Despicable Me

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Despicable Me

Postby Hetharu » Thu Jun 24, 2010 3:37 pm

Okay. Dudes and chickadees~ Tell your old auntie Lyn; who cannot WAIT to see this movie!? >:Dc I've seen the commercials and
Not to mention I love Steve Carell. :O It just looks so hilarious. People, people~ You've got to see it~ I totally plan to (though maybe not on opening day).
Who else does? :O
What are you expecting from it? >:Oc I know I'm expecting a lot of good things~ <3
I love the little girl who goes nutsy over fluffy aminals. >m>
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Postby Atria35 » Thu Jun 24, 2010 4:36 pm

*raises hand* I have to say, the more recent ads for it look a lot different than the first ones to come out..... but that hasn't stopped me from being really excited!

I am expecting babysitting hijinks. I'm a little worried about it since it's by Universal and not Pixar, but since the director also worked on the first Ice Age movie (I'm trying to forget about the second and third ones ><"), I'm a little more reassured.
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Postby Seto_Sora » Thu Jun 24, 2010 5:38 pm

Atria35 (post: 1403585) wrote:I'm a little worried about it since it's by Universal and not Pixar

I totally agree! I love these family CGI films, to a point that it is probably one of my favorite film generas. But the trick is that very few are actually family friendly outside of Pixar. So I too am leery. But such pieces like "Meet The Robensons" or "Bolt" give me hope that there is always a chance. LOL But I have to agree, the previews leave this movie to looking awesome! :D I do plan on seeing it when I get the chance! :D


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Postby Atria35 » Thu Jun 24, 2010 5:54 pm

PatrickEklektos (post: 1403657) wrote: But the trick is that very few are actually family friendly outside of Pixar. So I too am leery.


I don't find that they aren't family-friendly so much as they aren't.... good!

I mean, aside from Dreamworks and Pixar, the ones that they come out with seem to range on the mediocre side of good (I really didn't like Bolt, I'm sorry to say!). And unfortunately, Universal comes out with most of the mediocre ones :shake:

But for this one, it seems like they might have hit on a winner- my fingers are crossed!!!
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Postby TGJesusfreak » Thu Jun 24, 2010 6:13 pm

It does look pretty darn funny XD I think I'll wait to rent it though :/
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Postby MomentOfInertia » Thu Jun 24, 2010 6:21 pm

I nearly posted this thread a few weeks ago.

I think it could be good but, I'll wait and see.
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Postby Tsukuyomi » Thu Jun 24, 2010 8:26 pm

"It's so fluffy I can die!"

I want to see this 8D It looks cute and funny ^__^
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Postby MomentOfInertia » Sun Jul 25, 2010 10:42 am

Alright it's out. Is it any good?
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Postby Radical Dreamer » Sun Jul 25, 2010 12:00 pm

I've not seen it yet, but I've heard nothing but good things so far! I was wary at first, since I actually thought the movie was by Dreamworks, and I have enjoyed almost nothing that's come out of that animation studio (I thought that the first Shrek movie was the only one really worth watching). This movie is by a new animation studio called "Illumination," though, and since I also adore Steve Carell, I'm hoping it'll live up to what I've heard about it!
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Postby Sheol777 » Sun Jul 25, 2010 12:13 pm

I saw it with my family, it was....

...suprisingly good! The previews are not even the best parts they could have used for clips.

Gru (according to my family) has a personality like me....I think I should be offended.

No joke is 'overused' if you know what I mean. The minions are comical, the plot I must say is typical, but amusing none the less. Overall it's just fun. Don't expect Pixar, but I don't think you will be disappointed either.
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Postby Cloud500 » Sun Jul 25, 2010 3:16 pm

I'm debating whether or not to see this. It's been given some pretty good reviews but it just seem like it's going to be very generic and cliched. I mean, from seeing the previews, you can already tell how it's going to end.
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Postby Atria35 » Sun Jul 25, 2010 4:27 pm

I've seen it- while it's above average and has some real innovation concerning the minions, the overall story was filled with a few too many cliches and rough storytelling for me to put it up there with Pixar or Dreamworks.
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