GAINAX wrote:After watching Gunbuster, the reason I dislike these types of anime (Bleach, Naruto, Inu Yasha) has been cemented in my mind.
The reason is because these shows can't do in 100, 200, 360 episodes what a complex show can do in 6.
Why fool ourselves into thinking that these animes will be anything but grindstones for future seasons?
what will make season 8 any different then season 7?
While not bad in itself, this stagnation leads many viewers to stick with a single series and never branch out into other great series. I always hate it when I talk to an anime fan, and all they've ever seen is Bleach or Natruro. Instead of 360 episodes of Bleach you could have seen over a hundred 6 or 12 episode series, and have had a much more comprehensive anime viewing experience.
Pretty much the best thing you can do for yourself is break away from these types of anime, they'll only have more and more plot twists that require another season of viewing.
You'll never think back and say "holy crap episode 123-129 of bleach was unforgetable"
but watch episode 1-6 of Gunbuster and you'll never forget it.
RD wrote: I tend to gravitate toward shorter series because they're cheaper to own, but I've enjoyed some long series, as well. Bleach, InuYasha and Naruto aren't necessarily good examples of what can be done with a longer series. Monster is a good example of how a long series can be used to tell a story that simply needs that much time to be told, and not waste time on filler episodes. The same goes for series like 20th Century Boys and Rurouni Kenshin, 22 and 28 (manga) volumes long (respectively). Sometimes, the story stretches across an expanse that just needs a lot of time to be told.
GAINAX wrote:I used to watch Inu-Yasha and Bleach, I really enjoyed them, but it wasn't until I started branching out into shorter series that I found some of my absolute favorite series.
Everyone is entitled to my opinion!
Radical Dreamer (post: 1376628) wrote:Then again, the only series I've seen that you mentioned is InuYasha (shhhhhhhh, I was young and impressionable). XD I've not seen any of Bleach or Naruto, so I can't comment on the quality of story there. Either way, I don't think it's the length of an anime that qualifies it for being worthy to watch or not. It's what the writers and directors do with that length that turns it into a great story.
" wrote:RustyClaymore 11:27 - Ah yes, Socks is the single raindrop responsible for the flood. XD
MightiMidget (post: 1376844) wrote:(newbie here, for a plural is it still anime? or animes? animes does not sound right)
MightiMidget (post: 1376844) wrote:For the most part it does seem like short anime are stronger. (newbie here, for a plural is it still anime? or animes? animes does not sound right)
GAINAX wrote:You'll never think back and say "holy crap episode 123-129 of bleach was unforgetable", but watch episode 1-6 of Gunbuster and you'll never forget it.
ST. Attidude (post: 1376645) wrote:I honestly thought that the first FMA was too long (around 50 episodes)
Original series: 51 episodesST. Attidude (post: 1376645) wrote:FMA: Brotherhood on the other hand, also had episodes like the first one, that were not necessarily part of the original manga and yet it feels nearly perfected. The ep. count is just right! * V *
Because 50 episodes is a tremendous drop in length from 51.blkmage (post: 1376892) wrote:I wouldn't say Brotherhood is definitely set to be over 50 episodes quite yet. My current theory is that it'll end at 50 and we'll see a theatrical movie or two to finish it off, since the manga end is coming up and that seems to be the popular thing to do nowadays.
That Dude (post: 1376942) wrote:I personally like the shorter anime, but I'll go for the long ones, if they work well that way like Monster. But yeah I generally stay more on the 26 or less episode side.
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