Praise God!

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Praise God!

Postby Momo-P » Thu Jun 19, 2008 9:28 pm

Some years ago, my older cousin (now younger) died of MD. After she passed away, her mother fell into deep depression, and in the past few years, her husband and her have fallen apart. They're still married and still live together, but you wouldn't guess it. From just not talking to each other to individually labeling their's insane. To make matters worse, my aunt has also fallen into poor health over the's bad enough to break down so painfully, but when you're alone?

The last time I saw them I said a prayer. I asked the Lord to help them get back together and save my According to my dad, I guess the last time my grandma saw her, she looked 100% better. I guess the two of them have been talking stuff over and now she's thinking of giving up smoking and The last time we saw her she looked like she had aged so badly...I guess now she looks much more youthful and happy. I'm so happy! The Lord may take time to work His awesomeness, but He WILL do it!

Adding onto that, my mother recently got a tooth pulled. Sadly the dentist that pulled it wasn't very professional...he didn't stitch it or give her any pain meds. In the end? It gave her a dry socket...and he packed it to heal, but he still didn't give her any pain meds! (Btw, a dry socket, to my knowledge, is like exposure of the nerves, so about pain) Thankfully today, although my mom was feeling absolutely terrible, I prayed with her and then told her to call the doctor's office. They took her out and gave her some shots and stuff. They also said after checking it, the spot IS healing, so that's good. I'm just happy they also gave her the pain medicine since she was in a great deal of pain.

So ya...PRAISE THE LORD! Oh ya, really dorky thing to praise over, but I just found a DVD box set for 12 something. XD I was wanting to buy it the other day and was checking Half Ebay. Somebody had it for 22 something and I planned to get that...then when I went to buy it, a cheaper and better one had appeared like...just hours before. XD And also their feedback and stuff was better as well. Talk about awesome God.
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Postby NekoChan_C » Thu Jun 19, 2008 10:00 pm

That IS awesome!! God also takes care of the little things, too, you know? The ones that no one but us really know or care about... that shows just how great God is. :) I'm glad your family is having some triumphs. God bless.
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Postby Prince Asbel » Fri Jun 20, 2008 6:29 am

This is all great news. Especially the DVD box set one. XD I'm real happy for your Aunt and Uncle. :)
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