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Postby Ingemar » Thu Apr 22, 2004 3:41 pm

TheSeaAndStars wrote:
Thats groovy too, dude. But I don't think they were talkin' bout marriage yet. This thread was a bout someone askin' if datin' somebody younger was groovy with God n family or not.

Given this, I am compelled to review the initial post:
[Quote=PanZ]I have a christian friend that i really like a lot. She and i are just really good friends right now. We click so incredibly well together it is scary. We have the excact same thought process. I would love to be able to call her my girlfriend just so i know that i have someone who will be there for me. Even though God is there, there is still someone here on earth for me and i think she is it. I would like to know what anybody thinks. She is 16 by the way if that makes any difference. Keep me in your prayers please. Being alone is hard on me. Thank you. God Bless you.[/quote]

Going back on what I said, does loving someone mean that you have to be in a "relationship?" Relationship that is, defined as that ridiculous "exclusivity boyfriend/girlfriend claptrap the media or society champions." My answer is still no. In fact, why be "BF/GF" at all? My opinion (not that it matters) is that becoming so would ruin matters! You'd feel compelled to go out with each other, buy gifts, make phone calls rather than freely loving or giving as perscribed by the Word. I could be wrong. Remember my opinon doesn't matter.

Once you come to the realization that "God is there," you are never alone indeed! If God is as real as people tell you He is, and you know Him, you could have nothing else in the world and still be complete. St. Augustine really hits this point home (and it is something I still struggle to accept). So even if you never have someone to call yours, if you feel and know God, that is the best thing in the world. Friendship is good too, but the intimacy one shares with God completely eclipses any mortal friendship.

And as I can see from the initial post, little emphasis was put on age. Let me tell ya--my parents are eight years apart (Mom being the elder) and yet they couldn't be any closer. I don't think age matters; in fact, if I marry (I'd rather not, though), I hope it's to a woman much older and more successful than me, simply because money wouldn't be a problem anymore and I have no ambitions or desire to make ridiculous amounts of money.
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Postby PanZ » Thu Apr 22, 2004 4:11 pm

[quote="Ingemar"]Given this, I am compelled to review the initial post:

Going back on what I said, does loving someone mean that you have to be in a "relationship?" Relationship that is, defined as that ridiculous "exclusivity boyfriend/girlfriend claptrap the media or society champions." My answer is still no. In fact, why be "BF/GF" at all? My opinion (not that it matters) is that becoming so would ruin matters! You'd feel compelled to go out with each other, buy gifts, make phone calls rather than freely loving or giving as perscribed by the Word. I could be wrong. Remember my opinon doesn't matter.

Once you come to the realization that "God is there," you are never alone indeed! If God is as real as people tell you He is, and you know Him, you could have nothing else in the world and still be complete. St. Augustine really hits this point home (and it is something I still struggle to accept). So even if you never have someone to call yours, if you feel and know God, that is the best thing in the world. Friendship is good too, but the intimacy one shares with God completely eclipses any mortal friendship.

And as I can see from the initial post, little emphasis was put on age. Let me tell ya--my parents are eight years apart (Mom being the elder) and yet they couldn't be any closer. I don't think age matters]

Although your opinion "doesn't matter". You gave some good advice. I have found God and would be prefectly happy if that is all I had but I think a person should also be looking and accepting of the ones God puts in their life. The age difference does not really matter too much to me as you can tell, but if the age argument is that I am only 19 and it is too early to worry about such things I think I could understand that(although the world tells us differently to start dating and having sex as soon as possible).Whether you are for or against it I appreciate everyones input to my situation. Except Kovyn's :grin: . I never said that I was in the AF. What gave you that idea? :eyebrow:
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Postby JediSonic » Thu Apr 22, 2004 7:39 pm

Actually, when I said I was sexually inexperienced, I meant I had never dated... CERTAINLY never did that :lol:
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Postby PanZ » Wed Apr 28, 2004 7:25 am

I appreciate everyone's input. Jedisonic i am going to take your advice, as well as Mangafanatic, Gypsy, Bobtheduck, and Shoo as well as anyone else i left out sorry (you know who you are). Anyway i am going to wait and just enjoy our great friendship. Thank you so much everyone and God bless. :)
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Postby Sieg9986 » Wed Apr 28, 2004 8:09 am

A couple of thoughts for this, hope i can help.

First, make sure that your maturity level isn't too different, a girl that is younger tends to be less mature than an older guy, by law of human nature. Second, if the relationship gets physical, and less spiritual and you find yourself caring less about well, you know, her personality, you can seriously risk hurting the friendship later on. Most important part of being in a relationship is to remember that until marriage, a relationship is only a step above friendship and friendship is the bond that keeps you together. Try to do fun things, keep her feelings first, and mind the rules her parents set down. Do all these things (which i'm sure you can and will do) and you can keep a long lasting relationship with this person. ^_^

just advice from someone who has made a few mistakes himself
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Postby PanZ » Wed Apr 28, 2004 5:35 pm

Sieg9986 wrote:A couple of thoughts for this, hope i can help.

First, make sure that your maturity level isn't too different, a girl that is younger tends to be less mature than an older guy, by law of human nature. Second, if the relationship gets physical, and less spiritual and you find yourself caring less about well, you know, her personality, you can seriously risk hurting the friendship later on. Most important part of being in a relationship is to remember that until marriage, a relationship is only a step above friendship and friendship is the bond that keeps you together. Try to do fun things, keep her feelings first, and mind the rules her parents set down. Do all these things (which i'm sure you can and will do) and you can keep a long lasting relationship with this person. ^_^

just advice from someone who has made a few mistakes himself

Thanks Sieg that is good advice that i will remember. thanks.
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Postby Sieg9986 » Wed Apr 28, 2004 5:36 pm

anytime ^^;
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Go for it!!!

Postby GracefulRocker » Wed Apr 28, 2004 6:51 pm

I say go for it. :thumbsup: But remember that you have more life experiences than she, and you have more responsibility. :stressed: If you're going off to college, or are already there, (R u a McMurry Student? My parents were. :thumb: ) think carefully about what is more important to you, and if one is interfering with the other. :eyebrow: Pray about it and see where God leads your heart. It will all turn out for the best! :lol:
Also take into consideration whether her parents approve, you'll have to deal with them eventually!!!!! :grin:
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Postby Mangafanatic » Wed Apr 28, 2004 6:55 pm

PanZ wrote:I appreciate everyone's input. Jedisonic i am going to take your advice, as well as Mangafanatic, Gypsy, Bobtheduck, and Shoo as well as anyone else i left out sorry (you know who you are). Anyway i am going to wait and just enjoy our great friendship. Thank you so much everyone and God bless. :)

I can't see the future (or can I. . . ;)) but I really think you're making a good decision. Thank you for taking advice so gracefully, even when it goes against your initial draw. I think it's a really good quality and some girlfriend one day will truly admire that in you. :thumb:
Every year in Uganda, innumerable children simply. . . disappear. These children all stolen under the cover of darkness from their homes and impressed into the guerilla armies of the LRA [Lord's Resistance Army]. In the deserts of Uganda, they are forced to witness the mindless slaughter of other children until they themselves can do nothing but kill. Kill. These children, generally ranging from ages 5-12, are brainwashed into murdering in the name of the resistance and into stealing other children from their beds to suffer the same fate.

Because of this genocide of innocence, hundred and hundreds of children live every night sleeping in public places miles from their homes, because they know that if the do not-- they will disappear. They will become just another number in this genocide to which the international community has chosen to turn a blind eye. They will become, in affect, invisible-- Invisible Children.

But there are those who are trying to fight against this slaughter of Uganda's children. They fight to protect these "invisible children." Please, help them help a country full of children who know nothing by fear. Help save the innocence. For more information concerning how you can help and how you can get an incredible video about this horrific reality, visit the Invisible Children home page.
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Postby PanZ » Sat May 01, 2004 10:57 am

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