Pascal (post: 1315850) wrote:Congratulations!!! Now for an education that is fun and actually want to learn! (College)
goldenspines wrote:Its only stealing if you don't get caught.
goldenspines (post: 1315947) wrote:Yay! Now you can join the ranks of us poor and starving college students. 8D
But seriously, congrats on gradutating, ADXC.
College is harder than high school, schoolwork wise, but like it's been mentioned in this thread, it's way more enjoyable (except maybe finals, but those are hard wherever you go XD). In college, most of the students actually care about learning and most of the professors have a strong passion for the subject they teach, so you tend to get a lot out of the classes you take.
And if you're used to writing really long papers and taking tons of notes, you'll be fine. ^_^
goldenspines wrote:Its only stealing if you don't get caught.
shiroineko (post: 1316200) wrote:For the most part it seems like you really find out more of who you are in college than in high school, and as someone mentioned above, there aren't really labels and such to deal with.
ADXC (post: 1315832) wrote:It's been a long 12 years, but I have finally graduated high school! The graduation was yesterday and was very nice too. Next up is college, oh boy...
ADXC (post: 1315943) wrote:But isn't college work much harder than high school work? I mean after two years of AP classes, Im used to writing papers(We wrote alot of papers!). However Im still worried.
But yeah I do see college as way more flexible and you can learn what you want to learn(For the most part. There are some courses you just have to take, I suppose, to be able to do the career you want to do.).
I was thinking about Forensics, but Id have to take college Chemistry, wouldn't I? I didn't like taking it in my junior year of high school and I don't think Id like it now.
If there are any good computer jobs out there, please recommend them to me. I recently finished Microsoft Office and it was perhaps my favorite class because I did the work on the computer rather than paper.
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