How to do an graduate school application Resume

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How to do an graduate school application Resume

Postby Yahshua » Wed Nov 07, 2007 1:44 pm

Eh I am clueless about how to do an graduate school application Resume so Help me. :?: :?: :?:
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Postby Sheenar » Wed Nov 07, 2007 5:01 pm

Hope these websites help! Don't forget those extra-curricular activities! Grad schools want to know you're a well-rounded individual who doesn't just hole up in the dorm with books all the time...;)

I took a tech writing class last semester and we had to write resumes (we were applying for my professor's made-up corporation). I used my resume from class to apply for internships (and I got one! Yay!).

Let me know if you need any help. I'm good at proofreading and making sure your formatting is correct. (It's my ex-English major coming out, the grammar police is out...:lol:)
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Postby Dante » Wed Nov 07, 2007 8:31 pm

I have plenty of experience in trying to get into grad school! Err... but seeing as how I've not been accepted into any maybe I wouldn't be the best person to try and "help" :P.

From the experience I've had though (trying to get into physics grad school), I've found that none of the grad schools I applied to cared whether I was well rounded (they acted as though my 6.0 out of 6.0 on the writing section didn't even exist), helped the homeles... darn they didn't even care if I was a good person. If I was a neo-nazi with a perfect mathematics GRE test score and straight As then the first part wouldn't matter!

At least thats how it is in physics graduate school. Over, I'd suggest that you cut the extra curricular stuff as you should keep your statement of purpose (not resume) down to a page or page in a half at most. If you place extra curricular stuff on there, make sure that you ALWAYS tie it back to the subject you are trying to get into and use everything to build the argument that you are trying to get into a certain specific field, why you chose THAT particular graduate school given your desire to go into that field and prove that you are capable of being successful at achieving success in graduate school pursuing your studies in that field.

Oh, and while you're at it don't forget to score good on the GRE! Meh, ignore me though, because I've yet to get into a graduate school.

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