Has anyone read Sunshine by Robin McKinley

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Has anyone read Sunshine by Robin McKinley

Postby GeneD » Wed Dec 26, 2007 1:59 pm

I borrowed this book from my cousin a little while back and though I am not usually a vampire fan (or rather I am, I just think they're not very good for me, but anyway) I really enjoyed this book. Unfortunately it did get a bit graphically violent near the end and is seriously marred by an, um... intimate scene.

I felt the book was extremely well written. The characters were very real to me and the book made me want to quit my studies and go work in a bakery. Considering that I study Biochemistry and hardly ever cook, you can see the impact it had on me.

I've seen a couple of references about other McKinley books (e.g. Beauty, which i have read, but need to again) so if anyone's read it, let me know what you thought about it.
I don't know what broke to make you like this, but I must be broken too if I'm standing here praising your destructiveness. -Rock (Black Lagoon)

As I had encountered kindness, I wanted to be kind myself. -Takashi Natsume (Natsume's Book of Friends)

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