mitsuki lover wrote:I am just a realist when it comes to such topics.
Honestly, if I encounter "bad" kids, I usually look at their parents/guardians first. Don't get me wrong, self-centredness and pride is inherent in all of us (add that with a few unique quirks LOL) but I really do think that parenting plays a huge role in the character development of a child.c-girl wrote:...child abuse and bad parenting.We know that to change the world, we must start with ourselves and the little ones. Because kids are the future of our world and we are the ones that must influence them and help them grow up to be good people.
Should I assume that you were one of these kids who got beaten up/lunch money stolen? That has never happened to me before so I'd like to hear the opinions of those who have experienced that.Anyone who got beat up when they were a kid or got their lunch money stolen or anything of the like will not have a very optimistic view of children overall. And if you have been around children long enough,such as working as a TA or Daycare Worker you pretty soon get to know that kids do have a dark side to them. Bullies are children too,y'know.
Seleana wrote:I...just really hate children. No matter HOW cute they are, the sounds of their tiny voices makes me want to punch them....a lot.
So what? Unless Nero and Hitler were planning mass murder or has screwed-up philosophies at the age of 0-10 years, their existence has nothing to do with how we should view or treat kids. Even so, I would have placed blame on influencing circumstances around them. There is no real need to emphasize the point that kids are not perfect because I think most of us already know that. if adults are any better.mitsuki lover wrote:Reminder that Nero and Adolf Hitler both used to be children.
c-girl wrote:I made this thread to discuss children, but not to discuss how much you hate them. >-.-< So if you don't like children just don't post all right? Thanks.
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