Deathbed Thanks

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Deathbed Thanks

Postby Zilch » Sat Apr 03, 2004 4:00 am

Picture this: You are going to die in one hour. You have to write a letter thanking everyone who made an impact on you. Who would you pick to thank? Here's mine...

I would thank Jesus for being with me all day everyday,and dying a gruesome death you didn't have to die so I could go to a place I could never deserve.
My family, for always being there as a shoulder of strength and compassion
My parents for loving me unconditionally.
My sister, Ami, for letting me hang out with your friends, and for treating me like a little kid so I might grow up someday
My brother, for toughening me up and playing video games with me
Steve and Aaron, for being giving me people to look up to, even though you didn't know I was watching, and for teaching me that Christians can have opinions, too.
Cyndil and Derek, for always letting me hang out and entertain you.
Ashley, for praying for me when you had no reason to.
Lisa, for all the Canadian jokes you let me mercilessly bring down upon you
Jordain, for trusting me when you have no reason in the world to
My youth leaders, you guys have helped me in so many ways
My teachers, for letting me buck your authority on multiple occations
Christian rock, for uplifting me so many times
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Postby DrNic » Sat Apr 03, 2004 5:18 am

I'd thank Jesus for caring for me so much that he layed his life down.
Kurt Cobain for giving me good music to listen to and showing me that suiside isn't the way.
My parents for giving me life.
My best friends phil and nick (another nick) because I know I can always talk to them if I'm in trouble.
Busted for giving me something to loath.
Everyone in my church because I don't know where I'd be without them.
Anyone associated with the music I listen to because they all ROCK!
And my uncle because he buys me manga for christmas.
Take me

Far from all that's wrong and...
Let these

Fears collapse inside

Take me

Back to when i...


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Postby cbwing0 » Sat Apr 03, 2004 5:33 am

I would like to thank...

God the Father and Jesus Christ, for obvious reasons
My parents, for making me the man I am today
My grandparents, for also helping to make me the man I am today
My sister, for being around
My cousin Sean, for being a friend
Pastors Michael Lusk, Bruce Allen, Greg Webb, and Bob Richards for helping me grow in Christ

I will also hopefully have a wife and child/children by the time I am on my deathbed, so I would say something about them. ;)
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Postby CobaltAngel » Sat Apr 03, 2004 5:38 am

My little brother, Luke, for always annoying me when I went into bossy sister mode.
My mom and dad, for housing and putting up with me for the last 15 years.
My older brother, Joel, for picking on me and therefor making me a tougher person.
CAA, for being a place I could go to with all my problems
Zilch, for being a cool dude that's just all around fun.
Ninja and Kira, for always PMing me.
Archy, for being my best friend in the WORLD!
Lora, for being my cousin, and one of the best and most loyal friends I shall ever have. I love you so much and do not come close to deserving the friendship you've shown to me.
Siren and Sarah, for letting me borrow Skies of Arcadia for what probably seemed to you guys like an entirity.
Shelby and Sam, for being super cool schoolbus-buddies.
My computer, for being faithful and working since 1999.
And last but DEFINITLY not least, my Lord and Savior, Jesus Chirst for always being there for me, ever though I'm worthless pond scum.
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Postby Hitokiri » Sat Apr 03, 2004 5:44 am

I'd like to thank Nobuhiro Watsuki for creating one of the best anime.

oh yeah
and my parents for loving and caring and my sister for bieng who she is.
and all my freinds who were with me through all the good and bad times.
and Jesus whom I will see in a hour, without Him, I would be going to the burning pits.
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Postby wiggins » Sat Apr 03, 2004 6:38 am

God the Father, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit, for many reasons (there are way too many to list, and you guys already know some of them anyhow)
My parents for always supporting and helping me, and raising me to be who I am today, and taking care of and loving me even though I was born prematurely
My extended family because they are cool, and because of the love and support they have shown me both materially and intangibly
My friends whom I've made all over the world - Brian, Aaron, Sean, Russel, Rico, Takashi, Red, Nick Tom, Brandon, Jon, Take, Alex, Alex (a different one), Jeffrey, Chris, Marco, Sam
CAA - a great place
The folk at CAA, like Ashley, Haibane Shadsie, Zilch, Cobalt Angel, UC Psuedonym, and Mave, True_noir_chloe
All the people who have helped me build an anime and manga collection
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Postby The_Marauding_Maniac » Sat Apr 03, 2004 6:57 am

I would like to thank Coby.... For being the best sister ever
I would like to thank Joel, who wanted to spend a lot of time with me...
I would like to thank Zilch for bringing creative writing stronger in me
I would like to thank my parents, who raised me good, and respect what I like
I would like to thank Calbhach for making GRG
I would like to thank Ashly for making CAA
I would like to thank everyone on CAA, GRG, and Button Mashers
I would like to thank God the Father, God the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Luke was here.
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