is. The novel lets them release some more information about things, I don't see them incorporating even half the information there into things in the show, just the results and stuff. Heck, Wireless is 95% novel and 5% on the show, her character has almost nothing on TV but is huge in the novels. Any fan that wants a complete story should be reading the novels, they're quite good.
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Postby the_lizardqueen » Fri Apr 27, 2007 2:12 pm

I do like what they're doing with the graphic novels in terms of expanding characters like Wireless and giving us a glimpse into the pasts of Linderman and Petrelli Sr. I'm just a bit let down if they solve a major plot like 'save the cheerleader, save the world' in the graphic novels alone. As a supplement to the Heroes universe I think that the novels are excellent, but I just hope it doesn't replace exposition on the actual show.
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Postby mitsuki lover » Fri Apr 27, 2007 4:27 pm

Are the graphic novels in the same universe as the tv series?
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Postby Ingemar » Fri Apr 27, 2007 10:37 pm

They are, technically, but I don't like the idea of them. It is as if they are circumventing the need to make televised medium tell the story.

If the GN's are little more than a comic version of omake then I don't have a problem with it. But if like the Lizard Queen says, they use the GN to tell the story that the show itself SHOULD be telling, I have a major problem with that.
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Postby Eaglestrike » Fri Apr 27, 2007 11:44 pm

Because the TV show itself is full of slow points which they should be filling in with actual content and story, right? No, the show is PACKED with stuff, it would be hard to shove all the information into the show, it'd have to be a 30-40 show season, last I checked not many TV shows have seasons that long.

You don't need to read the novels, but they're really nice for extra content. And really, how is it a bad thing? You can easily get more information/story for FREE just by taking a couple minutes (and if you're posting/reading some forums, I know you've got 2min for this) and going to http://www.nbc.com/Heroes/novels/index.shtml It's story they can't fit into the show (if you read the directors blog they have of the show, they seem to work really hard, think of all the places they shoot and how many actors they have) and so they give it to you in another format, instead of not giving you the story at all.

I mean, this is an anime/manga website, most anime takes manga and simply copies the story. Heroes gives you the same storyline/characters in both comic and TV format, so instead of reading the comic and seeing everything simply repeated on TV, you get double the fun and double the content in the same amount of time as a manga/anime gives you.
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Postby mitsuki lover » Sat Apr 28, 2007 11:12 am

I thought the ending of this week's episode was especially interesting as Hiro meets his future self.Next week ought to be rather intriguing especially if they center it around the two Hiros.
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Postby chibiphonebooth » Sat Apr 28, 2007 11:25 am

i love.


love this series. I'm up here in england for 5 months, so we have to download it. but still.


we had a heroes marathon, where we watched all of them in one day. XD

we woke up at 10, and then watched till 12. lol

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Postby the_lizardqueen » Sat Apr 28, 2007 5:09 pm

Methinks mebbe we should all agree to disagree on the graphic novel front. It would be awesome though if you could keep us all posted on new developments Eaglestrike ^^
chibiphonebooth wrote:i love.


love this series. I'm up here in england for 5 months, so we have to download it. but still.

*giddy* HEE! Welcome to the ranks of Heroes-fanatics ^.^ Outta curiosity which characters are your faves?

I'm really looking forward to this week's episode. The few spoilers that I've stumbled across look quite interesting and dude, it's got double the Hiro-quota.
[spoiler]Also, there's alot of speculation going around about Mama Petrelli having a power. I can't help wondering if perhaps it's got something to do with prophetic dreaming, since we still haven't the slightest clue where Peter picked up that power from. Opinions?[/spoiler]
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Postby mitsuki lover » Sun Apr 29, 2007 11:18 am

It wouldn't surprise me if Mama Petrelli was one of the originals that Linderman
was talking about.
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Postby Eaglestrike » Sun Apr 29, 2007 11:25 am

Yeah, I'd have a hard time believing that she has no powers. She's involved with this whole thing (and was somehow able to convince the Haitian to work for her and disobey the company) and both of her sons have powers, when daddy had no power. She just seems to have an aura, she has connections in high places, at least it seems that way.
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Postby Alice » Sun Apr 29, 2007 4:45 pm

I dunno, I think they just decided she should have powers recently. I don't think they planned it from the beginning, just tacked it on. -_-
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Postby mitsuki lover » Mon Apr 30, 2007 12:43 pm

I hate to say it but I really hate Mama Petrelli.I think she's in the controlling mode of Ayuko if Ayuko was a bit more Machevellian and less greedy.(thus concludes our
Dual reference for the day!)
But seriously I wouldn't be surprised if Mama Petrelli was in on the entire scheme,whatever it was and turns out to be one of the villians later on.I mean Linderman is just too nice a guy to be a real villian.
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Postby Eaglestrike » Mon Apr 30, 2007 2:27 pm

So far the only real villain is Sylar. What the company does is justified in their eyes because they're working for the greater good. They're working on ways to manage and control powers and people with them, which the end result would be awesome, in their eyes. And they're willing to be immoral and do kidnappings and killings to reach this goal, because in the end they can save more lives overall. Whereas other people (like Nathan's first response to the .07%) don't accept that anyone should be "allowed" to die much less killed for someone elses ambition. So they're not so much "evil" as they are "misguided" in the eyes of someone with a more pure moral code.
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Postby Ingemar » Mon Apr 30, 2007 10:22 pm

"Five years gone"

[spoiler]In this future Peter was the bomb and is totally bad@$$. No, those are not to different phrases describing the same thing...Peter really did destroy New York. President Nathan said that Sylar was the bomb to protect him.

Matt and the Haitian are in Homeland Security and are bad guys. In fact the future is very X-menish in that mutants are being hunted down and persecuted. F-Hiro is a wanted terrorist.

Mohinder works for Nathan and has had no success in creating an inhibitor. Nathan suggests killing off all the mutants.

HRG (who is now RG) and Wireless now make a career in hiding other heroes. It seemed that they and Matt had a partnership (which ended when Wireless was shot in the head and then Matt held a gun to RG's neck and presumably killed him).

Things go bad when P-Hiro and Ando meet F-Hiro in Isaac's loft and Homeland security abduct P-Hiro. F-Hiro and Ando teleport to Nevada to try to get ahold of Peter (who is an item with Nessika, (who still isn't any more likeable in teh future and whose son is dead)). Jessiki tells them off and sends them to HRG instead. Peter was around but invisible (he's become a lot like Claude in more ways then one).

When they go meet HRG (now RG) they inform him that in the past Peter saved Claire. RG refuses to help. Homeland security busts in and tasers F-Hiro but Peter busts in, stops time and rescues our Japanese friends.

I'll just cut to the creamy details---

The president is actually SYLAR!!! He's taken the powers (read: killed) of Nathan, Claire, Candace (the illusionist) and D.L. Hawkins and likely Ted Sprague. The episode ends with Peter and Sylar duking it out in a superpowered showdown. This is just after Mohinder killed the Haitian to set P-Hiro free, and F-Hiro is shot dead (lame!!!) Hiro and Ando return to their present time. [/spoiler]

There is a major plot hole, however---

[spoiler]If Peter is the bomb, then how come F-Hiro says he stabbed Sylar who regenerated?[/spoiler]
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Postby Eaglestrike » Mon Apr 30, 2007 10:38 pm

I think the still current running theory is that Sylar was the bomb, but since he didn't get Claire's power Peter became the bomb. I'm not sure if that's the case, though. The only thing still connecting Sylar to being the bomb is future Hiro, but he doesn't necessarily say when he stabbed Sylar. We're shown in previews that Hiro goes to stab Sylar, maybe that is what he is speaking about? And if so, Peter is still the bomb. In some way, Peter loses control of his powers and becomes the bomb, so I suppose the current theory is how does that happen? And if that's what happens, why not keep the Haitian around Peter since it's been released that the Haitian can block powers, even Peters?

What's funny is they just about killed everyone in the last episode, but it's a future that (hopefully lol) will not be seen.
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Postby the_lizardqueen » Tue May 01, 2007 6:20 am

Seriously cool episode.


[spoiler]I guess it must have been the modified 'cheerleader saved' timeline, but then why did Peter have that huge scar? My first thought was that he had never met Claire but that theory went out the window when she popped up alive. As for Peter being the bomb, I'm not sure what to make of f-Hiro's lack of knowledge regarding that. Perhaps his power works in such a way that he is seperate from the timeline and his memory isn't modified as though he had lived the events? I guess Peter being the bomb would explain Sylar's survival, since he never exploded.

Also, why didn't Matt react to Nathan yanking Peter through the wall? Uh, hello? Multiple-powers = little bit shady.

Still, Nathan/Sylar's dramatic monologuing and Peter and f-Hiro scaring the heck out of the guards filled me with much fangirlish glee.

I'll post more later once I've attempted to organize my thoughts.[/spoiler]
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Postby Ingemar » Tue May 01, 2007 7:53 am

The last moments of the episode reminds me of an Ethiopian folktale where Truth and Falsehood are destined to fight each other until the end of time. Just replace Truth and Falsehood with [spoiler]Peter and Sylar/Sythan/Naylar. You've got two dudes with insane city-destroying powers AND BOTH CAN REGENERATE.

I don't know if our Hiro can save everyone (f-Hiro can't because he's DEAD) but as far as I can imagine Peter and Sylar may destroy the earth in their timeline. At least I hope it ends up like that.[/spoiler]
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Postby Eaglestrike » Tue May 01, 2007 9:55 am

Hmm, maybe since Peter also has the time traveling powers he's also separate from getting modified memories about what happened over time? Then the only thing to explain would be future Hiro thinking Sylar was the bomb and stabbing him.
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