The Heroes of Olympus

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The Heroes of Olympus

Postby rocklobster » Sat Nov 20, 2010 11:33 am

This is an RPG based on the sequel series to Percy Jackson & the Olympians.
NOTE:This page contains spoilers for those who haven't read the old books and the sequel series. Proceed with caution
A new enemy is threatening the demigods. The Greek gods are silent and are leaving up to their demigod children. No one knows why.
You can play as a book character or make up your own. Your characters have powers, but they must correspond to their parents. If you are a child of a Greek god, you have ADHD and are dyslexic because your brain is actually "wired" for ancient Greek. If you are a child of a Roman god, you still have this problem, and you can speak Latin. Also, because he is missing, I'm declaring Percy Jackson unplayable for now.
Sign-up sheet:
Olympian parent: Can use either the Greek or Roman name
God Power: (examples: Zeus's kids can summon lightning, Aphrodite's children are naturally beautiful and some can do "charmspeak" which is sort of like the Jedi mind trick. Apollo's kids are good at archery and music and can also manipulate light. Athena's children are good at strategy.)
Weapons: (your weapon must have the ability to be concealed as something else. For example, Percy Jackson had a sword that could be concealed as a pen. They can also have magical properties if you wish.
Here are my characters.
Name: Piper McLean
Olympian parent: Aphrodite
History: Piper is the daughter of Travis Mclean and has moved around a lot because her father is a famous actor.
Personality: Piper is not as shallow as those born of Aphrodite tend to be. She is quite open to express her emotions and is downright feisty at times.
God Power: Charmspeak and natural beauty. She can also speak French and ancient Greek.
Weapons: Katoptris is a ceremonial knife, useful in battle and is a symbol of power and status. This knife was originally a wedding present to Helen of Troy, and when looked upon, can show much more than the holder's reflection. The handle is held in polished wood, with a gleaming bronze blade.
Name: Jason Grace
Olympian parent: Jupiter
History: Most of Jason's past is hidden from him by Hera/Juno, who has chosen to be his patron because he is named after the legendary Jason who went after the Golden Fleece. He does know that he is Thalia's younger brother.
Personality: Jason is polite, dedicated, and serious with a moderate sense of humor. He is naturally heroic and is always driven to protect his friends, even if it costs his own life. While he harbors feelings for Piper, Jason feels that he may be romantically involved with someone else in the past, though he can't remember who.
God Power: Like all demigods, Jason is diagnosed with ADHD and dyslexia. Despite suffering memory loss in the beginning of the series, Jason is an extremely experienced fighter. He is well-trained in close combat and is able to wield a sword and lance with perfect ease. He is able to hold off on his own against larger, stronger, and more experienced opponents. As the son of Jupiter, the god of thunder and sky, Jason is able to manipulate and control the winds, enabling him to fly. He is immune to lightning strikes; he is able to conduct electricity through his body and summon thunder bolts through his weapons, though summoning too much energy can cause Jason to pass out. Contrary to all of the demigods introduced in the series, Jason is able to speak and understand Latin rather than Ancient Greek. He tends to call all Greek gods and spirits by their Roman names rather than their Greek names.
Weapons: a gladius given to him by Hera in the first book.
Note: You cannot be a son or daughter of Artemis because she took an oath of virginity. However, you can be one of her huntresses, who are kinda like warrior maidens. However, you cannot have any relations with boys. On the plus side you get to be immortal.
"Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, and before you were born I consecrated you. I appointed you to be a prophet of all nations."
--Jeremiah 1:5
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Postby Wind » Mon Nov 22, 2010 3:42 pm

Name: Drakala
Olympian parent: Hades a
History: She is the daughter of Hades, She doesn't know it but with her mind she can control those around her.
Personality: Mysterious,unpredictable, She is quite protective and morunful over her friends
God Power: She can turn people into stone.
Weapons: her weapons are these swords, but when she is not using them they are a necklace around her neck.
Appearance: Image

heres the necklace

and these are the swords

hope this is acceptable
F.K.A. JadeFox, HisuiKitsune
Quote= MrRogers 03:32 - politics have nothing to do with good pizza

chatbot 02:56 - Wind asks, did I kill the chat
My answer: Yes

chatbot 01:55 - Wind asks, is diamonddragon shatterproof??
My answer: Yes

Wind 01:55 - O.O

Wind 01:55 - noooooooo

chatbot 01:55 - Wind asks, Am I shatterproof?
My answer: No

DiamondDragon 01:57 - YAYS, I'M SHATTERPROOF!!!!!!!!

Sparx00 02:55 - Mean loaf is the loaf of the gods

Strafe 01:09 - I'm a hotcake
Strafe 01:10 - I am a very hot cake

rocklobster 01:17 - "What's the point of being an adult if you can't be childish sometimes?"

Strafe 02:38 - ~EWWW BOYS ARE NASTYYYY!~
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Postby Diamond Dragon » Fri Nov 26, 2010 6:20 am

Name: Athena Jones
Olympian parent: Zeus
History: She knows full well of her powers of lightning, but she DOESN'T know where they came from (Which means she has no idea of her God heritage)
Personality: Has split personalities. On the outside she's agressive and hotheaded, while on the inside she's really shy and timid.
God Power: manipulate lightning
Weapons: A sythe that's disguised as a ring, and a sword that's disguised as a bracelet.



Athena and her sword:
(Pic made by Bio! <3)

DiamondDragon - the Sky pokemon
Ruling the skies on its thick wings, this Pokemon is feared by all flying beasts. Its twinkling wings change in the sunlight. Some people believe that this pokemon actually has diamonds that grow on its skin. Despite its intimidating size, it is an extremely friendly ally and a very dangerous enemy.
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Postby Silent Seraph » Sat Dec 04, 2010 5:02 pm

I want to make a char but idon't have the time right now and i haven't read Jason's story...but I'll get back to you in a few days if this is still alive and well
Life verse. Corinthians 9:27 [color="Cyan"]No, I strike a blow to my body and make it my slave so that after I have preached to others, I myself will not be disqualified for the prize.[/color]

[color="Cyan"]If you pretend to feel a certain way, the feeling can become genuine all by accident.
Hei (Darker Than Black)[/color]

God. Family. Athletics.

[color="Cyan"][font="Arial Black"]M.O.E.S.-[/font][/color]Safe from the Scroll

[color="Red"]@)[/color][color="Lime"]}~`,~[/color] Carry This Rose In Your Sig, As Thanks, To All The CAA Moderators and Administrators.
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Postby SeraphicCharm » Wed Dec 22, 2010 1:04 pm

I have not read the sequel series, but I just finished the first books and would like to participate too!

Name: Dawn Starr
Olympian parent: Apollo
History: From a young age, Dawn knew she was a demigod. This knowledge made her especially prone to monster attacks, and she managed to stay on the run until her 17th birthday. She was completely surrounded by monsters and had no hope of escape when Apollo came to her, claimed her as his own, and gave her the solar whip. He vanished, and before Dawn could fight the monsters off herself, the Hunters of Artemis came to her defense. After they drove away the monsters, Dawn pledged herself to Artemis and joined the Hunters as her only hope of survival. She has been traveling with them ever since.
Personality: Dawn is strong and determined, a good leader who knows how to submit to authority. She is strongly inclined to anything musical and skilled at writing and poetry. The Hunters have taught her to be a great archer as well, adding to her natural talent for the bow.
God Power: Healing and medicine. Even among Apollo kids, she is exceptionally skilled in the art.
Weapons: Solar whip, a sharp ray of light that doubles as her golden chain necklace.
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