Fish and Chips (post: 1346025) wrote:So.
I just finished Episode 3: Banquet of the Golden Witch.[spoiler][SIZE="7"]WHAT.[/SIZE][/spoiler]
GeneD (post: 1351191) wrote:I'm watching the last episode of the first arc in Higurashi right now. It's almost 11 o' clock at night. Yeah, I don't think I'll be sleeping very well tonight, but what the heck. XD
Yamamaya (post: 1353245) wrote:Holy crap..
[SPOILER]Beatrice is the best troll ever. Quite a twist at the end. It was both satisfying and a little sad since I liked the nicer Beatrice.[/SPOILER]
Bobtheduck (post: 1357198) wrote:So [spoiler]Rosa resents Maria because she's... special and Rosa is getting tired of dealing with it and not having a life.[/spoiler]
A more mundane thing to think about than what most people are, no doubt.
Yamamaya (post: 1358136) wrote:[SPOILER]The new furniture are getting a little silly. There's no need to introduce some more of them every new arc.[/SPOILER]
Shoot, nice find. I was wondering when Episode 6 was supposed to come out.blkmage (post: 1358137) wrote:Also, some interesting game news. As you know, Comiket 77 is coming up, so that means the release of Umineko EP6 is upon us. The title is "Dawn of the Golden Witch" and screenshots and the new portrait is here. OBVIOUSLY, HUGE SPOILERS.
blkmage (post: 1358137) wrote:So the latest episode,
[spoiler]This was pretty good and was one of the times that probably got the intensity of the scene spot on.[/spoiler]
[spoiler]The thing with furniture is that after playing through EP4, it's pretty clear to me that they're not just random characters that are thrown in. Look at the Stakes, for example. They started off being random characters in EP2, but by EP4, they somehow play a role in Ange's subplot. Why is this?
The same goes for other furniture, but these aren't as obvious from the anime and are only found in the supplementary TIPS in the game. Consider Ronove. We already know that he somehow has a connection with Genji. However, it's never mentioned that Genji's full name is Ronoue Genji. HMMMMMM.
Also never mentioned in the anime (and likely won't be) is Siesta 556. Recall that there are three Siestas right now: 45 (pink), 440 (blue), and 00 (yellow). What happened to 556? Well, the character description says that she was killed in a battle with the Black Witch. Also, she likes playing the trumpet. Where else have we seen four rabbits with instruments?
The thing to remember with Umineko is that a lot of things seem really random or inconsequential, but once you start seriously theorizing and going over every detail in trying to piece together what everything means, you'll find that there's tons of stuff to consider even in those things that used to seem innocuous.
Anyway, after you're done with the anime, you should totally look up some hardcore theories on Google.[/spoiler]
Also, some interesting game news. As you know, Comiket 77 is coming up, so that means the release of Umineko EP6 is upon us. The title is "Dawn of the Golden Witch" and screenshots and the new portrait is here. OBVIOUSLY, HUGE SPOILERS.
Bobtheduck (post: 1360155) wrote:I'm sure this is all delightfully metaphorical and all of that, and maybe I'll figure it out on my second, more thorough viewing of the series (or... when the followup comes out) but I still think the whole idea behind anti-magic is kind of stupid. It's a lot of double talk. I have to prove you don't exist so you'll disappear, but if proving that makes her disappear, she had to have been there to disappear, therefore she existed, unless we're talking a Carnival of Souls / Jacob's ladder situation.
Bobtheduck (post: 1360155) wrote:Also, I read the Witches' Tanabata, and I'm still wondering how they'll work out [spoiler]Rika's alternate personality to be a villain... I mean, that WAS Bern talking in the "adult" portions of Rika's dialogue, right? Of course, it was "board" Bern, not "meta" bern, but they have the same personality... I got the idea from Higurashi that bern was cynical and had a dark sense of humor, but not outright evil. If you're going to take the hero(ine) from the previous story and turn said hero(ine) into the villain(ess), you darn well better do it convincingly (Hint: star wars Episode III was NOT)[/spoiler]
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