(Citation Needed)rocklobster (post: 1443931) wrote:Like it says. Have you ever said "Wow! So-and-so's Christian? Interesting." Here's some celebrities who surprised me:
Alice Cooper (yes, you read that right. Alice. Cooper.)
mysngoeshere56 (post: 1443984) wrote:I've heard some people say JK Rowling isn't, while others say she is... Could somebody link me to where I can read more about this?
Rusty Claymore (post: 1443973) wrote:I think it's funny that we are surprised people are christians... Technically I thought we were supposed to be different, so then when we hear it we go, "Huh, I had a feeling they might be." and such.
Now there are definately some people who surprise me by saying they are christians, but they don't fit the description. XP
Rusty Claymore (post: 1443973) wrote:I think it's funny that we are surprised people are christians... Technically I thought we were supposed to be different, so then when we hear it we go, "Huh, I had a feeling they might be." and such.
Now there are definately some people who surprise me by saying they are christians, but they don't fit the description. XP
goldenspines wrote:Its only stealing if you don't get caught.
rocklobster (post: 1443974) wrote:Here you go, ich.
Radical Dreamer (post: 1444033) wrote:I would like for us to be careful with this thread, since you really can't judge people's hearts, and I'm not sure how to feel about listing people who we're "surprised" are brothers and sister in Christ. I dunno. Just post with discretion.
I don't really see the problem with this. I mean, no one actually knows the hearts of anyone else, so what is the harm in making educated guesses? It is like looking at someone's voting record and trying to discern what party they best fit in. You can't really know for sure, but you can guess, even though everybody's criteria will be different.Radical Dreamer (post: 1444033) wrote:I would like for us to be careful with this thread, since you really can't judge people's hearts, and I'm not sure how to feel about listing people who we're "surprised" are brothers and sister in Christ. I dunno. Just post with discretion.
ShiroiHikari (post: 1444190) wrote:I guess I don't really see what's so bad about being surprised to find out someone is a Christian? Someone care to enlighten me please?
goldenspines wrote:Its only stealing if you don't get caught.
ShiroiHikari (post: 1444190) wrote:I guess I don't really see what's so bad about being surprised to find out someone is a Christian? Someone care to enlighten me please?
Because of what it says about what you think a Christian is.TheSubtleDoctor (post: 1444194) wrote:I am with Shiroi and ich on this one. Saying that you don't or didn't think someone is/was a Christian isn't equivalent to saying you think they are/were a horrible person.[spoiler]nor, depending on denominational affiliation and/or theological persuasion, is it necessarily equivalent to saying that you don't think they will go to heaven[/spoiler]For example, I don't think Ghandi or Socrates were Christians and would be surprised to learn via some new historical evidence that they indeed became Christians, yet I think that these are two of the finest, most enlightening, most inspirational, best people who have lived on this planet.
Not all judgments are unfair or hasty, though. Sure, there are people who make faulty inferences or evaluate based on too small a body of evidence but to say that all judgments about whether or not someone is a Christian are of this kind is to make a hasty judgment yourself.Fish and Chips (post: 1444199) wrote:Because of what it says about what you think a Christian is.
Being "Surprised" to learn someone is Christian implies you didn't think they were Christian before - or, if you never really thought about it, but were pressed to assume, you wouldn't have said they were Christian. It reveals a subtle bias against whatever reason it is that lead you to be "Surprised" that someone, this someone, could be Christian.
For example, let's turn to a guy I knew in college. Very intelligent, very well-read theologically, very devoted Christian. He also swore a lot, and I do mean a lot, in casual conversation. Some of you just did a double take on that. A Christian? Swearing? Yet I've known a lot of Christians who swore, and were no less serious about their commitment to faith.
It levies a certain level of judgment to say someone surprised you by being Christian.
Luke 6:43-44 wrote:No good tree bears bad fruit, nor does a bad tree bear good fruit. Each tree is recognized by its own fruit.
Most people in this thread aren't posting about David Hume.TheSubtleDoctor (post: 1444203) wrote:Not all judgments are unfair or hasty, though. Sure, there are people who make faulty inferences or evaluate based on too small a body of evidence but to say that all judgments about whether or not someone is a Christian are of this kind is to make a hasty judgment yourself.
Consider David Hume, noted Scottish philosopher and atheist. He argued against the existence of God in a number of ways and lived his life as he saw fit given his atheism. Rumors persist that he converted on his deathbed. Now, looking at his life as a whole and judging from his body of writings contra theism, I believe that being skeptical about him being a Christian is a very fair judgment.
Again, claiming to think someone isn't a believer is not claiming to have knowledge about their eternal destiny. Such a claim is presumptuous and foolish. But still, I don't see the problem with a more measured, non-condemnatory sort of claim
Now, it's entirely possible I, myself, am making a hasty judgment of Rocklobster here, and he's certainly free to post in his own thread to prove me wrong, but I think I can pinpoint with a very low margin of error exactly why he listed all of these people, and I very seriously doubt it has even half the amount of forethought you put into your post dismissing the possibility of David Hume's deathbed conversion.rocklobster (post: 1443931) wrote:JK Rowling
the creators of Dungeons and Dragons (they were also fans of JRR Tolkien)
JRR Tolkien
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