How many people have you preached to?

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How many people have you preached to?

Postby darkoon » Wed Jul 23, 2003 10:07 am

It is quite obvious that GOD demands from us to always tell a close friend or somebody about Jesus Christ, but, Are we?

Sometimes we get scared, but when GOD comes back he'll ask what we have done, and it will be messy when he figures out ( even tthought he already has...) that YOU NEVER TOLD ANYBODY AND KEPT THE WORD BY YOURSELF!!!

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Postby Mithrandir » Wed Jul 23, 2003 10:09 am

How appropriate a title.

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Postby uc pseudonym » Wed Jul 23, 2003 10:26 am

Why is this in the Goof Off section? It seems to be a legitimate topic to me.

It's an old phrase "Keep the word, but not to yourself." It is a point we can easily forget.
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Postby Straylight » Wed Jul 23, 2003 4:55 pm

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Postby MillyFan » Sat Jul 26, 2003 2:09 am

I'm not demeaning preaching, nevertheless my favorite quote is St. Francis of Assisi "Preach the Gospel, and if necessary, use words."

The problem I see with an approach to preaching that is motivated on fear of what God will do to you at the end is that it, at least with me personally, makes you think like "Oh, all I have to do is just say my spiel or hand out my tract and leave them for God to work on them. I threw a seed packet at them, let someone else water it while I throw more at other people."

IOW, to me now, preaching is living a life the best way I can and more than anything else caring for others, being there.

If I can somehow help someone see that Christians aren't all about condemnation and rhetoric, that being a Christian doesn't mean a life where the most enjoyable thing allowed by the legal codes is to blink one's eyes while praying, and that it is possible to live an actual life as a Christian-then I believe I've preached even if I haven't gotten in the person's face and said "Accept Jesus now or you could be hit by a bus and go straight to Hades when you leave."

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Postby Christianotaku » Sat Jul 26, 2003 12:05 pm

well i tried preaching to some people online they called me a hyprocryte told me i was trying to push there religion on them also called me a hard head then kicked me off there chan
thats the way i see it
wesley useche aka. DJWeslo Thevidgod Christianotaku

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Postby LorentzForce » Sun Jul 27, 2003 2:33 am

you can't preach. only God can. He is using people as his tools and preach through them, but you really can't preach them directly by yourself.

of course, if you're a good tool God can preach more people through you than anyone can.

give it a go, if they don't listen, then don't really bother too much, unless you can repeat again without getting them too angry or annoyed. some change, some don't. all God's work.

after all, being a Christian is a gift, not your choice.
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Postby Psycho Ann » Sun Jul 27, 2003 3:51 am

I tend to "subtly" bring the topic up in conversations and at least make them think about the possibility that their souls are heading down. But yeah, "preaching" by action and example are really the best ways to go.

Though, I'll confess to frustration that these people just. Won't. Listen. Despite us telling them loud and clear. I lose my head sometimes. When that happens, I go rant in my blog ^^;;;;
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Postby MillyFan » Sun Jul 27, 2003 4:10 am

Yeah, it's sad when people won't listen. My attitude toward it now, though, is just not to push.

If someone doesn't want to listen, it's a wise idea to take it like you would in any other conversation-and back off a little. While that may seem like you're letting the person go, it's usually far more damaging to take not listening/not wanting to listen as a sign that you just need to be more persistent.

Thanks to doukeshi03 from otakuboards for the banner!

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Postby MasterDias » Sun Jul 27, 2003 12:25 pm

That's true

The people you try to witness to will likely be offended if you try to pressure them to become a Christian and sadly might never become one at all.
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Postby uc pseudonym » Sun Jul 27, 2003 1:54 pm

General agreement from my end.

Another thing- if you do nothing but preach to them, it appears as though you don't value their friendship. This reduces them to nothing more than a goal to be reached, which isn't conducive to helping them and furthermore isn't very Christlike.
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Postby Master Kenzo » Sun Jul 27, 2003 5:21 pm

Actually, when I was at the youth retreat, we went on an Outreach thing, where we would ask random people questions and offer to pray for them. The questions were about health, family, job, and life. You know, "If it were possible, what would you change about..."

But before that, there was a very entertaining sermon on fishing. The pastor put it into four categories:

- Invisible fishing (doing nothing, BAD)
- Riverside fishing; quiet but patient (which is what you guys were discussing, being friends, then eventually getting them to ask you about it)
- Fishing in the river, bold but sensitive (which was what we did with the Outreach thing)
- Bible-bashing harpoonists (pastor's example: takes on a really charismatic pose and starts saying things loudly like "AND IF YOU'RE NOT WASHED BY THE BLOOD OF THE LAMB, YOU'D BETTER GET SOME BLEACH CAUSE YOU'RE GONNA NEED IT!")

Then he discussed the different types of fish. I've discovered, after the camp, that I'm a smelly fish :lol:

All in all, it was an excellent sermon.
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Postby uc pseudonym » Sun Jul 27, 2003 7:39 pm

Hm, that does sound good. Harpoonists... that's a very good analogy. But do you really mean that you're a fish? Aren't you a fisher? Or was he just classifying all people as varieties of fish?
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Postby Celtic_Moon » Mon Jul 28, 2003 8:07 am

I'm usually average in the faith department. I grew up in a small town in Western NY where the majority of people went to one church or another. I belonged to students for Christ in middle school and high school. It was pretty fun. Once a week someone got to do a sermon on a topic of their choice and then we talked about it. We had Super BOwl Parties and end of school BBQs. The whole thing made getting thru my school life a heck of alot easier.
My best friend is of a different sect than me.She's Eastern Orthodox and I'm Catholic, so we got to examine different branches of Christianity while at the same time cementing a friendship that's still going strong.
My husband is of a different religion entirely than me so we get to debate with eachother theologicaly. But we respect eachother's opinions. I figure that if he wants to come to the Lord, that's fine with me, but I don't want to force him.
So in conclusion, yes, I guess I do preach to ppl from time to time. I also got a laugh from one of my husband's co-workers who belongs to the Church of Christ. He said something to the effect of how Catholic think God delegates. Hmm...maybe that could be a topic.
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Postby Ashley » Mon Jul 28, 2003 8:32 am

A very very close friend of mine is a Catholic, and I'm a protestant, so I know how that bit goes. Yeah, we disagree on some things, but we agree not to get bloody about it like the Irish are (they prots and caths have been fighting for countless years now), because all that really does is hurt our stance as Christians, which we BOTH consider ourselves to be. Isn't it sad that sometimes we get more ridicule from so-called Christians of other deonimations than unbelievers. Likewise, hypocrites do ten times the damage to the Christian faith than any "pagan" or unbeliever would.

I'm sure you've heard the "unequally yoked" phrase countless times, but I urge you if you're serious about your relationship with Christ, pray that Satan doesn't try to use your husband's theology to drag you down instead of you pulling him up. My prayers are with both of you.

I noticed in your profile you listed yourself as a wiccan, but here you're saying your Catholic. Could you clear that up a bit?
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Postby _bluerose_ » Mon Jul 28, 2003 9:35 am

many great insights here that I agree with. I don't have a problem of HOW to witness (not preach...don't like that word) to others. I just think I really have...not really. I mean in my manner, yes.

In my conversation I talk about God. But actually telling ppl they HAVE to be or NEED to be saved - I'm pretty sure I've never. But then again I might just think that b/c I don't know if anyone ever did get saved b/c of what we've talked about. That's something that would prove to me I'm doing my job as God's daughter.

ok, I feel like I'm rambling...

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Postby Christianotaku » Mon Jul 28, 2003 3:23 pm

YOU know what my view is if they laught at me and ridicule me i dotn care either they be enlightened by the spirit. Are cursed for cursing me (abraham law). Or simply die and go tto hell honestly i dotn care anymore!
thats the way i see it
wesley useche aka. DJWeslo Thevidgod Christianotaku

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Postby uc pseudonym » Tue Jul 29, 2003 8:24 am

Our church has an official policy somewhere that says (roughly): "Members of the church body are the preachers, the pastor is the equipper."

Though I do see how witness is a much more accurate word in some aspects than preach, I kind of like the thought of every Christian being a pastor.
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A Closer Look at Witnessing

Postby _bluerose_ » Wed Jul 30, 2003 10:03 am

I read this at one of the yahoo groups I'm in...I think it was th Brandon Bracey Ministries. It is excellent and has already helped me on this topic of "preaching" - it also confirms some of what we've already said in this thread (WARNING, this is not the complete article but you can get more from Ixtheus Christian Devotionals :

Our part is to deliver the Word of God, kind of like taking a bag of seeds and scattering handfuls all over the place. You can devise any number of clever evangelistic schemes or explanations, but in the final analysis, it is the inherent power hidden in Bible verses that transmits the life-changing energy to a person.

God's part in the witnessing process is to empower the delivered Word by means of the Holy Spirit and to drive the message home into the consciousness of the person whom you witness to. God must clear away all the hardness and spiritual debris which gets in the way of penetrating to the part of that person's mind that allows him to decide whether to accept or reject God's offer of salvation.

The person's responsibility to act on what they have heard....they can either accept The Word gladly, ask for more information, accept Christ, or reject the Word and turn away from Christ.

Ezek 2:6 (TLB) "Son of dust, don't be afraid of them; don't be frightened even though their threats are sharp and barbed and sting like scorpions. Don't be dismayed by their dark scowls. For remember, they are rebels! {7} You must give them my messages whether they listen or not.

Before you present the Gospel to a person, you should be interceding for that person and asking God to prepare their heart (the soil) to receive the Word.

Again I think this was enormously helpful, I need a class or book or something on how to do this efficiently but this article was great and actually listed a book.


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Postby lonelyone » Mon May 24, 2004 10:30 pm

What i do sometimes, is leave tracts in public places, ex. public bathrooms, i am, trying to get God's word out without making a scene, and no i do not preach to anybody. lonelyone.
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Postby Ingemar » Mon May 24, 2004 11:09 pm

I am not really the kind to run off and preach like crazy to the first set of eyes and ears that I see, because I fear my zeal may get the better of me and I may misrepresent the Body. Instead, lately, I've prayed that God would present the unmistakably perfect opportunity to carry out the Great Commission, and that the Spirit would give me the right words to say. I hope I didn't chicken out when the opportunity presented itself.... but then again, my faith needs a little work.

St. Augustine told us that God works through people and even Nature and literature to lead others to salvation. However, he said only God alone and faith in Him can truly save, once the path has been shown. (it's been a while since I read the Confessions, so forgive me if I'm wrong!) (I'm non-denom, by the way).
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Postby RadicalFaith » Fri Aug 05, 2005 10:09 am

The best way to preach to friends is be a great representation of Christ,(just be friendly, love them, encourage them, be humble to them and just try to be as friendly as Christ). Then If they ask how you are so different in a good way like friendly or if they want to be like you or no what you have that they don't invite them to your church,youth group or talk to them in private about your faith and most importantly ask God if he can give you the words to say to them. This may take a long time (dont rush it) but its beyond worth it. - RadicalFaith
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Postby Kura Ookami » Fri Aug 05, 2005 10:30 am

Straylight wrote:Moved to General

A thread being promoted? Now that's rare.

I can name people in Jesus' time who preached ALOT and Jesus didnt like them. The pharises(sp?) Preaching just to preach is wrong otherwise the Pharises would be the perfect christians. My point. Preaching wont get you into heaven. We should listen for when God calls us and do as He wishes. He might not call you to do much, but I dopn't believe the quantity of your work for Him is at all important. God isnt going to say to someone. "You only saved one person whereas your friend saved a million. You're going to go to hell because you didnt save as many people as he did." But to answer the question i havent preached to many people and i dont think any i have preached to have actually been saved.
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Postby agasfas » Fri Aug 05, 2005 11:01 am

Wow, talk about grave digging...

Anyways, preaching isn't my style, it seems like a more forceful way to getting a point across. Well outside of service that is.

Personally talking about it is the best way for me. If someone has a question or ask for my opinion I give it. I Know I could do more to get the word out, I just need to find a none forceful way of doing it. I don't want to be one of those people on a street corner chasing people down and handing out pamphlets. That's the most invasive and worst way to turn people to christ. That'll turn more people off then anything eles, no matter how sincere you are.

Like RadicalFaith said, being a representation of christ is probably a better way to go about it.
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Postby Warrior 4 Jesus » Fri Aug 05, 2005 6:06 pm

You can't just walk up to people on the street and tell them about Jesus and expect results. People on the whole are too cynical today. As Christian's we are instruments of God and He uses us to plant seeds of faith in people's hearts. Other people may come along during the person's life and tell them more and the person can either accept or reject God's Word. Faith is a life long journey. Telling friends, work colleagues about Jesus is great but you have to do it in such a way that you are honest about it. When your talking about personal experiences with Jesus always bring attention back to what it says in God's Word.

I feel the most effective way you can witness to someone is by showing them Christ's love by helping them and showing unconditional love. Get to know the person better and then pray that the Holy Spirit will provide an oppurtunity to speak through you. That's my thought on it anyway.

If the person becomes a Christian they need lots of support and encouragement and a group of loving Christian's to help them in their walk. One's faith is personal and the journey is also personal - between the individual and Jesus. That's why I don't feel those youth rally events are very effective, where people who want to believe come to the front because it really is so impersonal that way and new Christian's especially need some one to walk beside them. Though some can become Christians in a youth rally, it is not enough to have only that, because at the Bible says,

We have much to say about this, but it is hard to explain because you are slow to learn. In fact, though by this time you ought to be teachers, you need someone to teach you the elementary truths of God's word all over again. You need milk, not solid food! Anyone who lives on milk, being still an infant, is not acquainted with the teaching about righteousness. But solid food is for the mature, who by constant use have trained themselves to distinguish good from evil. Hebrews 5: 11-14.

How? By going to church, fellowshipping and studying the Bible and building a close relationship with Jesus.
(big thanks to sister in Christ 'faithfighter' for her rewording of the above sentence and finding an appropriate Bible verse)

Sorry for my long spiel. I'm a youth leader and as such am passionate about this.
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Postby Michael » Fri Aug 05, 2005 8:21 pm

Whoa, can you say Grave Dug? But that's OK; threads are like wine, they get better with age. Or all corky and bad smelling.

I agree with Lorentz, only God can preach, and he uses people as tools. Preaching to unbelievers is important, but it's not the only thing that's important in the Christian life. Never lose site of the Covenant, pass it to your children, and tell them to pass it to theirs.

A missionary from Thailand was at our church recently, and he said that the Thai that were converted were more impressed with his home and family then with his preaching. They saw a good Christian home, with children being raised in the faith. That has to be a strong witness.

It's pernicious to say that you can only preach lightly and never condemn. I know family's that would never allow a homosexual into their home, ever, and that in itself is a better witness of Christ then actually having them into their home; they place God's holiness in their house above the personal feelings of someone. How many times know a days do you hear preachers condemning sin, in and out of the church? Not much if you hang around Billy Graham. But that has its place just like forgiveness does. How can you truly know forgiveness without a glimpse at what punishment you are escaping? How can you truly appreciate the New Testament without the Old? (Think about it for a while and you'll see what I'm saying about the OT and the NT.)

There's a fine line that has to be walked; on the one hand, you must love your enemies, but on the other God hates sinners with a passion. That's right, God hates sinners--not just the sin, but the sinners--with a pure and perfect wrath you and I will never understand in this life. He saved you, but didn't you know He would've been right to burn you for all eternity? Doesn't that make you feel even happier for your salvation? The Seed of the Serpent and the Seed of the Women is what it all boils down to.

Wooh, my long post for the day.
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