+ Scions of the Beast +

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+ Scions of the Beast +

Postby Song_of_Storms » Sun May 04, 2008 12:01 pm

Scions of the Beast:


When a mysteries pendent came to this world via unknown means, the Children of the Beast, ( Anichi, as they call themselves ) came to be. They are humans, but retain a certain animal quality.

After the pendant came to this world, on a rare occasion, a child would be born with an animal “talentâ€
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Postby Kiba-kun » Sun May 04, 2008 7:18 pm

I gotta say, this is A LOT like The Orphanage For Creatures on Earth started by Silver_wolf454. I was a player there until the very end, and I'm sad to see it dead. I'll give this a shot, but I'd like to bring over a revamped character of mine.

Name: Anser

Anichi Animal: Wolf

How they look in animal form: [I'm putting detail in the actual description]

Anichi slight transformation: You'll see ;p

Gender: Male

Age: 15

Description/pic: I originally based this character off Acheron, a character of Sarah Ellerton with a couple alterations (mostly the horns). Anser stands at a very small 5'2" causing his age to easily be mistaken. While in human form his hair is a light, sandy brown and hangs just below his ears. His bangs almost cover his eyes, however, reaching a quarter of an inch past his eyebrows. While in his anichi state, his legs are still bipedal, allowing him to walk upright, but his hips can reposition them so he can walk on all four pads. Short sandy brown fur covers his body and two large tufts of fur spread out from his cheeks.

Uniform/Outfit: Anser's outfit, though styled after modern fashions, is a tad unorthodox. His undershirt is a dark navy blue in the style of a T-shirt. He has taken a short sleeve jacket and cut off the left side, sewing the bottom onto a silk sash. Buckles are attached on the inside of the jacket and are strewn across his torso, holding the half-jacket in place. His jeans have numerous cut outs along the side, with a strips of leather sewn between the cuts to insure durability despite the missing pieces of cloth.

Likes: Most types of music, particularly Evanescence; driving; designing new cloths; reading.

Dislikes: Any kind of sweet food; being a passenger in a car, cellphones.

Personality: Anser, having fended for himself most of his life, is more than a bit naive concerning almost any aspect of life. Anything new, just about everything, is at first frightening to him, but with his sharp mind, he is able to familiarize himself with just about anything.

Description of their room: Anser's room is plain and simple: A bed that he never sleeps in, a dresser and closet full of old cloths he finds lying about, a small computer desk with random knick-knacks lying found outside lying on it.

Background: [If it's all right, I would like to incorporate his background into my later posts in the rp. I hate writing a background because I have to stick to it and I like to be flexible with my characters. ]

FKA Mythmaster

Why must we be abandoned in times of need?
Do others not see when we yearn for their touch;
An insatiable hunger only they can feed.
Left alone with out their words – fallen into darkness.
Stumbling blindly without their light,
We fall and scream, knowing we've faced too much,
Knowing the only answer is flight.
Flight from the lives we once faced
And the joys and terrors others have brought.
Our time with them, a time of joy and life,
Wonder we all, was it for naught?
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Postby Song_of_Storms » Sun May 04, 2008 7:45 pm

I had no idea. XD Great... my bubble of originality has just been burst. ;~;

Well, since I just got to CAA at least no one can say its plagiarism. Especially since I didn't have any idea about that. >.>

Hey, great character. Welcome aboard! *throws confetti*

That's ok if you want to leave something out till the actual RP. n.n Quite understandable. 8P
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Postby Kiba-kun » Sun May 04, 2008 8:04 pm

Hey, don't worry about originality. In all my years of writing, rping, and reading, I have learned that there is NO such thing as originality; you can realte almost anything and everything and to something else. I'll see if I can recruit more players, Silver might join, once she's ungrounded.
FKA Mythmaster

Why must we be abandoned in times of need?
Do others not see when we yearn for their touch;
An insatiable hunger only they can feed.
Left alone with out their words – fallen into darkness.
Stumbling blindly without their light,
We fall and scream, knowing we've faced too much,
Knowing the only answer is flight.
Flight from the lives we once faced
And the joys and terrors others have brought.
Our time with them, a time of joy and life,
Wonder we all, was it for naught?
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Postby Nami » Sun May 04, 2008 8:15 pm

This looks like fun.. but I can't tell you how dedicated I will be seeing as I am a GM running the Bleach RPG ^^; But I will do my best to post as often as I can. Kisho is a REALLY old character.. he is being written into a story of mine.. so if you decide to write this into an actual Novel his name will have to change ^^
Name: Kisho
Anichi Animal: Phantom Cat
How they look in animal form: Is the size of a horse at least 16 hands tall and can also take on the form of a smaller cat such as a house cat. There always seems to be mist whenever he transforms which is why he is called a Phantom Cat.
Anichi slight transformation: Not sure yet.
Gender: Male
Age: 17
Hair: sort of short and spiked out on the sides. Black with Orange streaks.
Eyes: Silver with Alice blue circling his pupil.
Skin color: Pale
Height: 6'0"
Fur Color: Black with a white fur diamond on his chest.
Shirt: Plain black tee
Pants: Black jeans with a faded out dragon on the side.
Necklace: black and silver beaded.
Earrings: two piercings at the top of his right ear with a small chain that connects them and the loop on the bottom of his right ear.
Likes: Hard Rock, Some Metal, Designing Motorcycles (even built himself one after he earned the cash) Reading Sad stories with depressing endings.
Dislikes: Shallow songs that have no meaning or feeling behind them, Shallow people, things that are sour, plushies.
Personality: Kisho though he can be very blunt mostly ignores everyone, because if he doesn't he might end up yelling at them, though he hasn't lost his cool yet. Kisho tries his best to be nice, but it's a strain on him and his very being.
Description of their room: Heavy Black Curtains that are rarely moved away from the window, band posters pasted all over his walls and ceiling, stacks of sad books in one corner, Black linens on the floor in the left corner. A stack of clean clothes on the floor all organized into; shirts, Pants, boxers and socks. A rolled out bed on the floor that is sometimes put a way but mostly left out because Kisho is lazy. A small floor table (close to the floor) with black nail polish and other small accessories plus a pencil and a thick notebook with only heaven knows what written in it.
Background: In Game.
Other: None
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Postby Song_of_Storms » Mon May 05, 2008 7:08 am

Awesome. Yay! More people! XD

Feel free to add anything you want to the character format. 8P Its really more just a guideline, anyway. n.n
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Postby Song_of_Storms » Mon May 05, 2008 7:50 am

Yeah, double post. Feel free to stone me. XD

+Character Format+

Name: Unico

Anichi Animal: ( Any animal you can think of ) Snake

How they look in animal form: Unico looks like your average glossy snake, but he grows to 24ft. When he's in snake form, his body has a blue spiral that starts at the base of his head, all the way to his tail.

Anichi slight transformation: Undecided.

Gender: Male

Age: ( Keep in mind its based in an orphanage ) Sixteen

Description/pic: Unico has long, silky silver hair that goes down to the floor. Silver strands of hair hang partially over his face. He usually keeps his hair pulled back loosely in a ribbon, which he ties into a bow. (regardless what others think) His eyes are narrow, with dark outlines. One of his eyes is a vibrant ember, the other a soft turquoise. On his left arm he has a blue spiral tattoo that goes from the shoulder to the fingers, which then split off into individual spirals on each finger.

Uniform/Outfit: Unico wears a long green coat over him. He lets it rests over his shoulders, but never actually wears it. Under the coat he has a bulky, red cloth on, which he keeps up with string he's sewn through it, then looped around his neck and shoulders. Plain white trousers, and, despite the air of sophistication he gives himself, he goes around barefoot.

Likes: Neatness, things going his way, compliments.

Dislikes: Clutter, stubborn people, loud noises.

Personality: Unico is a control freak. He prefers everything to go his way, and considers everyone else's ideas inferior. He appears to be a tad over confident, almost arrogant.

Description of their room: It was a normal white room, until they gave Unico the "go ahead" to redecorate. Now, he has an elaborate bed enclosed with silk curtains. He added ornate borders, trimming, and ceiling art. There are no posters, just huge mirrors. An attractive (but so uncomfertable) lounger in the corner, beside a well sized cherry bookshelf.

Background: Not yet.

Other: Same. :sweat:
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Postby Wind » Mon May 05, 2008 6:24 pm

Name: Talison Ravenbrook
Nickname: Tally
Anichi Animal: fox
How they look in animal form:Image
Anichi slight transformation:Image
Gender: female
Age: 9
Description/pic: Talison is a graceful fox who doesn't have very good control of her shape change, when she gets upset, depending on how upset she gets she either changes in her slight change or her full change
Uniform/Outfit: this is her outfit
Likes: flowers, and every girly thing and she is very cool
Dislikes:none really
Personality: quirky,yet sensitive and girly
Description of their room: She has a girly pink room with all the girly stuff
Background: She was orphaned when her parents were killed for trying to eep even when they knew she Anichi.
Other She can create fire in her hand out of thin air... people used to cal her a pyro fox Anichi
F.K.A. JadeFox, HisuiKitsune
Quote= MrRogers 03:32 - politics have nothing to do with good pizza

chatbot 02:56 - Wind asks, did I kill the chat
My answer: Yes

chatbot 01:55 - Wind asks, is diamonddragon shatterproof??
My answer: Yes

Wind 01:55 - O.O

Wind 01:55 - noooooooo

chatbot 01:55 - Wind asks, Am I shatterproof?
My answer: No

DiamondDragon 01:57 - YAYS, I'M SHATTERPROOF!!!!!!!!

Sparx00 02:55 - Mean loaf is the loaf of the gods

Strafe 01:09 - I'm a hotcake
Strafe 01:10 - I am a very hot cake

rocklobster 01:17 - "What's the point of being an adult if you can't be childish sometimes?"

Strafe 02:38 - ~EWWW BOYS ARE NASTYYYY!~
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Postby Hana Ryuuzaki » Mon May 05, 2008 7:22 pm

[font="palatino Linotype"]...Okay, this is my main character from my book series that I'm currently planning, so no plagarism!
Siobhan Noel Feirna
Anichi Animal:
How they look in animal form:
Siobhan looks like a Wine-Red caracal, with white irises and a black underbelly.
She also has a fur-mutation that looks like a Cross Flory Fitch on her back.
Anichi slight transformation:
Not...completely sure yet....
Siobhan has lower-back length pale, sickly greenish hair pulled back into a French braid sometimes, and other times, she just leaves it down.
She has large, pale turquoise eyes, and she wears no makeup.
Siobhan wears a longsleeved dark orchid blouse with black flowers monogrammed on it.
She wears baggy, light-blue jeans and faded star sneakers. She also wears thin-rimmed lime glasses.
Art, music, dancing (not in public), singing (also not in public), reading, testing out flexibility, and mostly the ocean.
People who make fun of others/are full of themselves/could care less, vegetables, country and rap music, and the color pink.
Semi-perfectionist, laid-back, likes to joke around, can be hyper...when she wants to be...
Description of their room:
Small, white clouds painted on the ceiling complement the deep cerulean carpet and pale blue walls. She loves the ocean, so she decided to make it like her obsession. A bunch of papers are strewn throughout her floor, and some Glow-In-The-Dark stars are stuck on her ceiling. A small, black-sheeted bed is stuck in the corner, vying for it's area in the tiny room. Ac star lamp is placed carefully on an old, wooden nightstand. A sign is painted in black and green outside her door saying "The Ocean of Siobhan".
She used to have a younger sister, but she was adopted by a large family of seven.
She can play the piano and bagpipes, and the Cross Flory Fitch is a large birthmark on her back when she is a human...
[SIZE="1"][color="Plum"]WHY GOD MADE J-ROCK: Kamijo[/color][/SIZE]
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Postby Song_of_Storms » Mon May 05, 2008 7:49 pm

Awesome. 8D
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Postby Song_of_Storms » Tue May 06, 2008 4:30 pm

OK, I thought I'd just post the players and their characters. n.n

Hana - Siobhan
Wind - Talison
Nami - Kisho
Kiba - Anser
Erin - Unico
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Postby Kiba-kun » Tue May 06, 2008 8:18 pm

Hey, since I can't edit my original post, I'm gonna say this here. I decided to change Anser's height to 4'7". I don't know why, but I just like the idea of him being short.
FKA Mythmaster

Why must we be abandoned in times of need?
Do others not see when we yearn for their touch;
An insatiable hunger only they can feed.
Left alone with out their words – fallen into darkness.
Stumbling blindly without their light,
We fall and scream, knowing we've faced too much,
Knowing the only answer is flight.
Flight from the lives we once faced
And the joys and terrors others have brought.
Our time with them, a time of joy and life,
Wonder we all, was it for naught?
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Postby Hana Ryuuzaki » Fri May 09, 2008 7:30 pm

[font="palatino Linotype"]yes, I'm adding something in on Siobhan.

She has a problem with depression and cutting. She goes through random bouts of it. You'll see the reason why in one of my posts...[/font]
[SIZE="1"][color="Plum"]WHY GOD MADE J-ROCK: Kamijo[/color][/SIZE]
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Postby Kung_Fu_Master » Sat May 10, 2008 4:01 pm

? Is there room for one more ?
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Postby Song_of_Storms » Sun May 11, 2008 10:34 am

Go ahead! The more the merrier. n.n

*Waves hand*

-Keep the players coming! XD
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Postby Kung_Fu_Master » Sun May 11, 2008 11:45 am


-Name:Jericho Mansion

-Animal: Hawk

-Animal Half-form: Hawk wings on his back that look like angel wings. Hands and feet turn to talons and Tail feathers sprout from his tail bone.

-Full animal form: Undicided. Either a human with bird features or a Bird with human features.

-Gender: male

-Age: 10

-Body: Skiny but not too skiny.

-Hair: Short brownish blond

-Skin: Well tanned

-Eyes: Dark Green

-Hieght:4'3'' Not much shorter than anser

-Clothing: Shorts and a short sleeved hoodie with closeable holes on the back for his wings. Doesn't wear shoes, may wear slippers from time to time.

-Likes: Open spaces, quiet places, and to be left alone.

-Dislikes: Crowded spaces, loud places, and people who won't leave him alone.

-personality: Not to talkative and pretty mature for his age. Likes to hang around the highest points of the orphanage, also likes to stay in half-form as long as possible so he can fly when he wants but not too far away because he likes this place but won't say it. He also has a crush on Talison but won't admit it.

-His Room: His room is plane with white walls, a simple bed, and nothing else. He only sleeps in his room if it's to stormy outside, otherwise he sleeps on the roof under the stars.

-Background: Lived in mountains from near birth till he was about maybe six when monks found him and has been in the orphanage ever since. He does not know anything about his parents nor would he like to know.
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Postby Song_of_Storms » Sun May 11, 2008 1:03 pm

Yay, more players. 8D

Ok, time to edit the character list:

Kung Fu - Jericho
Hana - Siobhan
Wind - Talison
Nami - Kisho
Kiba - Anser
Erin - Unico
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Postby Song_of_Storms » Sun May 11, 2008 2:32 pm

Sorry for the double post. n.n

Wind asked to make a second character, one who isn't an Anichi but likes them. ^^ I believe that's fine, unless there are any objections?

OK, then. Go ahead, Wind. 8D
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Postby Wind » Sun May 11, 2008 3:08 pm

Name:Adrianna Smith
Gender: female
Age: 19
Description/pic: Image
Pet: Her Dog Midnight who has a cybernetic leg
Likes:animals, and anything to do with nature
Dislikes: anyone who messes with nature in a bad way
Personality: She's motherly and protective to the pont of being a bit smothering
Description of their room: none yet
Background: She was orphaned by a case of mistaken idenity her parents thought she was an anichi but she's not
F.K.A. JadeFox, HisuiKitsune
Quote= MrRogers 03:32 - politics have nothing to do with good pizza

chatbot 02:56 - Wind asks, did I kill the chat
My answer: Yes

chatbot 01:55 - Wind asks, is diamonddragon shatterproof??
My answer: Yes

Wind 01:55 - O.O

Wind 01:55 - noooooooo

chatbot 01:55 - Wind asks, Am I shatterproof?
My answer: No

DiamondDragon 01:57 - YAYS, I'M SHATTERPROOF!!!!!!!!

Sparx00 02:55 - Mean loaf is the loaf of the gods

Strafe 01:09 - I'm a hotcake
Strafe 01:10 - I am a very hot cake

rocklobster 01:17 - "What's the point of being an adult if you can't be childish sometimes?"

Strafe 02:38 - ~EWWW BOYS ARE NASTYYYY!~
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Postby christianfriend » Tue May 13, 2008 5:01 pm

Is it okay if I join? If so, here's my character!

Name: Alfie Roscoe Wilheard (Goes by Roscoe, though)
Anichi Animal: Blue Wildebeest
How they look in animal form:
Anichi slight transformation: Normal appearance except for horns on his head, and a few blue/grey stripes on his back.
Gender: Male
Age: 18

Eyes: Oval navy blue eyes, long eyelashes and short relaxed eyebrows.
Hair: Shaggy navy blue hair, mixed with dark grey and black.
Height: 6'5"
Bodybuild: Slim -- mostly because of his height, and lack of interest in food. Wide shoulders, with not much visible muscle mass, but is still well built.
Skin: Ivory
Markings: Blue and black tribal sun tattoo on his chest.
Piercings: Antique earcuff with a sun extension on his right ear.
Other: Thin facial hair lining his jaw.

Uniform/Outfit: Roscoe likes to keep things simple when it comes to clothes. He usuallly wears slade fit black pants, and throws on a T-shirt or a button up overshirt along with one of his pairs of sneakers. He wears a lot of accessories, mostly bold rings, armbands and bracelets to top his outfits off.

Likes: Moving around a lot, open spaces, youngsters, working, fruit and water.
Dislikes: Sitting still for too long, closed spaces, sad things, tuna.
Personality: A bit gruff and sometimes moody. He gets annoyed a little too easily, but is a good sport and just deals with it most of the time. A lot of people seem to think he's a trouble maker, because of his appearance and massive size, but he's pretty gentle unless you get on his bad side.
Description of their room: His bed is tucked into the very back left corner of the room, with black curtains draped in front of the bed. His bed is about 2 1/2 to 3 feet up off the ground, with built in drawers under where all his clothes are stashed. On the right side of the room is a red wrap around couch with 5 cushions, and 2 small black side-tables on either end of the couch, with glass lanters that look like old fashioned japanese paper lanterns on top of them. A few feet away from the couch is a black computer desk, and hanging on the walls are a variety of neon signs.The walls are eggshell white with black lining the bottom and top and the carpet is a neutral grey color.
Background: In story.
Other: none.
[font="Lucida Console"][align=center]“The [color="Magenta"]best[/color] kind of [color="Magenta"]friend[/color] is the kind you can sit on a porch and swing with, never say a word, and then walk away feeling like it was the best conversation you've ever had.â€
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Postby Song_of_Storms » Wed May 14, 2008 6:40 pm

Awesome. n.n
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Postby Kunoichi » Fri May 16, 2008 11:32 am

Can I join?

I noticed it already started...
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Postby Song_of_Storms » Fri May 16, 2008 6:17 pm

Absolutely! n.n

I won't stop accepting players. Considering the circumstances surrounding Anichi, they can appear at any time. ^^ So, I'm all for more players. 8D
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Postby Kunoichi » Sat May 17, 2008 6:46 am

Name: Kianna Strider

Anichi Animal: Wolf

How they look in animal form: She is a white wolf with grey markings across her head and down her back. Her chest is white down to her paws and her tail. She also grows to the height of being 6 feet high (her head reaches to that height standing).

Anichi slight transformation: in game

Gender: Female

Age: 12

Description/pic: She is 5 ft. She has white hair, and eyes that change colors (anywhere from green to red, however each eye is ALWAYS a different color than the other). She has a somewhat lighter skin color.

Uniform/Outfit: She usually wears a white or black kung-fu uniform or jeans and a t-shirt depending on what she is doing. She only wears one peace of jewlery, which is a large crescent moon necklace around her neck.

Likes: classical music, martial arts, outdoors

Dislikes: arrogance, being cooped up for too long, chaos

Personality: She is an observer. Often reserved, she loves to listen and watch people. She feels that you can get to know people better this way. And although reserved, she is not without passion. And she will let you know what she feels if she feels strong enough about it. This can make her a bit passive agressive, so if she explodes you'll know it! She is fun-loving but she likes to be alone alot too.

Description of their room: Futon in one corner, with three large bookshelves in the other. Her walls are covered with weapons. Oriental in fashion. A piano is also in one corner. Her ceiling is a dark color with "stars" that pepper the ceiling, she also has natural colored walls and shaggy carpet.

Background: In game

Other: And avid martial artist, you can often see her practicing her skills.
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Postby Hana Ryuuzaki » Tue May 20, 2008 6:08 pm

[font="palatino Linotype"]I finally drew a picture of Siobhan. It's not colored yet, but I kinda like it...

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Postby Nami » Tue May 20, 2008 6:27 pm

Wah! That's so cool! Sio ish awesome ^-^

Here Erin.. if it's okay.

Name: Affinity Solus
Age: 19
Gender: Female
Race: Human/Anichi (Means she can only transform half-way)
Class: Rogue
Weapon(s): None
How the look when they transform: Unknown
Anichi Animal: Maned Wolf (A type of Fox, look it up on Wiki)
Anichi slight Transformation: Unknown
Blood Type: AB
Hair: Bright Red with black on the ends of her hair, Long.
Eyes: Bright Emerald Green
Height: 5'8"
Pants: Baggy black cargos
Shirt: Plain shirts.
Style of Shirts: Mostly Tee's, sometimes tank tops.
Necklace(s): One leather choker necklace.
Piercing(s): Two on her upper left ear and a small one on her nose.
Personality: In Game
Likes: Music, Strange Food, Soft and Cushioned things, Natural drinks, Different kinds of clothes.
Dislikes: Being talked down to, Rude people, Jerks etc.
Description of their Room: None
History/Recent: Affinity does not live with the group at the orphanage, she is in fact keeping tabs on them. Though NONE of them know of her or of her watch. Anichi can't smell that she is a half breed, and Humans never notice that she isn't all Human.
Extra: Has a friend who is a red fox (literally)

Hope that's okay.
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Postby Hana Ryuuzaki » Tue May 20, 2008 8:19 pm

[font="palatino Linotype"]Name: Maritz Kunye
Anichi Animal: Scarlet ibis
How they look in animal form: Scarlet Ibis
Anichi slight transformation: Feathers instead of hair
Gender: Female
Age: 15
Description/pic: Maritz
Maritz stands at a proud 5'3". "PROUDLY", as she puts it...

Likes: Bird-watching (duh), fishing, videogames, and playing the trumpet.
Dislikes: Chores, eagles, depressing people (a.k.a Siobhan)
Personality: Comedian, can be silent, views the world through rose-tinted glasses, very quick to anger, childish.
Description of their room: White walls with pictures of Mana on her walls, a Lime-green comforter set, and forest-green carpet. She has a pile of clean laundry on the floor, and a DDR dance pad smack dab in the middle of her room.
Background: She just...appeared one day. No one knows why, no one knows if she's even "real". There are no medical records, no documents, no birth certificates, nothing.
Other: LOVES TO SAMBA!...and she's Russian-American[/font]
[SIZE="1"][color="Plum"]WHY GOD MADE J-ROCK: Kamijo[/color][/SIZE]
[color="LightBlue"][SIZE="3"][font="Century Gothic"]Crucify My Love, If My Love Is Blind...[/SIZE][/color][/font]
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Postby christianfriend » Wed May 21, 2008 1:07 am

Wow, great drawing of Siobhan Hana Ryuuzaki! I'de love to see the colored version when it's done~ ^.^

And I guess I'll post a picture I drew of Roscoe, Mr.wildebeest! :3 Here he is! Ain't he cute? X3
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[font="Lucida Console"][align=center]“The [color="Magenta"]best[/color] kind of [color="Magenta"]friend[/color] is the kind you can sit on a porch and swing with, never say a word, and then walk away feeling like it was the best conversation you've ever had.â€
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Postby Nami » Wed May 21, 2008 7:10 am

Wow that's really good CF-chan. Good work! he is cute XD
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Postby Song_of_Storms » Wed May 21, 2008 2:47 pm

Yes, everything is OK. XD Mesuh fine with anything. n.n Love the pics, people! 8D
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