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I have a problem....

Postby blue elf » Sat Mar 06, 2004 10:59 pm

Ok, I really want some advice or something. Please! How do you know if God is telling you to do something or not? I mean I know that God doesn't literally talk to you so how do you know? See, I tend to worry about different things.....a lot. My mom told me I need to quit worrying so much, but I just don't know how. I was reading in my Bible the other night and I was reading in ICorinthians 11, and it said how women are supposed to wear headcoverings and so then I felt that maybe I should wear one(and I hated that idea soooo much, but I thought that maybe God was trying to tell me something) and I've been worrying about it on and off for the past few days. I looked it up on the comp to see if maybe I didn't really understand the real meaning that I'm supposed to get from that chapter or something and I found a site where some woman claimed that it's a sin in women don't cover their heads because the verses mean that God is commanding women in any time period to cover their head and then I found some more sites where they said that the verse isn't a direct comand that women have to wear headcoverings, but is a cultural thing and really just means that your supposed to dress modestly for your own culture and I'm really confused and don't know what to do and it's really bothering me. I'm really sorry if I've posted something that deals too much with theology, but I really need some advice on this cause it's eating at me and I don't know what to do. My mom said she did't think I needed to wear a headcovering(or that God was telling me to wear one) and that I was just worrying over nothing and she said she'd ask our pastor what it meant when we go to church in the morning, but I reeeeealy want to know. I realize that it probably sounds like a stupid problem, but I get carried away with worry pretty easily some time and then the worry just keeps coming back. I'm not sure if there's something wrong with me or what, but any advice would be appreciated.
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Postby LorentzForce » Sat Mar 06, 2004 11:11 pm

You don't need to but go ahead if it makes you feel good though.

Not everything in the Bible is an exact literal translation. Also, don't listen to others especially on random websites; what truely matters is the relation between YOU and God, no one else. If you have a question, pray. He'll most likely answer deep inside your heart.
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Postby inkhana » Sat Mar 06, 2004 11:17 pm

Yes...that's exactly it. I personally think that that command was very much a cultural one (as you said, to dress modestly for your time period). Whether you want to take it as it says is purely a matter of conviction, of course.

As far as knowing what God wants, keep the situation in prayer (obviously) and you might try a fast from something (computer, anime, food if you're physically able to). Spend this time really diving into His word and praying hard and I'm sure He'll give you the answer you seek. It has worked for me.

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Postby Omega Amen » Sat Mar 06, 2004 11:38 pm

blue elf, it seems like you need guidance in learning how to interpret Scripture properly (with reason and context). The best person would be your pastor. I am not going to give you any resources. This is because I do not want to put myself against the teachings of your pastor or your parents, and I do not want to start a theological discussion on this board.

However, I will say a few things to comfort you. First, the general question of how do we know if God is telling us to do something is a normal question that pops up in the most faithful of believers. Second, your worry seems to indicate to me that there might be some intense fear of doing the wrong thing unknowingly. I believe that God is loving. You should see this as an opportunity to research the Word and get to know it more fully. This should help make your relationship with God more fulfilling and closer, and in my eyes, that is a very good thing.

Discuss this with your pastor and parents openly and thoughtfully. Research on it. Be patient in your research and interpretation. Calmly look at the information that you have gathered, and do not be afraid to use reason. And of course, prayer does not hurt either. You will come up with your conclusion and feel comfortable with it.

Calm down. We all have questions about Scripture. Just see it as an opportunity to get to know our Lord better. Do not see it as some ax hanging over your head.

Remember that God loves you, and I am sure He would like you to look into His Word more in depth.
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Postby cbwing0 » Sun Mar 07, 2004 6:16 am

Here is a particularly helpful resource I have found on the issue:
Audio Commentary on 1 Corinthians 1-16

It is about an hour long, so you might not want to listen to it unless you have that much time to spend with it; but if you use the computer for at least an hour at a time, you could just put it on in the background.

I have actually done a great deal of research on the head coverings issue, because one of my friends is a Mennonite. They wear head coverings, and it became a problem, because he was bothering many of the younger girls in our youth group about these doctrines. Without going into too much detail, the head covering is a cultural symbol of union and respect similar to a wedding ring.

The whole situation reminds me of what occurred in the church at Galatia, which is nicely summarized in Galations 5:1-6. Just as the Jews were condemning the gentile Christians for not being circumcised, some modern-day groups are condeming Christian women for not wearing head coverings. It is shameful, to put it bluntly.

Btw, if you don't feel like getting out your bible, just click on "Galatians 5:1-6" and it will take you to the passage.
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Postby blue elf » Tue Mar 09, 2004 11:01 am

Thanks for the responses guys. My pastor said that it was mostly a cultural thing too and I feel somewhat better about it. I still have questions about knowing what God wants me to do,but I guess that's a natural thing. I'm thinking maybe I should invest in a study Bible or something to help me understand better when I read the Bible. Thanks again for the help guys.
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Postby CDLviking » Tue Mar 09, 2004 12:49 pm

Discerning God's will is a very important part of the seminary process. By the time we get to ordination we need to be sure that this is indeed God's will for us. One of the most usefull things for discerning God's will is to have a spiritual director. A spiritual director should be someone more advanced than you in spiritual and theological matters who you would feel comfortable being completely honest with. They can help you to recognize how God works in your life. Usually God has a specific way that he communicates with each of us, and it doesn't change too much over the course of our life. Having a spiritual director allows us to have someone to tell our concerns to and to give us advice in those areas. It only works though if you are completely open to this person so that they can truly see what's going on in your life. My spiritual director usually knows whats going on in my life before I do.
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Postby skynes » Wed Mar 10, 2004 6:59 am

1 Corinthians 11: 13 "Judge among yourselves. Is it proper for a woman to pray to God with her head uncovered?"

We choose ourselves if it is right or not. It wasn't a commandment.
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Postby Benu » Wed Mar 10, 2004 10:40 am

I'm currently going through the same thing your going through BlueElf. Not on this topic but just things that my denomination does in general. Because I have been discovering my jewish roots and finding out alot of things through studing judasim and the orginal Greek and Hebrew texts of the Bible. So I often worry about things like you do but I also have problems with fear. But yes the head covering is a Cultural thing it comes from the jewish culture.

The covering of the head in jewish culture is a sign of respect for God for both men and women. I would go further but I don't want to start a theology debate. Anyway if you would like to disscuss futher BlueElf I'm open just PM me or IM. I anyone else would like too disscuss also I'm more than open also if you have an open mind. I'm no expert in theology but I do know alot from my studies.

I also study because besides other things I want to do in my life I feel very strongly that God has called me too be a Teacher and Preacher.
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Postby Benu » Wed Mar 10, 2004 10:40 am

Sorry somthing went wrong, the board double posted it.
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Postby madphilb » Wed Mar 10, 2004 6:34 pm

Benu wrote:The covering of the head in jewish culture is a sign of respect for God for both men and women. I would go further but I don't want to start a theology debate. Anyway if you would like to disscuss futher BlueElf I'm open just PM me or IM. I anyone else would like too disscuss also I'm more than open also if you have an open mind. I'm no expert in theology but I do know alot from my studies.

I've done some study in this area, and while things are a bit odd for me at the moment, I have felt that God has lead me to Messianic Judism, and I hope to learn more (I feel we are at risk of having too much of a western view of things in the Bible because of our lack of understanding of the roots of the writing and culture which was Judism).

Anyway... having said that....

1) I'd say that sharing this sort of information in itself shouldn't lead to a debate (unless it's a "you must do this thing" type of post)... and I don't sense that is where you where comming from.

2) as a kind of aside, someone gave me a Talit some time ago, and I do use it... I don't traditionally put stock too much in feelings or anything, I have found that it's pretty cool wearing it and praying. Maybe it's just the sense of it being just God and me under there... or, well, I don't know..... (your mileage may vary ;) )

Anyway... that's my 2cents (or whatever)

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Postby skynes » Thu Mar 11, 2004 9:09 am

Every denomination on earth does/believes something that I disagree with, even non-denom. So I don't take one :P
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Postby Benu » Thu Mar 11, 2004 10:09 am

(I feel we are at risk of having too much of a western view of things in the Bible because of our lack of understanding of the roots of the writing and culture which was Judism).

I agree with you 100%.

Every denomination on earth does/believes something that I disagree with, even non-denom. So I don't take one

Sure yes I kinda don't take one either but I call myself a Messanic Jew but I do not go too a Messanic church. Ever since I have found my jewish roots I've been really just kinda getting mad at this denomination I'm in because of some of the stuff they belive. Most of there suff is based off of pencostle theology. Now I pretty much agree with everything other than holyness standers and some other theology things. But The thing is is that If I try too tell some of these big shot ministers or pastors in my denomination something is wrong they get very offened.

But as I have been studying alot of the stuff concering standers and what not some of these things are not biblicaly based. Some of it is man-made religion. Wich is another topic all together. But anyway that's how I feel.
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Postby madphilb » Thu Mar 11, 2004 6:37 pm

Benu wrote:Sure yes I kinda don't take one either but I call myself a Messanic Jew but I do not go too a Messanic church. Ever since I have found my jewish roots I've been really just kinda getting mad at this denomination I'm in because of some of the stuff they belive. Most of there suff is based off of pencostle theology.

I have to say that God has let this sort of thing go on for quite a long time, I can't imagine He's too overly upset over things, but I do understand your fustration.

I'm sure many people come from the same place I did, thinking that much of Judism is just doing things for the sake of doing things... I know I did. When I started looking at it all, well, that's when I started to understand it's more than just the whole "don't mix milk and meat" thing... (which IMNSHO was more of a health issue than anything and isn't a requirement now, but your mileage may vary).

Hmm.. I know we have a few here who are "Messianics," wonder if we could do a thread to share some of the neat stuff about the Jewish roots of Christianity.

I'm hoping to have the time to gather some info together and put a post about the Messianic Jewish perspective on the Passover Seder (I'm tellin' y'all, you gotta go to one of these! ;) )

Anyway.... back to your regularly scheduled forum.

(p.s. - anyone is welcome to PM, E-mail or IM me if they want)

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My 2cents and some advice

Postby Takachi » Tue Mar 16, 2004 1:17 am

OK... as it has been said the Bible is not a literal translation. It has lost some of its meaning; part of this is due to the great differences between the Western and Jewish cultures. And yes, there are some things in the Bible that were due to health, in fact my thought as to the "do not eat pork" thing is that pork, if not properly cooked can be very deadly, and at the time the old testament was written there were not proper cooking methods for pork, but that's just what I have come up with. Many things in the Bible are just God's way of dumbing down things for us simple-minded humans; instead of telling the Jews all about bacteria (which as you might imagine would probably not go over too well) God simple said there were evil things and made certain rules to protect his people. But anyway...

As for knowing what God's will for your life is, to put it simply the will of God is for us to worship Him in all we do and to have a relationship with Him, this the Bible tells us is what we were made for. But as for His plan for your life, to know this you must first further your walk with Christ. Some things God can only reveal after many years in your journey. Sometimes it seems God is not answering your prayers but a lot of times He is simply waiting for the right moment, when things in your daily and spiritual life are just right. So be patient, I am sure you will hear him. My advice is to surround yourself with fellow Christians, they can help you with your walk be providing a good, Christian environment; become active in a bible study at your church, maybe sign up for mission trips. And don’t forget to read your Bible everyday and maybe even read daily devotionals, they really help you to focus on important things in daily life and help your understanding of scripture.
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