Twilight Director Hardwicke hints at anime version

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Postby Fish and Chips » Tue Mar 17, 2009 3:58 pm

Remember back when being a vampire meant you were bearded European nobility living in a castle in the middle of nowhere with everyone having to hack their way through three days of haunted wilderness just to ring your doorbell?

I miss those days.
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Postby Roy Mustang » Tue Mar 17, 2009 4:03 pm

Fish and Chips wrote:Remember back when being a vampire meant you were bearded European nobility living in a castle in the middle of nowhere with everyone having to hack their way through three days of haunted wilderness just to ring your doorbell?

I miss those days.

Ahh, I miss the good old days!

You know, its unfair. The fangirls get their sexy male vampires.

What about us guys getting any animes with sexy females vampires.

Its unfair, I tell you!

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Postby ich1990 » Tue Mar 17, 2009 6:06 pm

MasterDias (post: 1297851) wrote:Now, wait a second. There are good books in the Teen Fiction section as well. At least, there are in my library.

I guess it is possible. I haven't seen a whole lot of corroborating evidence in my library, though.

[Quote=Roy Mustang]What's a library. XD[/quote]


Fish and Chips (post: 1297896) wrote:Remember back when being a vampire meant you were bearded European nobility living in a castle in the middle of nowhere with everyone having to hack their way through three days of haunted wilderness just to ring your doorbell?

I miss those days.

Ah, yes, I remember. Those were the days when sunlight tended to fry vampires into smoking desiccated husks.
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Postby LadyRushia » Tue Mar 17, 2009 6:47 pm

Roy Mustang (post: 1297897) wrote:Ahh, I miss the good old days!

You know, its unfair. The fangirls get their sexy male vampires.

What about us guys getting any animes with sexy females vampires.

Its unfair, I tell you!

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If you write a romance series about it, I'm sure it'll catch on. :P
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Postby minakichan » Tue Mar 17, 2009 9:17 pm

Sorry, in hindsight, I realize it wasn't fair of me to compare Twilight and Vampire Knight.

The former makes me laugh. The latter makes me cry [SIZE="1"]and then proceed to punch myself repeatedly in the face until I lose consciousness[/SIZE]

But anyway. Remember, 90% of everything is crap. Throw Twilight or Vampire Knight into the rubbish bins and you'll have to empty out the vast majority of your library. For some reason, the normative assumption is that this is bad.

Remember back when being a vampire meant you were bearded European nobility living in a castle in the middle of nowhere with everyone having to hack their way through three days of haunted wilderness just to ring your doorbell?

Apparently, one of the (other) origins of the vampire myth came from graverobbers in Europe digging up carcasses whose hair still grew, whose mouths seeped blood, and whose bodies were bloated with gas. They were believed to be undead monsters who spread the black plague in order to regain their strength to take over the land once more.

Guys with rotten teeth, bloody mouths, scraggly hair and tons of bad gas, who spread pestilence that kills you and your loved ones and pretty much like half the population of your country and the surrounding region = HAWT.
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Postby Fantasy Dreamer » Wed Mar 18, 2009 8:26 am

^ Lol! :lol: That makes me laugh.
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Postby FukuokaGirl » Wed Mar 18, 2009 9:16 am

minakichan (post: 1297976) wrote:
Guys with rotten teeth, bloody mouths, scraggly hair and tons of bad gas, who spread pestilence that kills you and your loved ones and pretty much like half the population of your country and the surrounding region = HAWT.

Give him a sulky, distant, icy cold and arrogant personality, mixed in with some husky deep breathing while whispering how much he wants to protect you, throw in some disagreeing family members and friends... and I'm SURE you could still market that as HAWT!
*rolls eyes* :eyeroll:

Young girls will buy into anything. hahaha
(I was one of them, at one point, MANY years ago... so I can say that!) XD
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Postby ich1990 » Thu Mar 19, 2009 1:26 pm

ich1990 (post: 1297930) wrote:I guess it is possible. I haven't seen a whole lot of corroborating evidence in my library, though.

I wish to addend this statement. I found Garth Nix's "Keys to the Kingdom" series and James Patterson's "Maximum Ride" series in the teen section of the library. My sister assures me both are solid series. I also found Eoin Colfer's top notch Airmen in that place as well.
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Postby ChristianKitsune » Thu Mar 19, 2009 10:49 pm

Yah I totally listened to the Breaking Dawn Audio book on the way home from Arizona...

I'm a Twilight fan, and I'm darned proud of it...

I've been wanting to see this as an anime for a long time.. XD I've even dreamed about writing the manga for it... (hey, Maximum Ride got a graphic novel! and it has the same publisher as Twilight...of course I'm not good enough for that yet, but a girl can dream... )

I think it'd be cool XDDD

yah... In the vast minority here...but I LOVE Twilight...way better than VK IMHO.

I hope no one hates me now ._.

Oh wellz... I liked Twilight before it was popular...and you can read my reasons why on the thread about the book XD I don't feel like defending myself, since no one's really talking about it... lol.

It would be nifty though to see it as an anime... ALTHOUGH I do wonder if it would be too much, I mean... I love the story but how many times can I see it, read it, listen to it?

but I wonder if Hardwicke wasn't thinking about the Japanese Light Novels, they have illustrations of certain scenes in manga form.

In the meantime... *puts her headphones back on and waits impatiently for Saturday, when the movie comes to DVD*

EDIT I guess I'd like to remind everyone that this is just a frilly little book's not life or death, and people really shouldn't waste their time making fun of it, or the sane fans that like it. (XD I'll admit some of the crazies are fun to laugh at though) In my opinion to do so doesn't really say a lot about the maturity level that many claim to have if they don't read the series for themselves. :P

If you don't like it...let it, and the fans be...

There's a great DA stamp that represents my views on it XD but since there are a few words that aren't kid friendly, I won't post it...but it basically says: "Grow up and Get a life, Don't obsess over the series/obsess over making fun of the series, and remember that someone worked VERY HARD to write it..." because it' takes guts to write a book, let alone send it off to get published, have people hate it, and throw it back in your face, and have people love it and stalk you (not that I condone that sort of thing O_O; )... XD

I would like to know, the heck are Vampire Knight and Twilight Similar? (aside from the Love Triangle thing...but that's in almost every Shojo animez out there! DX)
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Postby Ashley » Sat Mar 21, 2009 4:38 pm

Wow everyone's going to call for my abdication of the CAA throne after this, but:

I actually really ENJOYED the Twilight books. I read them all in like a week. (And for the record, I would classify them as teen fiction)

I did NOT enjoy the movie, though, not at all. Thought it was a terrible interpretation with lots of awkward scenes and Edward's do-I-love-you-or-am-I-constipated looks happening aaalll too often.

My opinion about the anime will hinge largely on whether they go back to the books for a fresh interpretation--which would be cool--or whether they lazily look to the movie for inspiration.

And comparing Twilight to Vampire Knight is a little bit like comparing Samurai Jack to Kenshin: some overlapping ideas, but on the whole two vastly different creatures.
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Postby eternalprincess » Sat Mar 21, 2009 5:24 pm

Peanut (post: 1297754) wrote:Imagine walking into an Anime convention...and instead of seeing 600 Naruto see 600 Twlight cosplayers being glomped by swarms of fangirls, including some you would never expect to be at a convention like that...and let's not forget the several panels on Twilight and why it's so much better then every other vampire related anime out there...

Oh please, just kill me now. -.- I'm so sick of hearing about freaking Twilight.

Anyways . . . Twilight as an anime, no thank you. That wouldn't even be a good storyline to adopt as an anime. Atleast not something that would appeal to me. I'd rather hear about Vampire Knight for eternity.

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Postby FukuokaGirl » Sun Mar 22, 2009 9:28 pm

Scary, SCARY thought... mixing Twilight fangirls with yaoi fangirls at a con... or anywhere really... >_<
Flee for your lives.
hahahaha~~!~ XDDDD rofl
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Postby Radical Dreamer » Sun Mar 22, 2009 9:32 pm

FukuokaGirl (post: 1299740) wrote:Scary, SCARY thought... mixing Twilight fangirls with yaoi fangirls at a con... or anywhere really... >_<

Oh my gosh.

I vote we take a mass exodus if this actually comes to be. XDD
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Postby FukuokaGirl » Sun Mar 22, 2009 9:33 pm


Ya know what... I just realized that's how the world is gonna end.
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Postby Radical Dreamer » Sun Mar 22, 2009 9:36 pm

FukuokaGirl (post: 1299748) wrote:Absolutely.

Ya know what... I just realized that's how the world is gonna end.

As horrid of a pun as it is...I'm tempted to dub it the "otakulypse." XD
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Postby FukuokaGirl » Sun Mar 22, 2009 9:38 pm

Corrie... it's genius!
Heaven help us all!

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Postby LadyRushia » Mon Mar 23, 2009 4:34 am

I'm tempted to post links to a certain Twilight fangirl on youtube, but I'm afraid that her language or her actions in general would be too much for people on this site.
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Postby ich1990 » Mon Mar 23, 2009 7:46 am

Radical Dreamer wrote:"otakulypse."

This is the way the world ends
This is the way the world ends
This is the way the world ends
Not with a bang but a whimper.

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Postby Song_of_Storms » Mon Mar 23, 2009 9:46 pm

[SIZE="1"]For some unexplainable reason, this makes Mesuh very scared... ;-;

I'm glad people are reading. I just can't stand Twilight fans new ideas about Vampires. I mean, I used to think Vampire Knight was overrated, but at least it was closer to the source material.

*Vampires do not sparkly.
*Vampires burn in the sun.
*Vampires inhabited the dead body of a bitten victim.
*The process was slow.
*The victims of the vampire were no longer themselves.
*Vampires are not a race.
*Vampires, (at least Dracula) could only live off the blood of beautiful women and handsome men.
*Crosses and sacred Christian images actual hurt them.

I could go on... [/SIZE]
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Postby Maledicte » Mon Mar 23, 2009 9:53 pm

ich1990 (post: 1297930) wrote:Ah, yes, I remember. Those were the days when sunlight tended to fry vampires into smoking desiccated husks.

Beh. Vampires didn't start getting fried until 1922!


minakichan wrote:Apparently, one of the (other) origins of the vampire myth came from graverobbers in Europe digging up carcasses whose hair still grew, whose mouths seeped blood, and whose bodies were bloated with gas. They were believed to be undead monsters who spread the black plague in order to regain their strength to take over the land once more.

Yaaaay research

Guys with rotten teeth, bloody mouths, scraggly hair and tons of bad gas, who spread pestilence that kills you and your loved ones and pretty much like half the population of your country and the surrounding region = HAWT.

HECK YES I mean [SIZE="1"]except for the pestilence and gas thing.[/SIZE]
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Postby Shao Feng-Li » Tue Mar 24, 2009 7:37 am

They also don't exist, so it probably doesn't matter what sort of incarnation they're given. That being said, no guy should ever, EVER sparkle in the sun.
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Postby minakichan » Tue Mar 24, 2009 3:42 pm

Twilight Director Says She Has Not Heard of Anime Plans

Thousands breathe a long sigh of relief, I continue to not care.
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Postby ChristianKitsune » Tue Mar 24, 2009 5:04 pm

Song_of_Storms (post: 1300190) wrote:[SIZE="1"]For some unexplainable reason, this makes Mesuh very scared... ]actual[/I] hurt them.

I could go on... [/SIZE]

Well, I don't think this is very fair. I mean it just seems a little stereotypical, since it's a fictional creature you know? I mean can you really expect the creature to follow the same line every single story?

Seriously, who cares how the author wrote her vampires to be? She wasn't a fan of them to begin with... I like the different approach its more interesting. At least she thought outside the box... For the vampire experts: who originally thought of the stereotype? (aside from the fact that people thought they were real because of the hair and gas in the chest thing) I'm genuinely curious...but I suppose I could do my own research XD.

Anways, I have foxes with wings as characters and a little monkey who can talk... Those things aren't normally like that :/ And my characters have larger eyes than the the norm. (yah in real life, people with eyes like anime characters would look like freaks).

XD Apparently, you guys don't watch much anime, because Bishies sparkle ALL The time!

Image XD

The Sparkling in the book isn't really a big deal...for serious.. It's talked about maybe 4 times in the entire series..

I'll admit I think the movie messed it up...especially with the the cartoon shimmery sound effect ^^; (BUT it was only made on 39 million dollars... so I forgive them for trying.) I always imagined a more, subtle if your hands sweat a little and you see little sparkly granules on the skin... XD I never imagined it to be so profound as in the movie...

XD Regardless if Hardewick was serious or not, She did say that in the commentary... I watched it today because I got bored... >_> and I heard it was good.. (which it was, it was hilarious, even the actors laughed at certain scenes like I did... ) XD

If there ever is an Anime version of Twiligh, it COULD Be cool... if done right...and as much as I liked the movie (it could have been better and I hope the sequel is better) I hope that Hardwicke doesn't direct it (the anime) XD.... It was a little Indie. (and that's not always a good thing. I mean Slumdog Millionaire was an indie movie and it was AWESOME) And I can understand why people who haven't read the books wouldn't like the movie much... It jumped around waaay too much... I was able to fill in the gaps because I had read the books so it made a lot more sense XDDDD

no offense of course, guys! ^^; you're all entitled to your opinions...

At the very least... at least Twilight will probably be better than Dragonball :P
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Postby Lady Kenshin » Tue Mar 24, 2009 5:31 pm

I agree with most of what Song_of_Storms said, but...

Song_of_Storms (post: 1300190) wrote:[SIZE="1"]

*Vampires inhabited the dead body of a bitten victim.[/SIZE]

What? So Dracula was inhabiting Lucy? How does that work?

Song_of_Storms (post: 1300190) wrote:[SIZE="1"]
*The victims of the vampire were no longer themselves. [/SIZE]

I think the vampire IS still the same person, to a certain degree... in Dracula at least, you have to kill the vampire to free the person's soul, which leads me to believe they're at least in there.

Of course, I'm no expert, but that's what the novel lead me to believe.

And seriously... even if that was the case, not even Anne Rice, who seems to be respected among vampire aficionados, follows that rule. I think it's okay to break it.

I mean no offense, of course. Just discussion.

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Postby shade of dae » Tue Mar 24, 2009 5:54 pm

Lady Kenshin (post: 1300351) wrote:I agree with most of what Song_of_Storms said, but...

What? So Dracula was inhabiting Lucy? How does that work?

Actually, I think she was referring to Mina's case. If you remember, [spoiler]Mina was hypnotized by Van Helsing and was able to give away Dracula's location. Also, later on in the book, the characters stopped telling Mina information because they thought that Dracula could find out their plans through her.[/spoiler]

As for the anime version of Twilight, I honestly can't say that it is a surprise.

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Postby ADXC » Tue Mar 24, 2009 7:32 pm

Holy Mackeral! I don't think Ive ever seen so much controversy over a possible anime made from a movie in the CAA forums!

Geez you guys, it hasn't even been made and most here are ready to discombobulate it. I realize that it would probably be overrated and may lead some unsavory people to the anime genre, but still I don't think it's right to judge it before it is made. And also it may not even be made.

Another thing, if anybody remembers, this is the ANIME forum, not the general entertainment forum. So really in the anime forum, you discuss anime. But seeing as how it is not an anime(yet), I don't see how you can discuss it unless you move this thread to the general entertainment forum or untill it is made into an anime.
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Postby Hana Ryuuzaki » Tue Mar 24, 2009 7:55 pm

Roy Mustang (post: 1297897) wrote:Ahh, I miss the good old days!

You know, its unfair. The fangirls get their sexy male vampires.

What about us guys getting any animes with sexy females vampires.

Its unfair, I tell you!

[font="Book Antiqua"][color="Red"]Col. Roy Mustang[/color][/font]

[font="Palatino Linotype"]Rosario+Vampire, my friend.

But seriously. Even though they might be trying to bring Twilight to encompass EEEEVERY fanbase, I don't think it'll work.
It might, but I'm kinda skeptical.

*DEFINITELY not a Twilight fan, but I'll deal with it*
I just hope they don't make it any cheesier by the SUPER-UBER-AWESOME-ANIME-WHOOTNESS scenes. XP

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Postby ChristianKitsune » Tue Mar 24, 2009 8:05 pm

XD I just hope there won't be any Sparkle Bishie scenes... XD I think the fanbase has suffered enough because of the movie's stupid interpretation.
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Postby chibiphonebooth » Tue Mar 24, 2009 8:15 pm

Radical Dreamer (post: 1297667) wrote:Image

Cognitive Gear (post: 1297681) wrote:Image


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Postby ShiroiHikari » Wed Mar 25, 2009 3:24 am

chibiphonebooth (post: 1300402) wrote:Image

Well said.

Also...I don't ever want to hear Ouran mentioned in the same thread as Twilight ever again. My poor old heart can't take it. >_>;;;
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