The Jester

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The Jester

Postby Kit_Icy_Cloud » Tue May 25, 2010 8:22 pm

I wrote this poem to show how I was feeling for a while about the chaos that going on around me. I know it's dark but just feel like this right now...

The Jester
Darkness linger
a pain that never settles
Anger seems to run never ending
chaotic, a darness, a painful darkness
Something little
acts like a trigger, brings the darkness back
Something beyond control
no more little voice
something has to change
so tired now
Is this all?
What happened to a new life?
What has changed now?
That never ending darkness...
Just empty
No new beginnings
That stupid smile
empty promises
A new face, a mask
but that same stupid smile

Like a jester...
The Jester...
The mom is dead...
Only mother is left
Whats now to leave?

My inner pain whears the mask of The Jester.
[color="Magenta"]"You know why big brothers are born first? To protect the little ones that come after them." - Ichigo (Bleach)

"Don't tell me he wants to conquer the world? Can't he come up with something more original?" - Lina Inverse (Slayers)

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