Who is your Confirmation saint, and why did you chose him/her

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Who is your Confirmation saint, and why did you chose him/her

Postby samuraidragon » Sat May 08, 2004 5:28 pm

Who is your Confirmation saint, and why did you chose him/her?
My confirmation saint (though i haven't been confirmed yet, the date's May 23) is Maximilian Kolbe, the main reason I chose him is because he was really the only saint I knew about, but once i started learning more about him I found he was a really cool person. I can kind of relate to him in the sense that he was a troublemaker untill he had a vision of Mary which inspired him to become a better person, where as I didn't have a vision, but trying to be closer to God and Jesus by following His laws, have made me a better person. Another thing about him I admired is that he died as a martyr, giving his life to save a stranger. If any body want's to hear (or rather read) how he died I'd be glad to tell (or type) it.

Vyse wrote:Belive it or not, I honestly have no problem with this staying open, I just want equality.
samuraidragon wrote:If this will help, I would like to expand the topic for everybody, if there's anybody that you admire (spiritually), tell who it is and why you admire they're works in christianity.

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Postby Ingemar » Sat May 08, 2004 5:35 pm

Keep in mind most of us are Protestants.
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Postby samuraidragon » Sat May 08, 2004 5:39 pm

Ingemar wrote:Keep in mind most of us are Protestants.

I realize that, this is for any Catholics out there

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Postby PotBelliedCow » Sat May 08, 2004 5:54 pm

I'm a Catholic! yay!

I've just finished the first year of a two year confirmation program and I decided my Saint a few days ago, though it's not final yet. My Confirmation Saint, after much thought, is St. John the Evangelist, since his feast day is on my birthday and he's the patron Saint of writers and doctors, two professions I hope to pursue when I'm older.

Yay Saint John!

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Postby Vyse » Sat May 08, 2004 6:44 pm

I don't need a saint to confirm I belive in Jesus, Jesus is the only mediator between God and man and I belive in Him as my Lord and Savior.
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Postby Destroyer2000 » Sat May 08, 2004 7:07 pm

Ingemar wrote:Keep in mind most of us are Protestants.

Most of us? I don't think so. If you mean the people that this topic applies to, then maybe, but I don't think most of the people at this site are Protestants. I know I'm not.
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Postby Vyse » Sat May 08, 2004 7:10 pm

Destroyer2000 wrote:Most of us? I don't think so. If you mean the people that this topic applies to, then maybe, but I don't think most of the people at this site are Protestants. I know I'm not.

Actually I think he's correct, I only know of very few Cathloics on this forum.
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Postby Destroyer2000 » Sat May 08, 2004 7:13 pm

What are Protestants, then? I thought they were a spin-off from the Catholic Church. Like a group that had a disagreement. Are Protestants anyone who isn't Catholic?
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Postby Vyse » Sat May 08, 2004 7:14 pm

Destroyer2000 wrote:What are Protestants, then? I thought they were a spin-off from the Catholic Church. Like a group that had a disagreement. Are Protestants anyone who isn't Catholic?

Yes, a Christian who isn't a Cathloic is a protestant(well either that or Orothodox I think).
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Postby Destroyer2000 » Sat May 08, 2004 7:19 pm

Ah. Thanks...I didn't know that. I'm Free Will Baptist, myself, so...I thought Protestants were another group of the Catholic Church that had left.
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Postby Vyse » Sat May 08, 2004 7:22 pm

Destroyer2000 wrote:Ah. Thanks...I didn't know that. I'm Free Will Baptist, myself, so...I thought Protestants were another group of the Catholic Church that had left.

Anytime! And actually, if you trace back the roots Baptist's, Luthern's, Methedost's, etc, they all orignally had some break with the Roman Cathloic Church weither directly or indirectly, I mean because at one point in Europe, there only was the Cathloic Church, I know there's Orthodox too, I just don't know too much about it.
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Postby shooraijin » Sat May 08, 2004 7:28 pm

Okay, let's get back on topic, then, shall we?
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Postby alf4office » Sat May 08, 2004 10:14 pm

My one and only saint is JC. While other stories may be inspiring, I'd much rather worship and hang out iwth my buddy Jesus.
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Postby Ashley » Sat May 08, 2004 10:51 pm

Catholics are allowed to have their threads too, guys. I'd ask that if you're a protestant (first off I don't know why you'd be posting here anyway) please keep your comments civil and appropriate, alright?
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Postby Saint Kevin » Sun May 09, 2004 1:25 am

Wow. I think some people in here need to calm down a bit. Whatever you might think of the RCC's practice of confirmation, and the corollary of choosing a saint to go along with it, I think that us Protestants can still glean something from this discussion.

BTW, if you do have issues with any manner of thing Catholics vs. Protestants, or any practices from any denomination you might disagree with, please, take it to the theologyweb forum, that's what the link is there for, because this is truly not the place for such debate.

Also, I see a subtle implication in some of the previous comments that might equate the practice of confirmation with an undue focus on the saints - a focus that should be reserved for Jesus himself. While that may occur in the Roman Catholic Church, I assure you that it occurs in other forms in various Protestant denominations as well in regards to the starpower sometimes ascribed to both living and dead pastors, teachers, and leaders. While some Catholics might focus too much on the saints or on church ritual, and too little on Jesus, I assure you that is not the case for all Catholics. Let us each respect one another's right to worship as we see fit, for it is before Jesus that we stand or fall, not by any man's standard, so let us love one another and encourage one another to worship Him with a clear conscience in whichever way we believe is most pleasing to Him. (Romans chapter 14 sheds some insight on this topic, and I won't go into detail here. Suffice it to say that it is worth reading.)

Romans 14:6 Who are you to judge another's servant? To his own master he stands or falls. Indeed, he will be made to stand, for God is able to make him stand. NKJV

Anyway, back on topic: Go ahead and post the story of Maximilian Kolbe, samuraidragon - I would very much like to hear his story. Any others that have a confirmation saint, or just a story of a saint that they feel is inspiring, feel free to post them. I love to be encouraged toward boldness and faith by hearing the stories of Christians that have lived before me.

Much love my brethren. Grace and peace to you all (especially those with the patience to read all of this).
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Postby Nia-chan » Sun May 09, 2004 5:27 am

I checked out a book about saints once, but I didn't get a chance to read all of it. There's a saint for just about anything.
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Postby Saint Kevin » Sun May 09, 2004 7:06 am

Yeah, I sorta know that already (cause both of my parents are Catholic, and they told me how it's part of their tradition to pray to certain saints for certain problems). I was thinking more along the lines of something out of Foxe's book of Martyrs, or something. Has anyone read that? I've heard of it but haven't been able to track it down yet.
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Postby Lochaber Axe » Sun May 09, 2004 7:16 am

I have Fox's Book of Martyrs in my library. Let me check for it... *runs off to next room*... *Runs back with book in hand* Copyright 1926... whew this is an old book, must be a new version though. Ah there it is, 1967. Yeesh, still older than me or most here.

Anyways, what do you want me to look up?

*Note: Going to church now, so I'll get back to you later.*
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Postby Vyse » Sun May 09, 2004 7:36 am

Ashley wrote:Catholics are allowed to have their threads too, guys. I'd ask that if you're a protestant (first off I don't know why you'd be posting here anyway) please keep your comments civil and appropriate, alright?

Ummm... then WHY is it that I had a thread asking how we're supposed to keep Sunday Sabboth locked if this kind of thread is allowed? No one was getting defended and ALL of the comments were very civil, in fact a MODERATOR had posted in it giving his point of view and it was just randomaly locked.

Are Cathloics allowed to have threads and Protestant's aren't?
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Postby Ashley » Sun May 09, 2004 8:23 am

Since you can't see the difference in these threads and feel the need to call me on this issue, I'll explain.

It's not that all religious questions/threads are banned from discussion--what kind of Christian community would THAT be? But there are three kinds of theological discussions:

1. The kind asked by new believers or those sincerely curious--usually non-believers. This type of discussion, if judged sincere and not just troll tactics, is usually welcomed with open arms because it is bringing light to a darkened place. And that's always a good thing.

2. The kind like this, which is aimed at a certain belief and that poses little or no theological debate over. This thread was aimed strictly at Catholics, and did not challenge any other doctrine. It was only when certain Protestants who felt the need to chide their Catholic fellow members came in did any real issues come up. I, for example, am not Catholic and I disagree with many things the Catholic church abides by, but I was not going to open my mouth against them because this thread was not directly challenging any of my beliefs.

3. The kind more like your thread, where a question is posed that could bring up massive debate. This is a little harder to judge--it's a fine line between being cautionary and being paranoid and we try very hard to walk it. These questions, while meant to bring about discussion on a topic, are dangerous because asking an online community a question about what they believe--such as Sabbath practices, baptism, etc.--is quite different from doing so in real life. In real life, there is an understood courtesy, and usually one denomination. Online, it's much easier to tear into someone who is just pixels without giving thought to their human mind behind it. Plus, with such a wide variety of denominations represented here, questions like that could (and do) bring up scriptual evidence supporting one doctrine, evidence on the other side supporting theirs, and before you know it people's feelings are hurt (how often do you like hearing your faith is wrong?) and members leave in bitterness and anger. That is not the sort of community I want.

I refuse to sacrifice membership for "rigorous discussion" of faiths. That kind of community only encourages cliquish behaviors and even sometimes persecution. Real Christian like, huh.

Nothing is randomly locked, Vyse. The staff has a difficult job as it is, but when theology is involved, it gets even worse. We have to trust our own instincts, guess at the possible consequences, and be able to act quickly when things go sour to keep minor skirmishes from resulting in all out wars. So while it may not always make sense to you--these categories, for example, are admittedly simplified and the lines get blurry--we are the ones ultimately accountable to God for it.

Do me a favor, if you're still reading this. Next time you have a disagreement with myself or anyone of my staff, take it to PM's. To call a staffer on the rug before the entire community is incredibly rude.
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Postby alf4office » Sun May 09, 2004 8:42 am

I read Vyse's thread, and it was a very sincere question. If anything, it fit into number 1. He's was asking honest advice from people who do know a lot about the bible, not trying to set someone up so he could show them how they should really spend their Sabbath. If it had developted into a massive flame war I can understand you locking it, but it was a sincere and pretty harmless thread.

I'd say this thread is a whole lot more controversial then a thread asking advice about The sabbath. This could easily be turned into a debate over whether or not Catholics are Christians, and whether Saints turn into idols when you start asking them for favors. I'm really no expert on either issue, but of the two, Vyse's was a whole lot less controversial.

I'm not tryin' to call you out on a rug, I'm just responding to posts made eariler in this thread.
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Postby Vyse » Sun May 09, 2004 8:45 am

Yes, of course, IF my thread had turned into a debate, I would have no gripe with it being locked, in fact, I might've ASKED for it to have been locked, but it didn't, it was totally civil, everyone was respectfully saying their opinion, there was no fighting or arguing, everything was totally and compleatly fine.
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Postby inkhana » Sun May 09, 2004 9:00 am

Guys, you'd better get this thread back on topic or Vyse is gonna get his wish and this thread will be closed...

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Postby Vyse » Sun May 09, 2004 9:01 am

inkhana wrote:Guys, you'd better get this thread back on topic or Vyse is gonna get his wish and this thread will be closed...

Belive it or not, I honestly have no problem with this staying open, I just want equality.
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Postby inkhana » Sun May 09, 2004 9:06 am

Well...let's leave it at this. This thread was politely aimed at Catholics. While you could say, "well, they're talking about Catholicism and I don't agree with that because I'm Protestant, so that's debate-worthy material", no one was actually discussing doctrine or aiming it at Protestants. That's kinda what Ashley was getting at a bit ago. If we just let it go at this and let the Catholic members get back to discussion, I think things will be peaceful...:)

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Postby Technomancer » Sun May 09, 2004 9:55 am

All other issues aside, I chose St. Francis of Assisi. It was so long ago, that I couldn't tell you all of my reasons, aside from the fact that I greatly admired him (and still do).

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Postby Twilly Spree » Sun May 09, 2004 10:31 am

I know I'm a girl....but I chose Saint Jude. Firstly it was becaue of the Beatles song (yeah really great huh) but then after reading more about him I found it was perfect. Jude is the saint of lost souls....totally fit me.

As for the debate....plenty over on tweb (I'm Twilly Spree over there) welcome to come chat with me about it over there.
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Postby samuraidragon » Sun May 09, 2004 4:23 pm

sorry I havent posted to much, I can't get on the internet very often. Man, this is kinda getting off subject, I originaly meant it as an sincere question but its turning into a debate on Catholicism vs. Protestant...uh...ism, if u don't have some thing to say on the subject of confirmation saints, please don't post as I hope we don't need a moderater, and I really don't want it to be locked.
To St. Kev i'll post Kolbe's story, but it will take a while to type since I can't be on the computer for to long at a time.

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Postby samuraidragon » Mon May 17, 2004 11:48 am

Vyse wrote:Belive it or not, I honestly have no problem with this staying open, I just want equality.

If this will help, I would like to expand the topic for everybody, if there's anybody that you admire (spiritually), tell who it is and why you admire they're works in christianity.

"My my, the cruelest lies are often told without a word; my my, the kindest truths are often spoken, never heard." Ben Folds, The Last Polka

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Postby EireWolf » Mon May 17, 2004 10:37 pm

I'm not Catholic, but if I were I'd probably choose St. Francis of Assisi also. I have a soft heart for animals, and I love nature.... and he happens to be the patron saint of animals and ecology, right? Then again, I haven't researched the saints much, and I'd probably do that before choosing a patron saint. ^_^
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