minakichan (post: 1243661) wrote:Actually, I think I'll sue this guy. I'm starting a new religion where he doesn't exist, and his existence is threatening my beliefs.
KhakiBlueSocks wrote:"I'm going to make you a prayer request you can't refuse..." Cue the violins.
bigsleepj (post: 1244172) wrote:Actually, I think the guy isn't entirely doing it for the money, but rather doing it to make a point on his own personal beliefs. The money will just be icing on the cake.
uc pseudonym (post: 1243608) wrote:Isn't it safe to assume this case will be thrown out of court and is currently being blown out of proportion?
Are you sure? I'm fairly certain he refers to a few cases I recall about the definition of hate speech in Canada. In attempting to find a reputable source for these my searches are bogged down by various religious sites, but I would hope this is a legitimate copy of a ruling that people like Bruce Hausknecht would consider an attack on free speech:
Technomancer wrote:Except that two years ago, the opinion of the Saskatchewan Human Rights Commission was unanimously overturned by the Saskatchewan Court of Appeal. While there were I think serious problems with the process in the case, the precedent established will likely deter similar rulings (which seems to be the case given that latest events in the Maclean's-Steyn dust up). Ultimately, this leaves only the provisions in the Criminal Code of Canada, which are very stringent in terms of what is required for prosecution (i.e. "offense" doesn't factor into it). In any event, these provisions also have explicit loopholes regarding religious speech.
rocklobster (post: 1243515) wrote:sighs...What next? Sue the Koran? I think homesexuality is denounced in the Muslim religion too, if I'm not mistaken.
king atlantis wrote:dont most major religions agree that homosexuality is wrong?
LadyRushia (post: 1243416) wrote:How stupid.
I'm gonna sue all the atheists for causing me emotional harm by constantly and forcefully telling me that God doesn't exist and that Christians are ignorant nut jobs.
This is why I hate double standards with a passion.
Actually that view isn't as prevalent as you might think. For example, some branches of Judaism, while saying that the Law clearly forbids homosexual sex as sinful (even lesbian sex) say that the Bible actually does not say anything at all about homosexuality and therefore it cannot necessarily be classified as a sin.
The Greek word in the New Testament for homosexuality is literally "a sodomite". Jock is trying to redefine what the term "sodomite" means. (A term that has unchanged in 5000 years, even today- "sodomy")
bigsleepj (post: 1244172) wrote:Actually, I think the guy isn't entirely doing it for the money, but rather doing it to make a point on his own personal beliefs. The money will just be icing on the cake.
Jaden Mental wrote:Rom 1:26-27 "For this reason God gave them over to degrading passions]
Remember though, I said Judaism. Jews don't really view the New Testament very favorably...something about not accepting Jesus as the Messiah. :p Thus, any New Testament verses are invalid. So all we have left is,Lev 18:22-23 "You shall not lie with a male as one lies with a female; it is an abomination."
Lev 20:13 "If there is a man who lies with a male as those who lie with a woman, both of them have committed a detestable act; they shall surely be put to death."
For example, some branches of Judaism, while saying that the Law clearly forbids homosexual sex as sinful (even lesbian sex) say that the Bible actually does not say anything at all about homosexuality and therefore it cannot necessarily be classified as a sin.
This is actually a bit of my fault for using the term "Bible" in that statement I made that you quoted, as Judaism doesn't have "the Bible" as we know it. I should have said "the Law" or "the Torah."
For example, some branches of Judaism, while saying that the Law clearly forbids homosexual sex as sinful (even lesbian sex) say that the Law actually does not say anything at all about homosexuality and therefore it cannot necessarily be classified as a sin.
Jude calls the sin of Sodom simply "gross imorality" and going after "strange flesh." "Strange flesh" is the literal translation whereas some modern translations like the NIV insert the interpretation "sexual immorality." "Flesh" in the New Testament occasionally refers to sexuality but more often it does not.
king atlantis (post: 1245709) wrote:this is wrong on so many levels....
it reminds me of the 'non-sequiter' comic in which the court trys to sue god, and when they ask for God's side/case, the answer is 'I AM THE LORD THY GOD'
and God wins the case.
on another note...so, hed have to sue not just Christians, but also...lets see...muslims...and uhh...i dont know, dont most major religions agree that homosexuality is wrong?
but beyond that...good grief. theirs so much to say i cant think straight, so ill leave it at what i wrote above.
That is not a good example. It equates homosexuality, which is a legal practice in the US, with child molestation, which is not. I only point it out because this actually does move into the realm of the nebulous "hate speech" since it implies that a legal relationship between consenting adults is the same as an abusive relationship forced on a child.Prince Asbel (post: 1246062) wrote:P.S. Let's say I'm a child molester, and the Bible teaches against that. It hurts my feelings and makes me feel like an outcast. Should Bible publishers everywhere be forced to empty their accounts into mine for feeling like scum? Of course not! So I don't see why homosexuality is wrong. I mean, all my victims consented to it anyway, so I'm not hurting anybody. :shake::shake:
Nate (post: 1245946) wrote:Remember though, I said Judaism. Jews don't really view the New Testament very favorably...something about not accepting Jesus as the Messiah. :p Thus, any New Testament verses are invalid. So all we have left is,
those two verses. Which, as you can tell from the reading, does NOT condemn homosexuality, only the sex. What I'm saying is that there are a portion of Jews who say, the Law DOES condemn homosexual/lesbian sex as sinful but that homosexuality ITSELF is not a sin.
This is actually a bit of my fault for using the term "Bible" in that statement I made that you quoted, as Judaism doesn't have "the Bible" as we know it. I should have said "the Law" or "the Torah."
Tundrawolf wrote:OK I submit this to you: Yes, it's from Jesus.. Jesus said (As the Son of God)
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