Project O (Wii)

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Project O (Wii)

Postby Link Antilles » Thu Aug 16, 2007 1:40 pm

I saw some news about this game the other day and it seems pretty interesting. I'm guessing it's like Animal Crossing meets Harvest Moon meets Dragon Quest. There's suppose to be more information at TGS, but here's a little from IGN:

Apparently, Cing is working on the game (Hotel Dusk). In addition, according to Famitsu, a solid crew appears to be working on the game:

Executive Producer: Yasuhiro Wada (Harvest Moon)
Producer: Yoshirou Kimura (moon, Chulip)
Character Design: Hideo Minaba (Final Fantasy XII)
Monster Design: Kazuyuki Kurashima (Tingle RPG, Super Mario RPG)
Game Design: Norikazu Yasunaga (World Neverland)
Director: Youichi Kawaguchi (Dragon Quest VIII)

There's also some concept art here:

Not sure if this will ever see the States, but it'd be nice to have some more Wii games next year.
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Link Antilles
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