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Postby rocklobster » Tue May 04, 2010 3:55 pm

Gary hated to see women in distress, even if he was mistreated by them. He ran interference and took out a sword.
"The cavalry has arrived." he said.
OOC: Gary loves to put Honor before Reason.
"Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, and before you were born I consecrated you. I appointed you to be a prophet of all nations."
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Postby AnimeFoxGirl » Tue May 04, 2010 5:12 pm

Sasaria Kaspersky, a wealthy duchess' daughter with long wavy light ash blonde hair who always wore a brilliantly bright blue petticoat dress every day of the week, walked into the tavern and saw some pirates ganging up on an, oddly enough, female Navy captain. A man appeared to have walked in front of her in a defensive stance against the pirates. Sasaria was so shocked at the scene that she couldn't move and was rendered speechless.
[color="Blue"]Now, O Israel, the Lord who created you says: "Do not be afraid, for I have ransomed you. I have called you by name; you are mine." (Isaiah 43:1)[/color]
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Postby SeraphicCharm » Tue May 04, 2010 6:14 pm

This isn't the first time something like this has happened, but I will say this is the worst. Unleashing her true resolve of steel, Eliza pulled out two pistols from beneath the bar counter. Most of the time she only needed to fire a shot into the ceiling to quiet the riots and brawls. This time was different. "That's quite enough of that!" she yelled above the noise, standing on a stool behind the bar. "The first of you to make an advance on her gets a round in the head!" She had no worries of running out of ammunition. Behind the counter, she had probably a dozen more pistols and a hunting rifle, all from customers who had left them behind in a drunken stupor, and plenty enough powder and rounds for each of them.
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Postby Strafe » Tue May 04, 2010 8:11 pm

OOC: You can control NPCs, btw. Well, I guess when you control them, they aren't NPCs, but you get the point. NPCs are the background characters that don't have a name but are sort of like normal people.

-James and Bridget-

He had found the locksmith, and made his way into the tavern. In the distance he could hear the clatter of drinks, the shouts of many angry men. He quickened his pace. The locksmith followed. He was worried that perhaps the Captain had taken it upon herself to reeducate somebody in gender roles. Usually, Captain Bridget Succeeded, but sometimes things had gotten a bit...

The scream of Captain Bridget broke through his thoughts.

He rushed ahead with all speed as the world became silent, then loud again. As he sprang into the tavern, he first saw the barmaid threatening for order with two loaded guns at the crowd.

A pirate had a pistol pointed right at her.

Without thinking, he tackled the man, sending both of them crashing to the floor. But he was too late. The pirate had already emptied his pistol, and...


OOC: Okay, this is where I'm going to have to take a few liberties with your character if you'll accomodate me. You could also not take any of these as valid. so two options, Eliza gets wounded, or doesn't. Or neither if you really don't want me controlling Eliza. Your choice. sort of a CYOA type thing.



Eliza clutched painfully at her shoulder, dropping her pistols, and staggering off of the stool. Time slowed to a crawl as Eliza began her descent. James found himself behind the bar, beneath her to catch her in a split second. She fell into his powerful arms, and he laid her down.

"Wait here."



The bullet just grazed the sleeve of her dress, but she staggered off of the stool in surprise. James caught her and laid her down on the ground.


He got up, and found the crowd in a frenzy. Bridget began hacking away madly into the crowd, and he took a bar stool, slamming the pirates to clear them out with his massive strength. Several pirates fell dead, some unconscious. Shots were fired, but either buried themselves harmlessly into the ground or missed, wounding or killing a pirate. James was able to pull Bridget out of the frenzy unnoticed, and left the pirates fighting amongst themselves. He placed his own coat on her shoulders, but she didn't resist, merely sulking quietly at her defeat. It would probably take some alcohol to bring her back to normal.

James looked into the crowd, and around where the bodies laid. Among the numerous bodies, the locksmith stared back at him, cold and dead. It didn't bother him personally, as he was never close with the other crew members, but Eliza had no chance of opening the safe now. He went to her.

"You cannot stay. Come with us. Locksmith died. We can't open safe. Quick, we must go." He placed his hands on her shoulders urgently. Soon, the pirates would notice them. Eliza had to make a choice quickly. Perhaps it was a decision much too large to be made so swiftly, but there was no time.

OOC: Terribly written, but its so late...
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Postby AnimeFoxGirl » Tue May 04, 2010 10:02 pm

Sasaria just watched the chaotic battle unfold before her very eyes and then scrambled out. She ran all the way back to her large manor and walked hurriedly inside, breathing heavily, her face pale with fear. One of her housemaids saw her and walked over to her. "Are you alright Mistress Sasaria? You look like you've seen a ghost." she asked with concern. Sasaria looked at her and regained composure. "Yes, I'm fine Megan." she said solemnly and walked up to her room, closing the door behind her.
[color="Blue"]Now, O Israel, the Lord who created you says: "Do not be afraid, for I have ransomed you. I have called you by name; you are mine." (Isaiah 43:1)[/color]
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Postby Strafe » Tue May 04, 2010 11:17 pm

OOC: Organizational GM update type thingy post.

Hey, you know, it might be a good idea to start an RP by interacting with someone so that you can get into it. ACGifford and Twila are ok, I guess, but there's nothing going on in England at the moment. Davidizer might find himself lonely before anybody shows up at Charleston, but it won't be that long. AnimeFoxGirl sort of just fled from everybody, and lives in a mansion on an island off of Central America? Strange.

Ok, location wise, AC and Twila are off the coast of England. Me, Seraphic Charm, Rocklobster, AnimeFoxGirl, and Wind are on the Island. And Davidizer is already in Charleston.

All of that in check, back to business then. Feel free to reset if you haven't already started talking/ doing anything. It'll decrease the chances of you dropping out from boredom. :P
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Postby rocklobster » Wed May 05, 2010 3:05 pm

"Looks like you might need another hand." said Gary to James and Bridget. "Mind if I come along?"
"Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, and before you were born I consecrated you. I appointed you to be a prophet of all nations."
--Jeremiah 1:5
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Postby SeraphicCharm » Wed May 05, 2010 6:54 pm

OOC: Great ideas, Strafe! I'll improvise a little on the second option and tie it in.

IC: One of the pirates had a pistol pointed right at Eliza, holding her duel pistols at the unsettled crowd. She saw James leap towards the man, but the shot was already fired. Before she knew what had happened, she felt a sharp pain searing her left forearm, the bright red blood staining the sleeve of her dress. She dropped the pistol in her left hand and stumbled down from the bar stool, crumpling to the floor. She was still holding the pistol in her right hand when James came over by her, urging her to go and leave her money behind. "No," she finally whispered, "Not yet." She aimed the pistol right at the lock on the safe behind the counter and pulled the trigger. The round shot straight into the small keyhole, breaking the lock into a million pieces. The safe flew open, the copper and silver and gold coins cascading down into the leather pouch Eliza held beneath it. After gathering all her money, she stood up, tied the pouch to her belt, and addressed the others, cradling her wounded arm. "Now I'm ready to go," she told them, her eyes now full of the fire of life.
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Postby Phantom_Sorano » Wed May 05, 2010 9:29 pm

" dear fellow....quiet aren't we today?"

The deranged man stood at the stern of his ship, gently petting and cooing to the stuffed bird that had been dead a good five years, perched forever upon his shoulder. The morning fog was just clearing the black waters; the sun had not yet made her appearance and the sky still glimmered in twilight dream and the peaceful moon as she said her goodbyes.
Captain Lark felt the gentle swaying of the boat beneath him; it was smooth and peaceful. Today was going to be a good day to break sail. Already a steady breeze had came to greet him. The tattered sails of the Uke-Moshi slowly made there way defiantely up the mast. The ship began to pick up speed. Its captain turned its wheel with the ease of one hand, a bottle held in his mouth with the other. He could already spot in the distance the spot that was an island for trade. Good spirits, both human and liquid could be found there. He smiled to himself and continued on.
Jeremiah 29:11-"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord,"plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."
"All the world's a stage and all the men and women merely players; they have their entrances and their exits and one man in his time plays many parts."-Will Shakespeare
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Postby Strafe » Thu May 06, 2010 12:53 pm

-Bridget and James-

Scrounging up her persona once again, Bridget shouted over the noise of the brawl. "You can do whatever you very well please. I couldn't care less. But I don't need your help if you tag along," she snapped at Gary. "Ever. You hear me?"

Just then the Barmaid fired a shot at the lock and snatched up the coins. James nodded. "That work too. Let's go. Hurry"

The brawling pirates had heard the shot, and scrambled over to the bar counter. More shots were fired. Bridget stepped back calmly at an ill-fired bullet, slashed the gunman's throat with her rapier, and darted out of the Tavern. James grasped Eliza's hand with his own, yanked a bottle of Brandy from under the counter with his other, and kicked a pirate down, following Captain Bridget. He caught up to her as they ran.

It seemed as if they had been running from angry mobs for as long as she was captain. Old Captain Bart, or navigator Bart now, must have been out have his mind when he let Bridget succeed him.

Bridget, without looking at him, unjustly reprimanded James. "You were late, Lieutenant Jackson."

She was obviously mad, if she called him Lieutenant Jackson. Firstly, they were still both technically warrant officers, as neither of them had been ordained by the government, and second, she always called him James either way. He sighed. "Sorry. But I brought this." He held up the bottle of brandy in mid-stride.

Bridget glanced over and smirked. "Fine then, your punishment has been reduced from 40 lashes to no food. Wonderful job, Lieutenant Jackson."

James rolled his eyes. Bridget would probably forget about the punishment when she got ahold of the brandy anyways.

The barmaid and another man ran with them. He turned to the girl. "I never ask, but what is your name? I tell you mine already."

OOC: Jonathan and Song need to show up sometime...
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Postby Rambo » Thu May 06, 2010 1:04 pm

Between Ireland and Engleand the Blue Storm Sails.

Jaden was making sure all was well on the Blue Storm, when capt Rainz came up.

"Lad seems like this new ship will do well?"

Jaden looked to his capt to whom is like a father to him being 52 was well of age to be done with sailing. "Sir i believe you did well in buying this ship sir." he looked around at the men working on the lines and cleaning the deck. " Seems to me the men love her too."

one of the gunman who was working on the cannon and heard jadens remark to Raimz looked up "ya we do!"

"Hmmm......Jaden meet me in my cabin as soon as you can." Capt smiled and then walked away.

Jaden looked to the gunman "whats your name?"

"Waylynn, Sir." he said with a nod

"well Waylynn your doing good and yet try not to interupt authority next time." Jaden smiled trying to be friendly. He turned then walked towards the capt Quarters.

Raimz was sitting at his desk looking at a map "you know i am getting to old for this right and i have been married but as you know never with child." Raimz kinda teard up at that.

Jaden knew his Capt was hurt for his late wife Naomi had passed durring birth killing th echild also. "yes I knew and yet why you bring this up?"

"When we get to the South Carolina I plan on turning this boat over to you." He said looking up now knowing Jaden would be shocked.

"Me?" jaden said with a crack

"Yes and you will do fine i know." He looked back at the map "But until then i am still capt and in charge so lets be on our way lad."

Jaden nodded and turned with a grin and walked to the door then turned "Thank you." raimz never looked up but nodded not taking his eyes of the map. Jaden then turned to the door and exited to the deck.
The Lord my God Rarely works the same way twice but the out come is always the same.[/SIZE]
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Postby Wind » Thu May 06, 2010 4:07 pm

OOC: could someone reply to my first post please
F.K.A. JadeFox, HisuiKitsune
Quote= MrRogers 03:32 - politics have nothing to do with good pizza

chatbot 02:56 - Wind asks, did I kill the chat
My answer: Yes

chatbot 01:55 - Wind asks, is diamonddragon shatterproof??
My answer: Yes

Wind 01:55 - O.O

Wind 01:55 - noooooooo

chatbot 01:55 - Wind asks, Am I shatterproof?
My answer: No

DiamondDragon 01:57 - YAYS, I'M SHATTERPROOF!!!!!!!!

Sparx00 02:55 - Mean loaf is the loaf of the gods

Strafe 01:09 - I'm a hotcake
Strafe 01:10 - I am a very hot cake

rocklobster 01:17 - "What's the point of being an adult if you can't be childish sometimes?"

Strafe 02:38 - ~EWWW BOYS ARE NASTYYYY!~
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Postby Strafe » Thu May 06, 2010 6:59 pm

OOC: Uh everybody sort of did. Just not directly. You caused all the commotion, the argument, and the brawl. Unfortunately, everyone had to flee because of it. So you could react to that I guess.
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Postby SeraphicCharm » Fri May 07, 2010 9:39 am

Eliza was panting a little, but pure adrenaline coursed through her veins. She was a little ways behind James, the other man from the bar, and the female captain. As they ran, she answered James, "Oh, my name is Eliza, Eliza Saberre. Now, where exactly is it that we're headed?" Forty lashes? No food? Geez, this lady means business...I guess I should behave myself.
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Postby Twila27 » Fri May 07, 2010 10:12 am

(OOC: Gonna back outta this one, my apologies.)
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Postby acgifford » Fri May 07, 2010 10:16 am

OOC: I'm backing out as well. Sorry. I may join later with a different character if I wish.
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Postby Wind » Fri May 07, 2010 12:35 pm

OOC: LOL sorry I didn't mean to start a brawl ROFl
Raven and Rianna looked around at the commotion, They joined in the brawl purely for the entertainment of it and Raven said to Rianna " This is fun... But getting us nowhere..." She cracked one of the random brawlers on the head with her sword. Rianna looked at her captain and said " So what do you want to do then, My lady?" She smiled and said " I may be a pirate but I am still a lady as well..." She sat down at the bar and waited for someone to start making conversation. She just laughed when one of the brawlers hit the bar beside her stool. She may have been a woman but she decided that she couldn't have been weak even if she wanted to.

OOC: could someone come over and talk to her please
F.K.A. JadeFox, HisuiKitsune
Quote= MrRogers 03:32 - politics have nothing to do with good pizza

chatbot 02:56 - Wind asks, did I kill the chat
My answer: Yes

chatbot 01:55 - Wind asks, is diamonddragon shatterproof??
My answer: Yes

Wind 01:55 - O.O

Wind 01:55 - noooooooo

chatbot 01:55 - Wind asks, Am I shatterproof?
My answer: No

DiamondDragon 01:57 - YAYS, I'M SHATTERPROOF!!!!!!!!

Sparx00 02:55 - Mean loaf is the loaf of the gods

Strafe 01:09 - I'm a hotcake
Strafe 01:10 - I am a very hot cake

rocklobster 01:17 - "What's the point of being an adult if you can't be childish sometimes?"

Strafe 02:38 - ~EWWW BOYS ARE NASTYYYY!~
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Postby rocklobster » Fri May 07, 2010 2:26 pm

Gary walked back into the bar and saw Raven. "Hello there, lovely. My name is Gary."
"Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, and before you were born I consecrated you. I appointed you to be a prophet of all nations."
--Jeremiah 1:5
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Postby Strafe » Sat May 08, 2010 6:43 am

OOC: Jeez. Fine guys. Just leave like that... Well you're welcome back any time. Well super long post, because Jonathan and Song are showing up.

-Bridget and James-

Bridget looked back at the girl and rolled her eyes. "Well as you can see, we're heading in the direction that won't find us lynched by a mob of angry pirates." She noticed that Eliza started appearing weary, and slowed down her pace slightly to accommodate her. Perhaps she was not fit to be in the navy if she showed signs of weakness as this. "You, realize, Ms. Saberre, just exactly what it is you're doing, don't you?" She slowed down to a walking pace now, then stopped right in front of Eliza, staring the new recruit down fiercely, speaking in a low, dangerous voice.

"You are enlisting into a Royal Navy Ship. While you may have escaped whatever you have just escaped from, you may find yourself in a greater suffering than you have ever known. Out of the frying pan, into the fire. Am I clear?" She circled around the girl, speaking to her from behind. "To be in the British Royal Navy, you must be strong, courageous, and willing to die. I will not accept any weak recruits onto my ship. Si vis pacem, para bellum. If you desire peace, prepare for war. That is our motto. And so you must never give into weakness. It will kill us all. If you ever falter, the entire crew can be killed because of you. Again, you must be willing to die. If you join us, your life is no longer your own." She leaned in close, speaking right into her ear as coldly and piercingly as a dagger of ice. "It is mine."

She returned back to face her. "Now, Ms. Eliza Saberre, shall I count you as part of my crew?"

James looked at Eliza with worry, wondering what she would do.

-Jonathan and Song-

Jonathan yawned as they floated lazily at sea. A small trade wind was carrying them somewhere. Song probably knew exactly where it was, in terms of distance, altitude, longitude, rate of distance times time multiplied by the pentasquarical root of e equals mw triangled. He shrugged. Whatever. Sometimes that girl was just too smart for her own good.

Song sat on the other side of the deck, a whopping 10 feet away, polishing her jian, or whatever she called it. It looked like any old sword to Jonathan, with a sharp pointy edge that wasn't very nice to whoever found himself being killed by it. Funny things weapons were, he thought as he cradled his own shotgun. Whimsically, his gaze drifted from the gleaming blade to the person polishing it.

He noticed Song would occasionally look out to sea wistfully, as the sea breeze gently blew her silky raven hair this way and that, carrying the exotic scent of Song's perfume to flirt with his nose. It was an intriguing scent, perhaps filled with memories that were lost to Song forever. An air of sorrow seemed to surround the mysterious girl. Jonathan thought she was lovely in that moment.

Then the moment passed as Song glared at him angrily. Jonathan sighed. She was still mad, he guessed. He chuckled, and remembered what had happened at the last harbor. He had attempted to court a married woman, and had incurred the wrath of her unusually large, unusually strong husband, and his gang of unusually large, unusually strong fighting men. They barely got out of there alive, and Jonathan had scars to prove it. But how was he supposed to know the woman was married? Forget about the rings. She just looked so ravishing by the moonlight, where age seemed but to stop in wonderment of past loves, and future glories. Unfortunately for Jonathan, that meant present affairs as well.

Nevertheless, they were still alive now, so he figured that Song was just being Song, or acutely annoyed with his terribly dashing sense of humor. He flashed a wink and grin out to sea, where perhaps some girl would swoon uncontrollably and not know why. Then he turned to Song.

"Hey, first mate." Jonathan called out across the small deck.

Song ignored him.

"Hey... song."

Song lifted up her sword to inspect it, paying him no mind.

Jonathan rolled his eyes, and took a deep breath, cupping his hands over his mouth. "Heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeyyyyyy Sooooooooooooonnnnnn---"

Song, in one quick split second motion, she dashed across the deck, and held her razor sharp blade to Jonathan's neck. "What." She stated her question without pose.

Jonathan was struck speechless for a few seconds. Song's prowess with the sword was incredible. Incredibly scary. "Um... sorry about earlier..."

Song sheathed her sword, and returned back to her side of the deck without a word, this time polishing one of the daggers in her sleeve. Jonathan readjusted his top hat, and sulked. Just then, a ship appeared in the horizon.

Jonathan took out a spy glass. "The ook mah shee? What kind of name is that?"

Song stepped over to him curtly, and snatched the spy glass. "The uke-moshi. Its japanese."

Jonathan chuckled. "Hah. Its right up your alley then."

Song glared at him again, and he was silent. They continued to drift closer to the impeccably slow ship. Impeccably slow, if the Sylvienne could even drift closer to it.

When they were within ear shot, Jonathan stood up, and pulled out a loud-speaky-majig, one of his inventions. It was a piece of metal wrapped into a cone, and it made his voice really loud. He could tell that it was Song's favorite invention of his.

"Hello there, the ship ook mah shee! Yes. We would like to cordially give notice that we are going to board you, kill you, and take all of your treasure. I hope that it is no problem to you. Thank you for accommodating us!"

He waited to see what would happen. It was very gentlemanly to state your intentions, right?

OOC: Okay Soran, that's you.
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Postby SeraphicCharm » Sat May 08, 2010 9:59 am

Eliza did not find it difficult to address the captain with equal chill. "I've been waiting to die all my life. I might as well live for something while I can." She knew this captain was not to be trifled with, and in turn not one to waste her kindnesses on. "For me, there is no going back, I have no life here, and for once I am given the choice of what I wish to do with my life. To that choice, I freely choose to say yes, I am enlisting. But I promise you, I will be the best recruit, sailor, anything, you've ever had." And Eliza meant it, too; whatever it took to be the best, to be accepted, she would do it and so much more.
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Postby Strafe » Sat May 08, 2010 2:26 pm

-Bridget and James-

Bridget smirked, looking haughtily at the new recruit. "Very well then. You have been warned. You hear that, Lieutenant Jackson? You had best watch your place on the ship. You may be replaced by this girl." She turned and walked briskly towards the docks. "Come along, then."

James looked dubiously at Bridget, then at Eliza, and followed Bridget's quick pace. Strangely enough, none of the pirates from the bar seemed to be following them. Perhaps they were too busy killing each other to want to kill them. Funny thing pirates were.

They reached the ship eventually, in silence. Bridget was still rather moody, James never talked much, and Eliza seemed to be burning with resolve too much to want to engage in small talk.

Stepping aboard the ship, Bridget turned to Eliza, snidely. "Welcome aboard the HMS Surprise. I hope our luxurious accommodations are to your liking, Ms. Saberre. Feel free to take a look around, or do whatever your fickle heart pleases." She rolled her eyes, then went over to the man at the wheel, telling him to depart. The entire crew had already returned to ship. "Cast of all lines, and set sail!"

With that, they departed from the quaint little port town, headed to Charleston for some unfinished business.
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Postby Phantom_Sorano » Mon May 10, 2010 9:00 am

At last the harbor was in sight. Captain Lark pulled his weatherbeaten vessel up and after anchoring it to shore, went to rediscover his landlegs...for a awhile he headed directly to the tavern. Upon his way, he happened to notice a familiar silohette. The man stood tall with his honors on. With him was a most beautiful lass; James grinned at the sight and went up to the man, giving him a large whap on the shoulder.

"Gary, you ol' seadog and playboy you! My how the winds have faired ya? And who is this angel with ye?"
Jeremiah 29:11-"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord,"plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."
"All the world's a stage and all the men and women merely players; they have their entrances and their exits and one man in his time plays many parts."-Will Shakespeare
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Postby Strafe » Mon May 10, 2010 12:01 pm

OOC: hold up, Soran. I know it was a long post, but Jonathan tried talking to you... Unless you ignored him on purpose which is cool too.

And Seraphic Charm, feel free to start up conversation with either anyone or the NPCs. There are alot of soldiers on the ship.


As the harbor drifted further from their sight, Bridget headed below deck to her chambers to talk with the navigator, leaving the two of them alone.

James looked to Eliza. However much she hated it, she had spent a very long time on the island, and it was her "home" of sorts. And though she was strong, life at sea was not an easy thing. He wondered what she was thinking at that moment. It was rather confusing, to develop a sort of bond with whatever held you captive. (OOC: This would be known as Stockholm Syndrome many years in the future.) Captain Hollingsworth was brash, but not false. The sea was a dangerous place. Perhaps it was not safe to bring her along. His idea had been to set her free and have her board a merchant ship. Not a Warship. But as things were, he had no choice but to accept them. Captain had caused this mess, but he could do nothing about it.

He stepped beside her, looking out to sea. "Don't mind Captain. She cause problems, but she good person inside."
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Postby Wind » Mon May 10, 2010 2:38 pm

rocklobster (post: 1392758) wrote:Gary walked back into the bar and saw Raven. "Hello there, lovely. My name is Gary."

Raven and Rianna looked up at Gary at the same time and said " Hello..." Rianna said " Are you referring to me or my captian?" Raven gave her a stern look at her flirtatious comment not knowing who this man was. She wasn't the captian of the black pearl for being stupid when it came to strangers.
F.K.A. JadeFox, HisuiKitsune
Quote= MrRogers 03:32 - politics have nothing to do with good pizza

chatbot 02:56 - Wind asks, did I kill the chat
My answer: Yes

chatbot 01:55 - Wind asks, is diamonddragon shatterproof??
My answer: Yes

Wind 01:55 - O.O

Wind 01:55 - noooooooo

chatbot 01:55 - Wind asks, Am I shatterproof?
My answer: No

DiamondDragon 01:57 - YAYS, I'M SHATTERPROOF!!!!!!!!

Sparx00 02:55 - Mean loaf is the loaf of the gods

Strafe 01:09 - I'm a hotcake
Strafe 01:10 - I am a very hot cake

rocklobster 01:17 - "What's the point of being an adult if you can't be childish sometimes?"

Strafe 02:38 - ~EWWW BOYS ARE NASTYYYY!~
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Postby rocklobster » Mon May 10, 2010 3:50 pm

"Either one. I'm a freelancer myself. I lost my ship when I got framed. If you need a deckhand, I'm available." said Gary.
"Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, and before you were born I consecrated you. I appointed you to be a prophet of all nations."
--Jeremiah 1:5
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I'm also on Amino as Radical Edward, and on Reddit as Rocklobster as well.

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Postby Rambo » Tue May 11, 2010 4:40 pm

After spending the rest of the day with the quater master Leon, jaden went down below deck were he knew most of the crew would be ejoying dinner or whatever old Joey would make.

He saw Jaine the only female on board and everyone knowing he liked her would always leave room for him beside her. But to his surprise Waylynn the new gunner was in his spot.

Stepping up behind the lad jaden laid a hand on his shoulder causeing him to to turn "I beleive thats my seat." he said nicely then more sternly "move now!"

He scared waylynn with the energy at the end causing him to jump "sorry" he responded quickly and moved just as quickly. he then looked to Jaine "i believe i have crow duty so i must be off." then to Jaden with a nod "Sir" turned and bounded up the stairs to the deck.

Jaden took his seat and Joey came to with some Kind of meat to which Jaden rather not know to what and his mug of fresh water. "Is it good?" he asked jaine with out turning to her.

"yeah its better here then it was on the old ship." she said with a grin. "you know he didnt know that, this your spot was right here." she said as she sat closer.

"i know and i apoligize." Jaden said as smashed his plate already." (he only eats twice a day if that.) drinking his water "i know you dont like it when i am jealouse but if anybody else was yours they'd do the same." he said now smiling at her. knowing he would kill and be killed for this woman. "i know God just put you in my life."

She smiled at that knowing how he had just been converted back at port before leaving."So you really going to belive that stuff?"

"Yes." Jaden said with a smile knowing he was right not really why he was but just did. and they tallked well into the night just like every night.
The Lord my God Rarely works the same way twice but the out come is always the same.[/SIZE]
C. S. Lewis is such a great writer. I have read his Screwtape Letters, his Great Divorce, and am no working on his Mere Christianity.
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Postby SeraphicCharm » Tue May 11, 2010 7:09 pm

Eliza gazed around her in wonder as she boarded the Navy ship. She had never left solid ground and was terrified of being sea sick; she really didn't want to be seen as a weakling. The sea was the most beautiful shade of blue she had ever seen, with sun rays dancing on the surface of the waves. Turning her attention to James, she answered, "Yes, the Captain seems to have a good heart. That's part of the reason I agreed to join you. At least I'm more safe here than I was...there." She looked back across the ocean, a symbol of the future that lay ahead of her. Might as well make myself useful quickly, she thought to herself after a few moments. First, to find the kitchen. One of the few things I ever learned to be skilled at in that old tavern was cooking, so I might as well make good use of it. She left the top deck and descended to the lower ones, looking for the galley. Finally on the very last level she found the kitchen. In it the head chef, or so he appeared, was sleeping on a pile of flour sacks in one corner while a pot of stew frothed over the edge and into the fire. She immediately sprang into action, lowering the strength of the fire and stirring the pot's contents. After the mixture had settled, she tasted a bit. Hmmm...this is really low quality for the Navy...this stew could use something more... She busied herself with searching the cabinets and collecting various seasonings and spices to throw into the brew.
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Postby AnimeFoxGirl » Tue May 11, 2010 9:09 pm

As Sasaria sat in her room, her intense discomfort and uneasiness she had before had been replaced with feelings of stupidity and humiliation. I acted like a coward, a fickle little coward. I just hope I haven't embarressed myself too much. she thought to herself. She walked out of her room and out of her mansion, acting calm and sophisticated. She walked over to town and looked around a bit, finally walking towards the tavern. She walked inside and saw the mess that was made from the fight. Sasaria scoffed haughtily. They couldn't take the time to clean this place up? Even my housekeepers are more prompt than this! she thought to herself.
[color="Blue"]Now, O Israel, the Lord who created you says: "Do not be afraid, for I have ransomed you. I have called you by name; you are mine." (Isaiah 43:1)[/color]
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Postby Phantom_Sorano » Tue May 18, 2010 9:40 am

OOC: Oops! Soory bout that, Strafe, old pal! I didnt see the last part! Disregard my former never happened!


The old captain looked up drowsily from his wheel towards where the sound had come from. His blodshot eyes focused on a oncoming ship; a sturdy vessel it was indeed. James rolled his eyes as well as almost rolling of his post. He raised his hand defiantly, shaking his empty bottle at the opposing ship.

"Hold yer dang horses!", he yelled when the ships got closer, " I have nothing fer you to take! You see, my fine fellow, this here ship's all she is. Uke-Moshi, you'll say her name right, is just a hollow vessel and nothin' more. The only thing on this here ship is me, Mercutio, and a few barrels o' gin. So you and yer lit'l girlfriend can buzz off! I ain't got the time for fancy lit'l tikes pretendin' to be pirates to come and bother me and meh vessel."

He hiccuped a few times before he finished his speech. The eyepatch he wore started to bother him, so he shifted it to his other eye and grabbed his looking glass, waiting to see what the other captain would do.
Jeremiah 29:11-"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord,"plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."
"All the world's a stage and all the men and women merely players; they have their entrances and their exits and one man in his time plays many parts."-Will Shakespeare
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Postby Strafe » Thu May 20, 2010 5:32 pm

OOC: Sorry guys. Weeks of APs, HSAs, regular tests, concerts, performances, Adjudications, projects, lessons, church, and school have been pretty busy lately. Not much chance to get on. I think I can do something again now now.

No Prob Phantom. Just wanted to say... hi to your character.

-Jonathan and Song-

"Hold yer dang horses! I have nothing fer you to take! You see, my fine fellow, this here ship's all she is. Uke-Moshi, you'll say her name right, is just a hollow vessel and nothin' more. The only thing on this here ship is me, Mercutio, and a few barrels o' gin. So you and yer lit'l girlfriend can buzz off! I ain't got the time for fancy lit'l tikes pretendin' to be pirates to come and bother me and meh vessel."

That's what he said. However, the waves were unusually loud, and the other Ship's captain didn't have a loud-speaky-majig (Copyright), So Jonathan heard this:

Older dame courses! I have cake for you to bake! Aussi, my swine yellow, mister chip's all she is. Ookay mo' shee, you slayer same night, is trustin whale o' pretzel and cuttin' ore. The lonely king on mister chip is we, her cue she blow, hand a few barrels o' gin. So woo and yer lit'l girlfriend campbell's off! I ate goat to rhyme for prancing wittle bikes offending toothy pie rates toucan and botany and my pretzel.

Jonathan blinked, dumbfounded at the man's soliloquy. He couldn't make sense of it. Perhaps the man was inviting them on ship to bake a cake. A chocolate chip cake, with very large Pretzels. And the cook named Ookay mo' Shee, presumably a foreign hired hand who was previously a miner, would hand a few barrels of gin to them. He liked that idea. But what really made him cautious was the part about the goats rhyming for bicycles that made antagonists of large toothed pie eating toucans and plants. He had no quarrel with Bicycles, and wanted no part in such a struggle.

He raised his loud-speaky-majig (Copyright) again, and called out over the waters. "We apologize sir. I believe you misheard us. We would just like to cordially inform you that we are going to board your ship, politely beat you senselessly until you are half dead, gracefully shoot you and your crew in the heads, and then respectfully take your goods. Thank you for the offer, but we are in no mood for cake. As for the barrels of gin, we will take that after we kill you, so you don't have to trouble yourself with handing that to us. We can help ourselves."

Song, who had heard Lark's entire speech clearly, decided not to intervene. She hesitated slightly at being called Jonathan's girlfriend, though not too much.


He followed Eliza to the kitchen, where he saw her stirring the stew. He woke up Jillian, the chef who slept on the sack of flower.

"Eh? Are we under attack?"

James pointed to Eliza.

"Hah! Ain't that a sight for sore eyes," said the chef. "Looks like somebody's messin' with my top secret formula. That ain't good. What are we going to eat then?" He got up and limped over to Eliza. "Look here missy. We got one chef, me, and nobody on the seven seas can cook better than me."

James looked to the side. Everybody on the ship knew that Jillian had no taste buds. It was actually James' job to cook for Captain Bridget, since every now and then, crew members would fall ill of the ill-cooked "nourishment."

Jillian pulled out a spoon and tasted the "soiled" stew. His face wrenched with disgust, and he threw down his spoon. "You... you Wench! You ruined it! Now what are we going to eat! You just wasted an entire pot!" He stormed off to complain to Bridget.

Curious, James took another spoon and tasted it himself. It was not the over burnt tasteless slop that Jillian had concocted, but actually held character. It seemed that the ship had found a new cook, and James was done cooking privately for Captain Bridget. "It is very good. I like." He smiled awkwardly. The first time he smiled at anyone in a while.
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