The Architects

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The Architects

Postby Roxas2210 » Mon Nov 03, 2008 7:24 am

Years have passed, and the United Systems Government is crumbling. Technology is quickly fading. The Architects were a new race of humans with knowlage that far surpassed that of any scientist. They helped the U.S.G. rebuild its self, and bettered the worlds of the Alliance. One day, they became secritive and began building what many people considered to be cell phone towers. This was not the case. Once the towers were built, a barrior surrounded them that could not be seen by the naked eye. Hundreds of these towers were built, with no explanation why. Then, one year, all of the Architects vanished, not to be seen for 1000 years.
1000 years have passed since the passing of the Architects, and many have forgoten about them. Their towers still remain, untouched by the ravages of time. One Architect, Terris, has returned. If the news of his return got out, the new government, the Worlds Confederacy, would surely take him and "question" him, and he would never be seen again.
Help him stay hidden until he can wake the others and finish the project they started 1000 years ago.


I will be Terris. I am open to any suggestions as to what the organization will be called to hide him.
Have fun!
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Postby Lil_Ninja » Mon Nov 03, 2008 12:19 pm

Oh oh! The RESISTANCE!! (jk jk XD)

I might join, but I have a question. We can only make humans, ja? And is there any special stuff that they should have?? And are all the rules for submission based on real life?
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Postby Roxas2210 » Mon Nov 03, 2008 6:44 pm

no, you dont have to be human. There are 9 other races in the Alliance. if you want you can make one up or they can be elves (if you want). The character profile is unique to you and you can make it how you want (just nothing too extravigant lol). I am sorry, i do not understand the last question. @_@
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Postby Lil_Ninja » Tue Nov 04, 2008 11:48 am

Ok, and it's fine. I'll join when this gets submitted ^^
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Postby Roxas2210 » Wed Nov 05, 2008 4:50 pm

I hope it is not too loose in the explination...
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