Maokun: Ninjas or Pirates? (Vikings are not a valid answer, sorry)
EricTheFred: Vikings are always a valid answer.
sharien chan (post: 1235504) wrote:What if a girl is pregnant?
And if you are overweight, Japanese people will tell you to your face. They'll tell each other flat-out, too. I personally am not sure what to think about that.
Momo-P (post: 1235516) wrote:What makes me laugh about that is how most "fat" people in Japan? THEY'RE NOT EVEN FAT! Seriously, even in anime you'll have a "fat" girl and she actually looks fact, what Japan considers fat? I consider healthy. And I don't mean that "just to sound nice to overweight people", I mean...stick figures?
Sorry, but that's just GROSS.
I'm around 5'6"...some years ago I was worried about my weight so I prayed and worked at goal was 125. Did I make it? HECK YA! PRAISE JESUS! In the end though? I didn't like it...I was happy God had answered my prayers, but then I looked at my cousin...when I was younger I always envied her because she was so super skinny. Now? I ended up putting some weight back on because I didn't want to be like that. Not only did I realize it looked gross, but I like having a chest and figure...granted I never really lost either of those when I lost weight, but still...having some meat on you evens it out. Plus my boyfriend likes it that way as well.
Momo-P wrote:Seriously, I don't mean this bad, but Japan is into that "young look". I mean their national age of consent for girls is 13 if I remember correctly...if they like their girls looking like lolitas, whatever, but sorry, I'm not into that (and it's rather rude to force it upon everyone).
TallHobbit86 (post: 1235506) wrote:I imagine they allow an exception for that. XD
" wrote:RustyClaymore 11:27 - Ah yes, Socks is the single raindrop responsible for the flood. XD
I'd be careful saying this kind of thing, actually.
Just as some people have slow metabolisms, others have faster metabolisms, and people who happen to be thin don't really appreciate being called "gross."
Just a reminder that the insults can swing both ways.
Momo-P wrote:So many expect people to be super skinny, but not everyone thinks that type of image looks good.
It's just an unfortunate (and rather annoying case) where most of the population is very petite all around, so it's like they won't accept anything different...even if that person is actually normal weight and the rest are under.
Tsukuyomi (post: 1235665) wrote:I have no clue what my measurements are u_u/ I'm not that bad.. I don't think.. MEEP O_O
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