goldenspines wrote:Its only stealing if you don't get caught.
Peanut wrote:All you really need to know is that, no matter what you believe about hell, I don't think its really important to what you are dealing with here. Your attitude and approach to relating with God, on the other hand, is.
First and foremost, you don't deserve to go to heaven (no one does) but you are not a waste of a life. The two also shouldn't be connected, at all. Just because you don't deserve an eternal reward has nothing to do with the value of your life. I realize you probably know or have heard this before however it still needs to be said. In this case, making statements like "I'm a waste of a life" is not only contradictory to this belief but also an insult to something that God believes (though know is probably a better word) about you. If you can't hold that attitude then at the very least (to borrow and change a popular phrase from a popular anime series) don't believe in yourself but believe in Christ who believes in you.
I would also like to encourage you to try and get away from this attitude of fearing hell as your primary reason to follow God. There is nothing wrong with it in terms of being motivation for your own conversion however to actually grow as a believer you need to be able to fully accept God's grace and mercy and not assume that he's keeping a long list of everything you've done wrong.
I would highly recommend that you talk to a pastor about this and seek counseling. From what you've written here, this sounds like the type of thing that's going to require a heavy dose of hands on guidance and prayer that, frankly, no one on CAA can give you.
also, don't beat yourself up about have a crude sense of humor or being a bit of a pervert be cause i'm that way to and you wouldn't want to make me feel bad would you lol
TopazRaven (post: 1440815) wrote:I know very well that none of us deserve heaven, but I just feel as if it's more so in my case. I have very very low self-esteem. I'm sorry, I can't help it. It seems my only hope then will be to believe in Christ, which I have no problem doing in the least.
Luke 7: 36 , the Word of God wrote:And there was a woman in the city who was a sinner]
AndMatthew 9:10-13, The Word of God wrote:Now it happened, as Jesus sat at the table in the house, that behold, many tax collectors and sinners came and sat down with Him and His disciples. And when the Pharisees saw it, they said to His disciples, “]
And Even as he was dyingLuke 23:39-43 wrote:One of the criminals who hung there hurled insults at him: "Aren't you the Christ? Save yourself and us!"
But the other criminal rebuked him. "Don't you fear God," he said, "since you are under the same sentence? We are punished justly, for we are getting what our deeds deserve. But this man has done nothing wrong."
Then he said, "Jesus, remember me when you come into your kingdom."
Jesus answered him, "I tell you the truth, today you will be with me in paradise."
So as you can see, Jesus was constantly with all kinds of people, not just the good ones. And if You think about it, God promised us all that if we believed in him we won't perish, right? Do you think, after believing and trusting in him, God would allow you, His Precious and Beloved child, to go to hell?
I didn't think so.
Truly, It is by grace that we are saved, and The Blood of Jesus can cover every sin, no matter how great. And I'm really glad of that!
Also, EVERYONE is terribly flawed! Yes, some people seem to be better, but God lookes into their hearts, while we look at what we can see. Even the nicest, purest person you have ever met has sinned, and even if you break the least sin it's like you broke them all
A final note:1 John 4:18 wrote:There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear, because fear has to do with punishment. The one who fears is not made perfect in love.
TopazRaven (post: 1440947) wrote:She even told me she doesn't think he takes part in our lives. That he just watches us and that's it. I don't really think that's true, but that's her view on things. She also told me she doesn't pray because the only time she used to pray was when she wanted something and she doesn't want praying to be about asking God for something. I think maybe she's just confused then?
Atria35 (post: 1440991) wrote:I have some good reasoning to believe in the 'watching our lives and not participating'- PM if you'd like details.
But she's onto something, since praying shouldn't also be about asking God for things, it's also about thanking God for what you have.
goldenspines wrote:Its only stealing if you don't get caught.
" wrote:Fourth, I don't think you've thought about this creatively enough. For instance, CS Lewis (and many Anglicans) have solved the same problem by pushing that the offer of salvation is available throughout eternity. Meaning, Hell is not necessarily the end unless the individual chooses it to be.
" wrote:As such, I have hope, even for those who do go to whatever type of Hell does exist, that they too may one day join with God and turn against the one who has been their adversary all along.
Pascal (post: 1441047) wrote:I very much meant something very similar to what you presented in that quote that I have posted here Peanut. It may differ slightly, you may even declare the difference is critical, but they are indeed very similar in that regard (even though it's hardly the most creative solution, nor full original, as I was aware before this of C.S. Lewis' quote that "Hell was locked not from the outside in, but from the inside out", or something along those lines).
Pascal wrote:Further I cannot imagine God creating hell, for I do not believe he desires for man to exist there. If anything it is the result of a Christian medieval world that also brought us the inquisition (where the church itself tortured human beings - not an institution representing God, but more a tool of the devil to ensnare and destroy humans). As such, I have hope, even for those who do go to whatever type of Hell does exist, that they too may one day join with God and turn against the one who has been their adversary all along.
Pascal wrote:Theology wouldn't be fun if everyone agreed on everything though, would it?
goldenspines wrote:Its only stealing if you don't get caught.
Here is a link. I am a practicing Catholic, and this link is to a Catholic website. Letting you know up front b/c that bothers some people. However, even non-Catholics such as yourself who struggle in the way that you do to read this page because I think it describes your (and my) affliction to a tee. If you read it and like it, PM me and we can talk or do some digging for more info.TopazRaven (post: 1440787) wrote:[font="Tahoma"]as hard as I try I can't shake the feeling. I'm constantly worried that I'm going to hell and when I'm not worrying about me then I'm worrying about family and friends. I have some slight anxiety problems so when I get to worrying to much I make myself sick. ...I really wish I could be a more open and courageous person, but I'm not. I disagree with certain things in the bible at times. I have a very crude sense of humor. I'm a bit of a pervert. I am so very terribly flawed. I don't even really do anything but sit around my house and do chores. I don't have a job at the moment and I don't go to school. I feel like I'm a waste of a life and I don't deserve to go to heaven.[/font]
John 3:16 (NIV) wrote:For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.
It seems to me that people who do not accept Christ will perish. Perish means you're dead. Forever. Nothing left for you.Romans 6:23 (NIV) wrote:For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.
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