Just a reminder, the point of this thread was not to debate, but to have questions answered. The initial question that started this discussion was answered, however, kaji has asked another one.
Please be respectful in your comments and if you must argue, feel free to take it off these boards. In fact, I encourage that without question. We have a good number of members who are able, and I assume are willing, to clear up any inquiries about denominations. There is nothing wrong with asking questions if what you really want is an answer, but trying to spark a debate will bring this thread to a quick close.
skynes wrote:a lie that it doesn't exist? Or that Catholics dont believe that? sorry u just confused me a bit.
I've heard about purgatory a few times from Catholics. that noone is righteous enough to get to heaven even when saved, we all gotta be cleansed before we can get in
of course it doesnt exist. if it did it would be in the biblea lie that it doesn't exist? Or that Catholics dont believe that? sorry u just confused me a bit.
Ruroken wrote:of course it doesnt exist. if it did it would be in the bible
ruroken wrote:of course it doesnt exist. if it did it would be in the bible
So maritnloyola, you pray to them like asking a fellow Christian to pray for you? So that means you ask them to pray to God for your sick family member (as an example)? And, well, how do they hear you? I know God can listen to prayers because He is omnipotent. So does God give them a special power to hear prayers, too? If that is not what you mean, then can anyone in heaven hear prayers, and you can pray to, say, your dead friend (as another example) and talk to them? I'm just a little confused on that part.
Actually, I've heard that most people in the middle ages probably DID go to hell seeing as the laying on of hands was abolished, speaking in tongues was forgotten, the bible was made so that it could only be read in latin (not by common people) and you had to pay monks to recieve prayer and get a place in heaven (which I really dont agree with)
I'm not sure where this idea that Catholics are not christians came from...
Vyse wrote:I never once claimed that Cathloics weren't Chrstian, I'm just saying that they belive in some things that I don't agree with, but anyone who belives that Jesus is the only way to the one and only God is a Christian, thats what I belive.
CDLviking wrote:All prayer originates from and finds its end in God. It is God who gives us the desire to pray, and we respond to him. Every prayer is directed to God. When we ask the saints for prayer, we ask them to pray to God on our behalf.
Intercessory prayer is biblical
Rom 15:30
Col 4:3
1 Thess 5:25
2 Thess 1:11
2 Thess 2:31
Eph 6:18-19
Tob 12:12 (Dueterocanonical)
Rev 5:8
The only difference is that the saints are in Heaven and have a closer relationship to God.
DrNic wrote:Umm...is it just me or does this discusion seem to be turning into a bit of an arguement. Perhaps we should all just agree that each denominations beliefs do differ from that of other denominations (for instance, at our church we never baptise new born babys but they do at other churchs). I don't really know much about other churchs traditions and whatnot but I do know thats its unhealthy to argue about them. Can't we all just talk as friends? Just my two cents... (man I love that phrase)
Toki-chan wrote:here here!!! (is that the right spelling....?)
anyway, I just finished reading this post, and I have not known that much about cathloics cause I'm chucrh of God, but this has changed my thoughts on alot of stuff when It comes to the cathilic Church. I hope you keep this post going so other questions can be answered and others can find out that catholism isn't that diffenrent than other denomintions!
(so no more fight please....)
The biblical definition of "saint" is different from the Catholic definition though... Saints are people who put their trust in Jesus for their salvation, made holy by His blood shed on the cross (that means us! ^_^). I don't think Paul was talking to dead people to pray for him...
CDLviking wrote:I know that when St. Paul talks about saints in his epistles he is referring to the members of the Church. I tried, perhaps unsuccessfully, to illustrate the difference in terms in the last line of my post. My point was, the only difference between asking a living member of the Church for prayer and a "S"aint (We'll use a big "S" to tell difference, how is that?), is that the Saints are in heaven and have a closer more perfected relationship to God.
JediSonic wrote:Marie, correct me if I'm wrong but you're saying that its okay to ask sinners for help but not the Saints in heaven??
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